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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/28/24 in all areas

  1. I wanted to give a big shout-out / thank you to DeanG! He built me a new set of AL-3 crossovers and I finally had a chance to install them last night. The difference is real. Everything is more defined, I have better bass, etc. DeanG was a pleasure to work with and I couldn't be happier with the end results. Picture time... What I took out: What went in (I'm using Dean's photo as I forgot to take any before I installed them):
    4 points
  2. Could have swore I woke with jet-lag that day last week. In the cupboard huh?
    4 points
  3. My college buddies and I used to play a similar game while watching The Big Lebowski.
    3 points
  4. During the day I spun a couple of CDs First David Gilmour The The Smashing Pumpkins
    3 points
  5. Here is my Darling 1626 I just got about a week ago, just spending some time with it. Love the sound it has I am really surprised at how good it is.... I had been looking for a flea powered amp for quite awhile and posted a few WTB adds and finally someone contacted me about this little amp. For those interested here are the details for this amp: I built this little amp about 6 months ago and it's seen about 25 hours of use. You could think of the amp as a JE Labs "Simple 45" except it uses the 1626 output tube (the schematics are virtually identical except for output tubes and naturally different operating points). The tubes include a 5U4GB rectifier, a pair of 1940's Hytron 1626 power tubes and an RCA JAN Black Plate (graphite coated envelope) 12SL7 driver tube (all tubes were new with the amp and have about 25 hours on them max). I've really enjoyed this amp in my Den and used it to drive some custom made 94 DB single driver speakers with plenty of volume and dynamics for my listening level. The tube puts out about .75 watts per channel so more efficient speakers will be needed in a larger room. However, I let one of my friends with a pair of Lowther Alerion speakers at around 94 db efficiency listen to it in his larger room and he really liked it. But he already has two of my hand built amps and couldn't really justify buying another one (he has several other tube amps as well) so this one is available to the public at large. The amp has an overbuilt power supply and is really quiet. I used a seperate filament transformer with center tap to help with hum balance and avoid any coupling noises between windings in the power transformer which I think helped. Some other details about the amp: -- NOS USA Made Pyramid Paper in Oil Coupling Capacitors -- Teflon Jacketed Silver Clad copper for all signal carrying wires. -- Made in USA new Edcor output transformers -- Super short signal path, with an attempt to use only the leads on most resistors to minimize the number of solder joints. -- Lead free Kester 3% silver solder used exclusively -- Vintage Power transformer that I picked up on Ebay last Summer (spray painted it a hammertone black to match the plinth). -- A hybrid star ground that uses a short silver clad copper bus bar that is reputed to be quieter than a straight star ground (high currents are kept from commingling with sensative signal circuits). The amp is point to point wired, although I did build the power supply on a perf-board to conserve space and to better group the power supply grounding node.
    2 points
  6. 20% inflation my big broken toe! things at the grocer doubled!
    2 points
  7. Bonnie Raitt... Richard Thompson's 'Dimming of the Day' It sounds like she really means it (once you get past Jools intro)
    2 points
  8. Dang, were´s the five grand I had lying around the other day...? 😆🤪
    2 points
  9. Look mA, no hands: https://silodrome.com/mag-lev-audio-ml1-levitating-turntable/
    2 points
  10. In your face and chilling just superb
    2 points
  11. A superb recording and the band in a double trio setting Mind blowing work Artist - King Crimson Title - Thrak Album ID https://www.discogs.com/release/14249838-King-Crimson-THRAK Standout guitar innovation but also a chilling track - Coda Marine 475, and the delicate and meaningful - Walking On Air
    2 points
  12. Yesterday afternoon I watched a couple of Tom Selleck/Jesse Stone series on Amazon. Each time Jesse poured a Scotch on the rocks I did too. A little fuzzy this morning.
    2 points
  13. https://longisland.craigslist.org/ele/d/cutchogue-klipsch-cf-speakers-version/7761207470.html No aff....
    1 point
  14. Run some low frequency test tones , see what you’ve got , check each speaker separately ( to eliminate any possible phase/ cancellation issues ). A simple low frequency response test will tell the story. Let us know what you find , welcome to the forum.
