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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/25 in all areas

  1. To you too @sunburnwilly Gonna have to start siippin in a bit more. We could all prolly use a lil bit of sunburn right now! 😂
    3 points
  2. larger is better than better technology... size matters.
    2 points
  3. It would depend. If you’re listening to basic two channel music they’re probably ok on their own. In a home theater environment or any music that’s bass heavy then a subwoofer will help out a lot.
    2 points
  4. I have already written about this topic a few times. I myself had Crites AA 17 years ago. Forget it. It's outrageous that Crites offers different qualities of bass coil. The original Klipsch coils are the best you can have and they will never get worse in 100 years. There is no wear and tear. Sonicaps as a feature of the most expensive version of the Crites AA are a tinny, aggressive sound. There were times up until 12 years ago when I was happy to buy other Crites products. But with today's Crites prices for fake AA xovers which are far away from the good original sound, I can only warn you. BTW your speaker can not use Type AA networks at all. Today I have to say that this AA from Crites is not a serious offer. The price of more than 800$ for a few components is a provocation.
    2 points
  5. I hope everyone stays safe, and healthy and has a great year.
    2 points
  6. I’d get the rebuild kit from JEM. https://jemperformanceaudio.com/klipsch-heritage-speakers In the meantime loosen and retighten all the screws on the crossover.
    2 points
  7. Since the new year is upon us, does anyone have any projects or goals for their theater or audio systems? This year I’d like to upgrade my 65” TV to a 75” or larger.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Agreed! I have Forte IV mains with a Heresy IV center, and it sounds amazing. Movie/TV dialogue is super easy to understand, and noises pan across the sound stage flawlessly. I use an AppleTV 4K for all my music as well and most of the new albums are being produced in Dolby Atmos and I love it! You get a song with a big choir or orchestra and if you close your eyes you would swear, you're on the stage.
    1 point
  10. I think Andrew Robinson thought the 8000F II's were better if you are in the market for an upgrade but not worth trading in the previous 8000F if that's what you already had.
    1 point
  11. Here’s some for sale. Click on the above link.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. I am - it looks the K-10-K is nearly impossible to find and some posted the K-18 is a replacement, but I can't find that either.
    1 point
  14. Agree for the most part except there is only one Belle so cut that price at least in half. If someone wants the entire system, the Belle is worth more. If you sell the Khorns and Heresy separate, a single Belle is normally worth considerably less as you have a much smaller (already small) market. But if someone needs just one, your in luck, challenge is finding that person. I'd say $7500-$8500 for the five. Round up for the California factor. Round down if someone wants you to ship. Ask what you want, you can always come down. Might get lucky.
    1 point
  15. This post is timely. I'm in the market for a pair of AA crossovers and considered purchasing a pair of Crites until I saw the enormous price increase. I sold my Crites AA crossovers with Sonicaps for $275 10 years ago after selling my Klipschorns. I figured I could always get another pair if I acquired another pair of legacy Klipsch speakers, but I can't justify buying a pair at the current price. Have these been greatly improved to justify the enormous price increase?
    1 point
  16. You’re asking if the OP is still looking for a woofer? Because that’s what the listing is for.
    1 point
  17. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll clean them and see if that fixes my issue.
    1 point
  18. No Affiliation. VERY MINTY Walnut Oil Finish. 😀 Marketplace - Klipsch Chorus II speakers | Facebook
    1 point
  19. Happy New Years YouTube Spinners
    1 point
  20. It would be great to see the return of a Palladium like line.
    1 point
  21. I'm glad to hear this worked out so well for you.
    1 point
  22. Gold = overpriced average metallized polypropylene capacitors. AA is the wrong network for your drivers. Sounds like you just have a bad solder joint/loose connection. Very doubtful that you have a bad part. https://www.facebook.com/share/1HDnB63zMg/?mibextid=wwXIfr
    1 point
  23. Me too. I have 2 that were used only in the home of a Dentist for his HT. They were in mint shape and a great cash price. No tax, shipping, or Ebay Fees!!
    1 point
  24. This ^^^ If your brother is not chasing the what ifs, then he can rest assured that he has all that he needs. With the new, bigger and better everything, Roy and his team got the CW4 right. I'd still have to listen to them.
