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I placed my order yesterday for an Epson 6030UB and a Vapex motorized 120" tensioned screen. This is my first leap into the projector world and I'm very excited (and nervous) to get it all set up. I'll have about 12.5' of throw distance (max) so the 120" will fit my needs very well. Still a couple weeks out until everything is received but I'll update once I receive everything......... http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/jsp/Product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=yes&sku=V11H587020MB http://www.visualapex.com/Projector-Screens/Projector_Screen_Details.asp?chPartNumber=VAPEX9120TN2 points
http://www.ebay.com/itm/HRT-High-Resolution-Technologies-Music-Streamer-II-Asynchronous-USB-DAC-/281251545967?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item417be6036f That is the booger... I plugged it into pre-amps, now an int. amp. It is a nice little DAC, so much so that when I sold one here recently at a bargain, I came to miss it. Your computer will need to detect it and use it as the default device. This should eliminate any duty from your built in soundcard/DAC. The forum member I sold to, I have not heard back from. Taking that as a good sign as I expressly asked that they get back with me with any problem. Sometime with anything there is buyer remorse. With the $30 more the MS2 is bringing now on Amazon, I see that your e-bay price is better. The good news is, I feel that if you got one and used it for 2 months and somehow did not like, it could be resold fairly easily for $100+. The DAC versus the built in on computer, bring all the superlatives like, imaging, seperation, soundstage,etc. BTW, I only sold due to personal reason, and would own one again. The MS2+ even... Good Fortune2 points
http://www.ebay.com/itm/HRT-High-Resolution-Technologies-Music-Streamer-II-Asynchronous-USB-DAC-/281251545967?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item417be6036f2 points
Wow, thanks everyone! ...particularly, "minermark" for starting this thread. Think I will give the HRT II a shot. Only about $150 shipped. Looking forward to hear what I have been missing.2 points
Just some notes for both the stock and the (vented) ported LaScala. Porting does not reduce the basic efficiency of the LS, it does however reduce the massive 140hz peak, porting also smooths out the overall response above 100hz, and reduces the dip at 200hz in the stock LS. To get the most out of the ported LS mod you need an EQ similar to the EV Interface A box, it has 6dB of boost at 35hz. You can boost a sealed LS, but that inceases the cone motion, EQ at Fb (port tuning frequency) does not increase cone motion. Less cone motion, less distortion. Any equalizer with a subsonic filter can be changed to do this as well, usually it's just a matter of changing two resistors per channel. I buy used Audio Control EQs from eBay when they go for cheap, the 520 is a nice 5-band piece that is designed to complement standard tone controls and be easy to use. Foam Both versions of the LS benefit from a 2' x 2' x 1" piece of foam behind the woofer. It really smooths out things above 100hz. If you are using subs all the time, you can leave the stock LS sealed and reduce the back volume by about 1/3, and use the foam. This totally reduces the bottom octave, but smooths things out above 100hz. Use non-porus fill to reduce the volume. On axis, the above modified LS will measure flat to about 800hz, and very smooth too. You may use a 650hz or so crossover point on a good horn and driver combo for a nice two-way at this point (or retain the stock Klipsch setup). Thanks are due to Carl Huff for his extensive work and measurements. Stock LS http://cdn.avsforum.com/0/03/037f91bb_DIRAC_LEGACY_01.jpeg Reduced volume stock LS with foam http://cdn.avsforum.com/d/d6/d6ed5986_DIRAC_LEGACY_PADDED_LESSVOL_02.jpeg Carl's measurements were done with a gated measuring system, in a garage, with the door rolled up (open). In room response will show more bass below 100hz due to room gain. In room non-gated measurements show the ported LS to have 7dB more output in the 31hz band (1/3 oct analyzer) vs the stock LS, and 3dB more output in the 50hz band (both without EQ). Using the EQ makes the 31hz band only 3dB down from the average level above 100hz. The contour lines of equal loudness (sounding twice as loud) in the 30hz~40hz region are only 3dB~4dB apart at a level of 90dB, so even without EQ the ported mod sounds like it has twice the deep bass. With the EQ the bass sounds very solid on music, most people would not require a sub (except tor video). But Using a processor like the Waves MaxBass a subwoofer for video is probably not needed either. The 'feel' of bass is mainly from high energy below about 60hz or so, above 60hz there is more of a sensation of 'tone'. The Waves unit takes the fundamental note and generates 3rd and 5th harmonics (an old trick used when playing a piece written for a 16' organ on an 8' organ). With a small speaker like a Heresy this has the sensation of 'tone' when playing those 16' notes, but not the 'feel' (as it has no real energy below 60hz). Using the Waves unit with the ported LS can make you feel the notes as low as 10hz~12hz (when it converts them to 30hz and 50hz) because the ported LS has lots of output there. The Waves unit also has the provision (on some versions) of removing the damaging infrasonics below the Fb of the box (although the recommended EQ does this as well). As a side note The Waves unit makes the Heresy sound like it has bass, but without the 'feel' of the sub 60hz notes. Why would you want this? It works well for apartment dwellers, or wedding dances (those people like the sound of bass, but don't seem to like their teeth rattling).1 point