    1 point
  15. Double check jumpers. I’ve had a loose terminal nut cause that issue.
    1 point
  16. Is one speaker wired out of phase? Try reversing the wires connecting to one speaker. It's also possible one of the individual bass drivers is wired out of phase with regard to the other bass driver in the same cabinet. Poop happens at the factory. To confirm the drivers are actually moving, it's okay to put a finger on the edge to verify. Do this with all four woofers. Does the music you're playing have large bass content?
    1 point
  17. How big is your room? How far away are the speakers from the wall behind them? What are the dimensions of your room? Where do you sit in the room?
    1 point
  18. Nothing to see here. Still trimming bushes in Duckburg and makin salad w/the gas trimmers in the Rubbermaid trash can. Got 'em done, clean up in the morning while assessing a mugga sittin in may lawn chair. Always been a pacesetter. Blah. They grow back. Big Lebowski? 😂💪😂
    1 point
  19. I just found my two missing larger Klipsch mugs in our dreaded cider closet. It was in a drawer that I haven't opened in 40 years. Now I have 3 of them with a "Bulshit" button and a pocket knife I have had on my keyring since 1975. My mother has my original pair of KCBR with a Mc240 and a Mx110. She just turned 88 and uses them every day listening to LP on a Lab80 Mk2. Myself I just purchased a pair of AK5 that I added the boards to make them look like Model B.
    1 point
  20. Oh it wasn't just any old 389. Guy I bought it from (boss) owned a automotive machine shop. It was scary out of the hole once I learned how to do it. Just beat on the clutch just at the edge of wheelspin as you fed it the gas it felt like the front wheels were off the ground. They weren't just felt that way.
    1 point
  21. Thanks kindly! I thought the system sounded better than anything I had previously heard but I have since worked on iterating on all the different parts of it to arrive at something even better. I've been the beneficiary of all the wisdom on the forum from various team members and I have iterated on the following in roughly this order - amps (feel like mc225 is ideal for HF but First Watt has also sounded great) - preamps (settled on my Bozak mixer) - dac (moving from Bluesound nodex to NAD C658) - dirac use (about to start experimenting when it arrives next week) - room tuning (wow - what a difference bass traps make in clearing up muddy bass) I intend to write up my diary of experiments and share but I feel like half the magic is the speakers and the other half amps, room, room correction, etc...I'm not there yet but it sure is fun getting there. best, Sasha
    1 point
  22. Hang in there! at least it is not feeling like your melting thing.....
    1 point
  23. Yes that is, all it lacked was the trip to Jenkins & Jenkins on the West-Side for the balanced and blueprinted version of one of those marvelous Pontiac 389's!! An old Chevelle a couple brothers had could raise the front tires over a tall-boy brewski! Took a week to get the pictures back then.
    1 point
  24. ohhhh I have been finished off!!! Make sure to play the Samuel Barber "Adagio for strings" as I do not want a dry eye at my procession! Red horses too with flaming tails, is only appropriate for where I got sent.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I really appreciate all of the advice, pictures, knowledge, etc. I am in the process of revamping my speaker wiring to the area where I plan to place the Heresy 2s. I did bench test them and they sound good, but still haven't used them in the mix of speakers I currently have including a sweet sounding pair of large / vintage Sansui cabinet speakers. I plan to work on these tasks in a day or 2. Again I really appreciate all of you. Good sound is great "sport" and as mentioned I really ......really appreciate good music played through good sound systems. Sadly my friend that I mentioned learning from when we were kids in his father's sound room has passed away a few months ago.......I know he had a lot of very high end sound equipment, but I didn't even ask about any of it as it needs to be handed down to his family. Our son also likes good sound and I plan to pass on what I have which isn't much to him. Just because it is old and interesting and has sentimental value, he has his grandma and grandpa's old crank-up Victrola and a large collection of records that they started out with back in the 1930s. I still have my old Baylor Deluxe 8 AM transistor radio that I got for Christmas in about 1959 or so and it still works fine ....... sorry for drifting back in time, but I will mention in closing that I have a rather odd ball piece of "old musical machinery" and that is I have an original / never been installed / still new in the old cardboard box with associated paper work ..... A.R.C. 45 RPM car record player that was made to mount under the dash of your "cruzzer"........can you imagine trying to listen to "Blueberry Hill" on that unit while traveling down a rough road on a summer night with the windows down because you had no air conditioning .....because your old chopped top 50 Merc had none??? but it didn't matter cause you had your right arm around you gal and havin more fun than the rich folks..........I didn't have this unit when I was a kid, my first car was an old 1937 Ford 4-door with a tube AM in it........but man-O-man my second car was a 1962 Chevy Nova 2-door hardtop that I bought and rebuilt in 1967 and I bought a brand new Muntz 4 track tape player for it ........ yes I said 4 track ....some of you "youngsters" won't believe that.....Thanks again and have a great weekend. ~ Dan
    1 point
  27. Did play all of it earlier although it wasn't real loud like maybe Aerosmith would be! Found some nice Brahms to finish off with Tim. Heard lots of him from the piano in the living room when I was little!
