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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/19 in all areas

  1. I love my annual eye checkup. Dialate my eyes, play the this-way or that-way, first way or second way test for 15 minutes then take me out and want me to pick out new frames. Seriously? I can't even SEE the frames. I'll be back later! Then I can read the small tag with the price on them and go back home. Such a scam. They jacked me around over 1/4 diopter for years just to get me to buy new lenses. Amazed at that when I picked up my file and looked at it while I was waiting.
    5 points
  2. You know your day’s not going well when you get stuck behind a price check at the Dollar Store.
    5 points
  3. Cast iron grill pan on the burner. Rarely do I do anything al forno.
    4 points
  4. Chris is definitely on the right "track"! PWK religiously used two widely spaced omni's. This minimalist approach supported his desire to use a derived center channel at playback. The electrical sum of left and right can be shown to be virtually identical to an actual center mic. Attached is his philosophy in his own words.
    3 points
  5. And I was thinking $250/sq.ft was really high. Years ago when we quoted prices for jobs if it was someone we did not want to work for we would give a crazy price. Thinking they would not accept that price, well many did, and for that price we were glad to do it.
    3 points
  6. More work needed on the room, but the KPT speakers are doing an excellent job with the tunes.
    3 points
  7. that's about the size of our living room.... 12 X 25 Only prob with my space, I have to put everything on the long wall. Speakers are ~12' apart, pretty well centered, toed in a lot. 60` or so. Lines cross a foot in front of MLP Otherwise, you have a LaScala right in your face. I'd love to set up on the short wall. Doorways don't allow. I have to question my wife's sensibility [that foregone conclusion. she married me]. She put a bunch of oldT shirts on the clothesline to get "washed" in the rain. So far, so good. Except [knew that was coming], they were all on hangers and the wind was blowing 30MPH. I picked them off the ground twice. The second time to bring them inside. Wife was "But, but, but" asked her if she was wanting to make "mud duds". if the wind had been a little stronger, they would have made it to the JujubeTrees and I would not needed to pick 'em up.
    3 points
  8. I get an exam when my old glasses are too scratched to see from. I buy 2 pairs at a time. It is several, 5 or 6 or 10, years between exams. being nearsighted, I should have bifocals... I do it the old fashioned way... Look under my glasses or if really needed, take them off to do close work. Wife called a rain day, today. Water is ponding. Won't take much to make a flow. Raining now. If the washes aren't running, they will. Glad I have a nice little stack of wood. Makes me feel "secure", like having a full pantry. these rains will do some good. A soaking. Things are/were quite dry. The lack of summer rain left a lot of normally wet places dry/ idiot light on the coffee machine came on. Time to flush it.
    3 points
  9. I have to remind my barber to hand me my glasses if he wants me to evaluate my haircut.
    3 points
  10. is your last name Rockerfeller? They do have 99 cent stores now.
    3 points
  11. Wife tells me one day we have a mouse in the house. Given we live in the country, that's not far fetched. Also, given that our cat is getting older AND is missing three of his four canine teeth... he can't catch them as easily. She sets a (non-kill) trap. Checks it a day or so later, and alas....we have a TINY mouse in there. Looks like a young one from the small size. I thought it was dead. She took it down by the lake to get rid of it and it wiggled....so she picks it back up (in a container) and brings it back to the house. She's spent the last 36 hours nursing it back to health. She's been feeding it water from an old syringe (with no needle attached), she mashed a banana for him (her?) boiled some carrots and he was nibbling. This morning, I walk into room & ask her how Millard (he's already been named as she said she didn't know if she could get rid of him)....anyway, so How's Millard doing? He's drinking. Just now, go upstairs to get an update and he's evidently died from around 9:00 to now. So now the quandry begins. I had this happen to a pet fish once.....I was going to fling the fish into the woods. She wanted him buried. So, I drove my backhoe up the hill and with it's 2' bucket, dug a hole and flung him into the hole. She of course, thought that was overkill.... (I'm conflicted as I felt anything beyond flinging him into the woods was over-kill) Now, we have this wild mouse that's died..... will she allow me to fling HIM into the woods? Guess I better go start my backhoe.