Right, from lurker to poster.... A few months ago I landed a pair of 1993 La Scalas: They are at this point entirely stock and have K55M mids, K401 plastic mid-horns and AL-3 crossovers. I'm currently driving them with a Quad 303 power amp and a passive pre. I've also got a pair of BK XLS400DF 12” infinite baffle subs hooked up, I've got them crossing-over very low so they really only fill below about 60Hz or so. The reason for this post is I'm looking to either refresh or replace the crossovers and I'm somewhat baffled by the options available and as to which are considered good with the various versions of the La Scala. I have the opportunity to try an ALK Universal, which I fully intend to do within a month or so, so I'll be able to see how that compares to my no doubt rather tired pair of AL-3s. What this won't tell me is how either crossover compares to Bob Crites' Type As or Type A/4500 with CT125 tweeters, which also really interest me (I like simple!). I'm also confused as to how swappable the different generations of crossovers are, e.g. is the nice simple-looking Type A a good match given I have ceramic magnet K55M drivers and plastic mid horns? How would it sound different to the AL-3s? Some context: I'm not a high-volume listener at all, i.e. I'm interested in what sounds the most natural, open and clear at 75-80db or so at the listening seat - I'm certainly not looking to blow the windows out. For the forceable future I'll be running them with the solid state Quad 303 as this system is my office / TV rig, so is in use most of the day (I work from home) and I don't want to be burning tubes for that length of time. I do have quite a nice tube amp (a 1961 Leak Stereo 20) but it is not really viable in this context. The Quad does sound rather tube-like with a nice easy-going nature and it's not over-damped, grainy or bright in the slightest. So far I'm enjoying the Klipsch as-is, my only real criticism is a bit of a ring / prominence in the upper-bass / lower-mid that seems to be coming from the bass-bin. I'm curious to establish if this is the crossover or the cab walls singing along. Swapping in the ALK Universals will probably tell me a lot here. Anyway apologies for overly-long first post. My questions are really: How good or bad is the AL-3 in the grand scheme of La Scala crossovers? Can I use a Crites Type A or Type A/4500 with my ceramic K55Ms, and if so does it sound good? What are the basic sonic traits of the AL-3 vs. Type A vs. ALK Universals? I've searched the archive but found little in the way of folk actually describing the subjective characteristics of these crossover options, how they compare and in which contexts they are applicable. Many thanks, Tony.1 point
Community Service Announcement... I thought twice before posting this, but the bottom line is that it is useful in dealing with certain types of individuals on any forum. You've seen their contributions before, so perhaps some of this might be useful when you run into those situations whereby someone either trolls or "thread craps" (i.e., a recognized internet term for a certain behavior type on forums), This is from Slashdot, and it's pretty plain spoken about the results of the study: Psychologists: Internet Trolls Are Narcissistic, Psychopathic, and Sadistic Just as a suggestion, if commenting on this subject I'd recommend commenting of your experiences whereby troll behavior might or might not match the personality disorders listed, not to prove that you are in fact one of them.1 point
Knowing the characteristics of the Jubilees & how most of us bi amp them, could any improvement be made to existing amps, or a new specific build for this application to power the K402 horn, & would this amp be dependent on passive or active xover? Builders what do you recommend & current 402 owners what are you powering them with & is your's passive or active? Cornman1 point
Can someone tell me what is Political about the following? I have had to press "1" to speak English on the telephone. I have personally bought a meal for a homeless diabetic because he had not eaten that day. My grandmother refused to pay the price of some medications. She was a stubborn person who refused to be ripped off. She prefered to live a frugal but comfortable life before she died. Some of the elderly just cannot afford their medications. If they are lucky the Pharmacy will point them out to programs that can help them with the cost of their medications. I have a cousin the same age as I am that goes without mental health treatment and mental health medications. I love him just the same! I have worked in a Veterans Hospital and talked with veterans who have told me of what they have had to do for want of proper equipment. I know a Veteran who came to our hospital, was sent by our Veterans hospital by ambulance 70 miles to another hospital because he was having the beginnings of a stroke. Our