    1 point
  28. Yes those four barrels in the back opening up at once are awesome in third prior to the shift or in fourth! My experience was in a balanced/blueprinted `65 GTO 389 with that carb setup! Decent mileage around town on that first two barrel, unlike two fours on a hemi!
    1 point
  29. I recently picked up a new Dynaco ST70 that was built by Kenny Russel at getdynaco dot com.
    1 point
  30. Well, have no idea if I'll ever get my belongings back. Rebuilding is $$ and the thievery of sentimental things still angers me. So, the stereo was up next. I've got an amplifier now! 70wpc with the EL34's had move volume than this room can handle. 85wpc with the KT120's definitely means somehow this has to head for the den! By the way... whoever said bass needed a separate amp in an analog setup has not heard one of these.
    1 point
  31. Played a bunch today, doubt I'd break in the new tubes before The Fourth though. Latest up is a slow one, funny I don't listen to all HARD Rock all the time anymore!
    1 point
  32. https://www.discogs.com/release/19670791-Genesis-And-Then-There-Were-Three
    1 point
  33. https://www.discogs.com/release/14499954-Alice-Cooper-Killer
    1 point
  34. Anyone like collaborations ? Artist - Guy Evans - Drummer In Groups:Amon Düül II (2), Big Buddha (3), Charlie & The Wide Boys, Echo City, Life Of Riley + more Artist - Peter Hammill - singer/songwriter, guitarist pianist Co-founder of British progressive rock band Van Der Graaf Generator. Title - The Union Chapel Concert Media - A double CD
    1 point
  35. Maple veneer Heresy Slant Monitors w/K-77, K-55 and K-42 drivers.
    1 point
  36. Still learning with the logitech/lyrion, how to playback? but learning, my mac finally accept it!
    1 point
  37. Thanks. The random patterns do work the best. I had tried several different linear woodgrain patterns (not pictured), but the converging lines don't usually look as good within the horn shape. Another plus for the carbon fiber pattern is that in dim lighting conditions, the horns just fade to black. I don't see my notes for the active crossover settings on those. Last year, I switched all my big horns to the Axi-2050 drivers.
    1 point
  38. I'm refoaming my neighbors AR 58s woofers. These are the 11" cones in the 12" frame. I got the surround kit from simply speakers today. Their tech support is closed so I'll ask you guys... Can I put the surround on so the suspension groove faces inside the basket or do I have to put it on the conventional way? It fits much better when placed on "backwards". When I dry fit the surround the conventional way there's about an 1/8" gap between the cone and the surround because the cone is an 1/8" below the rim of the metal basket. If I flip the surround over it fits tighter. thanks for any tips
    1 point
  39. wanna trade for a mint black 2001 c7?
    1 point
  40. I had a pair of the L300 summits for a while. They were very nice speakers. Quite a bit bigger than the L200B though. Those L200B's look nice. Too bad the original grill foam wastes away.
    1 point
  41. I think there are actually little tiny performers inside the cables making all the music.
    1 point
  42. they're done - not ultra professional but still 100% functional. thanks
    1 point
  43. gorgeous!!!!!!! Do they have grills?
    1 point
  44. $39 t-max amplifier getting the audiophiles all excited... that's funny! I can see it now... all these audiophiles tip-toeing out and buying one, slinking back home, putting in 8 AA batteries and connecting the amp to their system.... only to realize it is sonically indistinguishable from their $3000 mono blocks. No audiophile worth his salt would dare be caught with one of these in their home ...no matter how good it sounds.
    1 point
  45. Man... if that thing wasn't all rashed up I'd buy it. She'd look much better sitting between my WO khorns than the black klf-c7 does.
    1 point
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