    2 points
  12. Cast iron is the preferred method to cook steaks at our house too. I use a jaccard tenderizer on all my meat (steak, chicken, pork ect..) prior to cooking, makes things very tender. I like to season steaks with black pepper and Garlic salt. Preheat the pan on the burner at med high heat to almost smoking, add a teaspoon of Avocado oil and heat the oil until it shimmers. 2 1/2 to 3 minutes per side for medium rare perfection. Love my cast iron pan, even though the smoke detector usually goes off. lol
    2 points
  13. You already know the answer to that. Its a movie, a story....not the truth.
    2 points
  14. I did it the Old Timer way.....was one of the best steaks I've ever had....certainly was the best I've ever made. It did however REALLY smoke the place up (I mean SERIOULY smoke the place) The trick as I understand it is to put the cast iron skillet on the stove....turn stove up to 100% high and let the skillet get scorching hot, then slap it down. (at least that's how I did it)
    2 points
  15. It is. I have people on my staff and other contractors that are more than qualified to do all of this work in the counties that don't require a specif state license, but my normal "licensed plumber" moved to Texas so now I'm searching for the new guy that has a license and is reasonable. We're just at a point with most plumbers and HVAC contractors that they feel like $400-$600 a day is peanuts, and that's after considering overhead, insurance and labor. I keep telling these kids, and my son in law, get into the trades, take some general business and accounting courses, be professional and you can easily earn $100K plus per year and cherry pick your jobs. You do actually have to want to work also, and there is 90% of the problem.
    2 points
  16. Every time I get estimates like that I explain to the contractor that maybe his kid should start looking at a State school instead of Harvard
    2 points
  17. .....2400 pages of sheet on the internet to choose from......
    2 points
  18. I'm doing a roast chicken tonight, think I'll throw a pair of cables on the bottom rack.
    2 points
  19. @TarheelDamn that's $375/sq.ft. May have to get another price........ Shop! He either doesn't want to lay it up or can't and is gonna sub it out and make some easy cash. Find the brick dudes and tell them what you want to do. Get a quote from them. Let him frame it then they come in and do the job. Don't tell them who the contractor is either or they might both work it against you. Perhaps ask them who they're comfy working with and good then get another quote. Go into stupid mode with them ALL. Or even ask if they know someone who's good and does it as a side job. Lots of good experienced people out there wanting to make money it's just finding them. Ask at the lumber yard or a good old boy who looks like he knows what he's doing @ Lowe's . Or take a drive and nose then stop and ask them on site. Pretend you're buying a new amp!
    2 points
  20. Yes. See figure below from John Eargle's book The Microphone Handbook, pg. 182: John Eargle worked for PWK during the late 50s-early 60s when Klipsch and Associates produced recordings. Eargle later when on to a distinguished career at JBL/Harman in California after he furthered his education (I believe he had a masters in organ performance from the Eastman School and a masters in EE from Coopers Union, etc.). His recordings are outstanding. He won two Grammy awards as a recording engineer (Joe Williams' Nothin' but the Blues and Ruth Brown's Blues on Broadway), and had many other outstanding recordings on Delos and Reference Recordings, among other recording labels. Chris
    2 points
  21. The Klipschorns are much better looking. The KPT 415, K-402 and K-510 combo is very natural sounding when I listen to recordings of acoustic instruments. When playing heavy beat music, these speakers remind me of the powerful sound in dance clubs with huge sound systems. Listening to movie soundtracks, they sound like a huge IMAX system. The KPTs will be my main stereo speakers now, but I still love the Klipschorns and will continue listening to them in other applications.
    2 points
  22. I've been on the brink of a divorce ever since bringing "Large ugly teenager (Khorns)" home.... then when I replaced them with the plug ugly Jubilee's, I went from the brink to a thread.... and now, you want me to make Millard a cat turd? Carrot would like that....in fact, he's been in the turd bowl..... but my wife would snap. See his eyes? He's saying Feeeeeeeeeeed me that little turd!!!
    2 points
  23. Make a cat turd out of it. Your cat will thank you for it.
    2 points
  24. } There are plenty of deer, tens of thousands, here in and around the Midwest and the most likely time to engage a deer is during the rut, breeding season. There ain’t nothing you can attach to a vehicle i.e. deer whistle, that will stop a male from pursuing a female across a road, highway.
    2 points
  25. No. Not at all like wheels and tires. Speaker wire has no air pressure, don't spin and have NONE of the components a wheel and tire set have. You made a nonsense statement right out of Jabberwocky!