Veterans Hospital called him while in this other hospital and told him that if he did not leave immediately he would be responsible for all the costs of his care. They did call him the next day and told him they would cover the cost of his care. This gentleman had 95% blockage of his carotid arteries, both of them. I don't know how many billions of dollars we donate to other countries. Some of which don't appear to like us very much. But they do like to receive our money. We do have people in this country that could use some help. In all fairness 'We also have some that have the I am entitled mentality.' I have personally been burned to the tune of thousands of dollars due to some people with the entitled mentality I have talked with a gentleman that was so grateful that I would give him my soda can instead of throwing it in the trash, so he could get the deposit. I gave him a bag full of soda cans I had in my car and he was even more grateful. I felt bad that I did not do more for him. So can someone tell me what is political about what I have written? Please tell me if you know. No political arguments or anything like that. Just tell me what is political about this. John1 point
Interesting topic. Is there a longer article? This reminds me of what I do for a living, the biggest part of which is handling transactions. I can always tell when a litigator is pretending to be a transactional guy because we end up in a pissing match over a bunch of things that do not matter. Fighting for the sake of fighting, which is very tiresome. Then again, I made this all about me so I guess that means that I am narcissistic. I better work on that...1 point
I know what you're thinking,troll. You're thinking am I narcissistic, psychopathic or sadistic?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya,troll? Apologies to Harry Callahan.1 point
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What arm is on the Scout? That should be your first step. Figure what the compliance is for that arm. You are barred from receiving anymore recommendations until you've taken the first proper steps. Let's do this in proper audiophile fashion, seevooplaits monsor.1 point
This topic is interesting. I've often wondered if companies go back and study posts people make before hiring them. Especially with Chrome tracking everywhere I've been, it would be easy for Google or one of it's subsidiaries to not hire me1 point
I really like Steely Dan as well. I feel the same way about Pink Floyd as you do about Steely Dan. Everything is so well thought out without sounding contrived. Ron1 point
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You will want to purchase some RCA to XLR adapters to connect a pro amp to your AVR. female rca to male xlr1 point
Nah. Input sensitivity means it will take 1.96v to drive the amp to maximum output. Max output would make your house explode, and besides, your Denon is probably 2v. edit: From your owner's manual: D/A output: Rated output — 2 V (at 0 dB playback) Total harmonic distortion — 0.008 % (1 kHz, at 0 dB) S/N ratio — 102 dB Dynamic range — 100 dB second edit (this also from your manual): Analog Input sensitivity/Input impedance: 200 mV/47 kΩ Frequency response: 10 Hz – 100 kHz — +1, –3 dB (DIRECT mode) S/N: 102 dB (IHF–A weighted, DIRECT mode) Distortion: 0.005 % (20 Hz – 20 kHz) (DIRECT mode) Rated output: 1.2 V I am not sure what this one means. Perhaps somebody can clarify... I also want to add that in your unit, I assume there will be the ability to boost channels to the amp just like you do to the speakers. eg: boost the sub channel +3db1 point
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Some members have their location listed under their avatar whether it be by state or town. If not there, feel free to ask. I don't know of anyone who would be offended. I have often seen where someone has posted the location they are selling from and in the excitement of the moment the prospective buyer will miss it and ask for the location. None of us are perfect. Though someone may claim to be just to be contrary. John Members 620 posts 0 warning points LocationOregon1 point
Thank you for the input "billybob" As soon as I get this darn Rotel processor all figured out (buyers remorse), certainly going to make a DAC addition. **someone please remind me to NEVER buy another pre-amp/processor again** -FS: Rotel RSP-1068 pre-amp/processor Now mind you, I edited my post above. And only RCA phono stereo out of the MS2 means I am using it dedicated to computer source. Bet it will sound good with about any DAC. Rotel somewhat regarded highly here,lol...1 point
Fantastic! You won't have any trouble matching them with the LS's. I have a Yamaha P7000S amp I power a pair of KPT-684's with. It's a great amp, and my experience with Yamaha gear has been positive. To power both Danley's, you might want to look at this amp. It's a couple hundred bucks more. P7000S: Output power; 20Hz-20kHz, 4ohms, 950W x 2 P3500S: Output power; 20Hz-20kHz, 4ohms, 450W x 21 point
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Too good of deal not to throw my buds a bone. Walnut creek, Frisco area. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ele/4332318375.html1 point