    1 point
  25. They may not be The Three Graces, but they are certainly three sisters. Bernadette, Pauline, and wife Encarnacion. This was taken after the 6:30 a.m. Mass today. There are a couple more we get along with... the oldest is in Iceland and the other is in Ireland.
    1 point
  26. People place a high value on aesthetics. 90% of the DIY efforts I’ve seen would be relegated to the garage by the Mrs. “Garage system” and “Man Cave” is code for “not in my living room”.
    1 point
  27. You choose your path and others need to choose theirs no question about that in my mind but we all pay a price for those paths taken and also reap the rewards. So in my family’s case money was never the main priority it was more about being together and working for a decent living while doing so. During our business years we were blessed to have Mom with us for 9 years until she unexpectedly and suddenly pass away at the young age of 42 and as tough as it was my Dad, Brother and myself continued on with the business then after 22 years together with all the good and rough years we finally decided to close the doors and during this time Dad took ill and passed within a couple of months. Now my brother has been gone 10 years and let me tell you those years of having our business together are precious to me and any money that I could have made working for someone else couldn’t provide me with the memories that mean the world to me today. Life happens in the blink of an eye and for me it’s the sharing and memories with my family that I hold valuable and not any money/things that I could have made somewhere else. Those business years of sacrificing and uncertainty with no guarantee were filled with a shared love of family and happiness as well so many may not understand and think we were foolish but I know better from experience. miketn
    1 point
  28. My favorite is "Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth" sung by Bing Crosby and David Bowie. Thanks, JJ
    1 point
  29. Will more power matter. The Chorus speaker is 101 db efficient or 1 watt - 101 db at one meter. The difference between an amp with 100 watt vs 300 watts is around 4 db. Not much, where are the watts? To appear twice as loud you need 10X the power. A 1000 watt amp would be twice as loud as 100 watt amp. Really pushing a Chorus, max spl 121 db can't be listen to for over 15 min. without hearing damage. What is the goal or is the sound dull or not as lively as you would like O.P. My RF 711's were 101 db and used for music and HT in a 800 cu ft. space. I would frequently run my HT at reference level. Amps rated up to 270 watt all 9 Ch. maxed out. Eight 18 in. subs with 3000 watt amps. Some times I forgot my 40 watt tube amp was running the mains. The mains kept up with the system. The tube amp coasted thru reference level session without a blink. Did I need a higher watt amp for the mains? As far as headroom, a 40 watt amp was sufficient.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Looking to buy a working Klipsch k-10-k woofer. Not many up on eBay. Anyone have one? k-18-k will also work!!!
    1 point
  32. To all interested buyers: Have no fear buying these speakers. They are indeed the real deal, near mint, matched pair. They have been re-capped with the correct factory authorized Klipsch capacitors and the original phenolic tweeter diaphragms are included in the sale. seabreeze is my brother and I was present at The Listening Post in Pittsburgh when he purchased them new in 1986. Jim JEM Performance Audio
    1 point
  33. All of the recent Heritage models have a lacquer finish. The only care is to dry dust them as needed - no oils or sprays!
    1 point
  34. So we don't give honest answers here on the Klipsch forum? Really?? I have over 46 years of experience with the Heritage speakers and I always give honest answers as do other forum members.
    1 point
  35. That's messing around with speakers. Sorry for the typo.
    1 point
  36. The K-55V driver is beaming? Really? And PWK didn't realize that all the way from 1963 up till 1980 when the nested phase plug was put into production? Come on. Collapsing verticals of the K-400 are not the reason the K-55V goes to 6K. If that were true, the current PD5VH would go to 6K on the K-400 and it doesn't. Don't believe? Here's a simple test that requires sophisticated test equipment - your ears. Oh, you also need a pair of Klipschorns or LaScalas. Place a good original K-55V in one speaker and place a K-55-X (PD5VH) in the other. Disconnect the tweeters. Feed a mono source to the speakers and compare what you hear. If you can't hear that the K-55V is obviously playing higher frequencies than the current version of the PD5VH, you shouldn't be nessing around with loudspeakers.
    1 point
  37. Hello Tony and welcome to the forum! I have done several of these up-grades. Klipsch provides a detailed instruction sheet to install the up-grade kit as well. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. My web address is jemperformanceaudio.com which lists all of my contact information.
    1 point
  38. Currently Yamaha and U-Turn Audio
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Yes, as long as available at Klipsch
    1 point
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