    2 points
  26. I hit a deer about 20 years ago. It was a buck and the vehicle was a Mazda ‘jelly bean’ mini-van. Smacked it doing 65. The damage was severe but they fixed the thing perfectly. Worse was that the van was splattered with blood. Not pretty. That was whence I lived in urban So.Cal. and quite not familiar with wildlife habits. The new Mrs who was raised in the upper Midwest has educated me. You can get ‘deer whistles’ that attach to the front of your car. We got ours at Walmart. They’re just plastic ‘thingy’s’ with sticky tape. The wife swears that they work and on one occasion I too had another deer close encounter where 2 does ready to cross the road stopped, looked back towards our approaching vehicle and waited for us to pass. So mebbe they do work? I have experienced many, many wildlife ‘’car’ adventures here in Idaho. Moose, deer, turkeys and an entire herd of elk that crossed our path late one night (the wife was out on a hospice call). We barely stopped in time to avoid contact and then we were surrounded by these frickin’ huge animals for about 10 minutes. Wild kingdom indeed.
    2 points
  27. https://homeguide.com/costs/home-addition-cost
    2 points
  28. https://www.homeadvisor.com/cost/additions-and-remodels/build-an-addition/
    2 points
  29. Ah see.. those are merely little gateways opening up for me to fully express my snark and begin the long troll (I'm Robert Redford in the Sting).
    2 points
  30. Here is another easy listening LP by the same artist Great memories from these tunes Artist - Paul Mauriat Title - Blooming Hits
    2 points
  31. So, i met with a surgeon at the hospital today to discuss whether i should get surgery on my ears. After watching the tv screen and watching her peel layers of skin out of my ear canal and off the eardrum (it only hurt once), we decided against surgery ... well, i decided that and she agreed. She said even with a “perfect” surgery, there is no way that i can get my hearing back to normal, so I had to weigh the risks of surgery against the limited benefits. I have both mechanical hearing loss and loss from nerve damage. She did order a CT scan to see if there is Otosceloris on the Cochlea. But even if that is confirmed, it won’t change anything we decided today. i’m stuck with hearing aids for the rest of my life and when the hearing gets to the point that the hearing aids aren’t cutting it, then we can revisit the surgery. i do find it amusing that the doctors take out my hearing aids and then talk to me. I just give them a blank stare and then say, “i can’t hear a thing.” It’s funny because they get this look on their face like “ok, that was dumb of me."
    2 points
  32. Hey Neil ... is this you after shopping?
    2 points
  33. Yes, but has copper changed since cars came with 78 series tires? Copper is copper. It's been around for a little longer than you and I.
    2 points
  34. Something easy listening from a French conductor For our French member @mustang_flht 🤟 Artist - Paul Mauriat Title - Greatest Hits
    2 points
  35. I had to hold in a fart during a 3 1/2 hour surgery.
    2 points
  36. I had to look it up but at least I learned something today.
    1 point
  37. } There is a cable maker/seller on AGon that goes by “Acoustic BBQ”. Selling such tasty delights as “full” racks, “half” racks etc. I’m thinking a half rack with several sides as cable elevators might stir the taste buds.
    1 point
  38. Wow, I 've just discovered this is a downloadable pdf. First look of it, this will be very useful and inspiring, but definitely challenging for my limited skills (and gear).
    1 point
  39. And for a killer deal, Four Roses Yellow Label Bourbon @ $20 might be one of the best values in the world of whiskey. Great for mixing and good enough for a glass on the rocks.
    1 point
  40. Well said Thad, I feel the same. THERE ARE DAYS! But just sharing my personal challenges doesn't seem to be wise or relevant. Peace all ☝️👏
    1 point
  41. them gals been eatin' too much spinach We have weather! Started right on cue. 11AM/ Light rain and thunder. Had me scrambling to get the wood ricked up and covered. Gathered a nice load w/o leaving "town". Wife doesn't like me going cutting solo. If something would happen, it would be BorderPatrol or smugglers to find me no cell coverage where I normally go. Wind is huffing and puffing.... from the south. Still warm/ish 55`. That's as good as it gets today. Cold front blowing thru today. All the curtain/plastic on the windows made a difference in the sound. Almost wanna bump the treble up. just checking cl. A pair of LS $1800 local. Wife and I are getting along good ... maybe a good time to test the waters? She'd shoot me
    1 point
  42. It’s not illegal to take a bubble bath.
    1 point
  43. ask and ye shall receive. Heresy IV - Spec Sheet - v01 (1).pdf
    1 point
  44. I was going to say I had a slow leak in one of my truck tires, until I saw this. Sorry about your bad luck! My problem isn't bothering me as much now.
    1 point
  45. I really need to stop buying these things
    1 point
  46. You and Your Brother have my best wishes. He may well need help and support with his addiction. Just letting him know that you are on his side in his recovery may help. I don't know how many times I've wished we were allowed to video patients, just so they could see the condition they were in when they were brought to the hospital. So many have no memory of the shape they were in.
    1 point
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