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It is up to the seller of the item to list the location. As much as our government thinks otherwise, you can't handhold people from cradle to grave. Eventually they should have to stand on their own and figure things out. Shakey1 point
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JMON, Congratulations! Had one of those lighter spots on my Cane grills. Can't find it now.1 point
Update; the La Scala's have found a new home. They are now with a guy who has a pair of original La Scala's as well. These have never been upgraded and he was amazed by the sound of mine when he came over to listen to them. So on one sundaymorning we moved my set of LS's to his place and positioned them next to his. After first listening to his pair we listened to the same music on mine and the difference in clarity, detail and frequency-extension was obvious right away. The [bigger] EV horns also made the sound come more into the room with a much wider sweet spot, something the new owner was really surprised about. And now about the Classics; as we went from 3-way passive to 2-way active filtering we were already aware of the better soundquality though we used a 18Db/oct. car-audio filter at that time. After looking at the professional "Groundsound" site I asked the owner Robert Sorensen some questions about it, which he prompty and with enthousiasm answered. In spite of his well explained anwers to my questions I still felt unsure about my capability to manage his system. So I asked around for a simpler system since I wanted to do measurements only with my PAA-2 analyzer and be able to use a system without possible hours of trial and error. I ended up with the miniDSP as a good candidate which not only was recommended by other users but also is more affordable for a newbie on active filtering like me. After ordering the "2x in, 4x out" in-a-box device and downloading the "advanced " plug-in I could start right away to experiment and get familiar with the system while the device itself was shipped. After a few evenings of reading the manual, reading on the forum and experimenting with the software I understood enough about how it worked to wait impatiently for the DSP itself. Six days later it was delivered and after connecting it to the laptop, synchronizing it and downloading the previously made settings the DSP played satisfactory right away! A few hours of fiddling with the settings later the Classics sound GREAT even with enough settings left which we did not even tried out yet... So for those who have just as much experience as myself with active filtering [NONE...] and want to go that way, I can recommend to try out the miniDSP. The Groundsound system will be better for the more advanced technician IMO with measuring equipment, something I do not have and I don;t want to go that far. I use my simple PAA-2 and my ears. Tomorrow we'll receive a experienced listener who has a very good system himself, so let's see what he's got to say about it. In the end I must admit; going away from a beautifull designed passive crossover and instead adding a amp, DSP and even more cables WILL IMPROVE THE SOUND. [for improving the looks for my wife I installed grilles to the upper half of the bass-mouth] Thanks for reading, I hope this helps a little for people with the same doubts as I HAD about going active. Nico1 point
I'm the one that purchased these. I stopped by to see them on Wednesday night on my way home from work but didn't have the vehicle I needed to take them home so I left a deposit with the seller who was a very nice gentleman. He said he had several others inquiring about the speakers and also had a dealer interested in purchasing them but he had no interest in selling to a dealer who would only turn around and sell them to someone else for $900. He wanted to sell them to someone that would enjoy them and despite the attention these received, honored his orignal asking price. I picked them up Thursday night and got them home. They are in very nice condition as represented in the photos. Cane grills are original but one does seem to have a spot where maybe someone tried to clean something off of it as it is a bit lighter than the rest of the grill. Grills are a little loose so will need some new velcro. One of the woofers had been replaced. Speakers do sound very nice, just like what I remember Cornwalls sounding like since I sold the only pair of Cornwalls I've owned 13 years ago, and the very first pair of Klipsch speakers I ever bought. It didn't take very long to regret selling those Cornwalls. I didn't tell my wife anything about these speakers but she knew something was up when I swapped vehicles with her. When I got home, she was asking me why I took her SUV to work. She then said "you bought speakers didn't you!" Without admitting to anything, I go outside to start unloading them when she comes out to get something from the car. She sees me taking out one of the speakers and without any assitance from me says "oh wow, you got Cornwalls! I know you've missed them ever since you sold your set!" So there is a woman who knows her husband and also knows her Klipsch Heritage speakers! Sorry to those that were also hoping to purchase these speakers. Keep your eyes open and you will eventually find what you are looking for and unless you live in a remote area, you should be able to find some much closer to where you live.1 point
DR subs are not distortion boxes. Yes, if a cone moves and produces multiple frequencies there is intermodulation distortion. In the bass region of subwoofers distortion level less than 10% are acceptable according to CEA data because it is not readily apparent to most people. Our ears are most sensitive to changes in the 1.5 kHz-3 or 4 kHz band. Small changes in this band greatly reflect our preception of the music. Most music bass is limited to around 40 Hz on the low end but some intruments can go lower like the piano and pipe organ. Take thes few instruments out and the subwoofer bandwidth is maybe 40-80 Hz for 95 + % of the rest of the music. The number of octaves in the subwoofer band is realatively small and sound produce in the subwoofer band add weighs and richness to music for the most part. Also direct radiator subs don't produce high distortion until pushed near the limits. Proper setup and integration are the key to using any subwoofer. Are Khorns nice speaker-Yes. Are Cornwall nice speakers-Yes and I don't own a pair of either.1 point
MFSL pressing of Some Girls==Rolling Stones Most any Talking Heads lp Japanese pressing Apostrophe---Frank Zappa CBS half master--Abraxas--Santana1 point
Yes I did and now I wish I could have kept them. 170 is what I sold them for too which I should have just kept em. But if I kept everything I got a good deal on I'd be divorced and living with my parents probably. So hopefully someone can help me out.1 point
If you want to test the demension and sparkle of you klipschorns... get something by Gary Burton, like duster. Also something like Robert Fripp, league of Crafty Guitarists. Are you open to something like Radiohead? Try In Rainbows... superb sonics. All on vinyl if you can.1 point
OK. Lets leave the government out of it. Probably better that way. John1 point
Sometimes i think you need help. Normally though i just laugh my A$$ off Politics: I don't see no stinking politics, I wish i lived in your neighborhood john. Everyone around me is so busy being PC they have no time for people, or Reality1 point
Donald Fagan and Walter Becker created many great studio albums with all sorts of soul, urban, jazz, rock influences. They were micromanagers about the productions of songs and albums and with that insisted on their own desired mix in the highest quality possible, They controlled so much. I really enjoy their albums.1 point
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I don't mind bowling in other peoples shoes, but I refuse to put my fingers in their balls.1 point
I feel the need to love the neighbors all year round. That does not mean I have not Pissed Off the Neighbors a time or two. I have to admit I have apologised to the neighbors more then once. And may feel the need in the future. We have given food to some kids that were still living in their house after their dad died until they moved. Nobody around here needs to go hungry. We have let a school age person in to use the phone to call home because the bus did not come, then my wife gave her a ride home when her stepmother would not come get her. We were having freezing weather and she had waited for the bus for over an hour and was certainly cold. I have been over to the neighbors in the middle of the night more then once to check on suspicious activity. No complaints about the pistol sticking out of my pocket, but a hand shake as I left. We look out for each other around here. We are not perfect. In fact far from it. But it is a good neighborhood to live in. John1 point
Wow... All that and on a Friday night.... "Top Notch" Valentines Day, no less!!1 point
I currently own a couple of Tube DAC's made for Grant Fidelity. The DAC-11 (mine) and other DAC's they sell you can view online here: http://shop.grantfidelity.com/Digital-Converters/ Wb Dam, I need to read up on these critters, getting ahead of myself in research. The only thing iv decided so far is NOT to decide for a few days.1 point
21 yo The Balvenie from a Portwood cask is one of my favs. I am enjoying some as we speak before taking my girl out to dinner.1 point
You forgot to leave % of us who don't care either way not living within the US borders.1 point
Steely Dan is a favorite group of mine. Aja and Gaucho are go-to albums for me, good stuff.1 point
Have been a fan for a very long time. You need to give Supertramp a good listen too, there's just certain music that sounds fantastic with Klipsch/Horns and those are two of them.1 point
wondering if maybe I need a DAC as well? When listening to Pandora or Radio stations on-line, I simply run a patch from headphone jack on computer to RCA input on the pre-amp. DO I NEED A "DAC" TOO??? IMHO Yes. If you are looking at bang for buck the HRT Streamer series or the Dragonfly1 point
what modifcations have do to the H3 ? The links below cover much but not all that has been done but it is a very good start. Hope this is of interest. Best regards Moray James. http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=438234 http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=529599 http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=537287 http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=464426 http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=455636 http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4413791 point
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