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Everything posted by Deang

  1. The woofer is clearly stamped “K-22”. The midrange is the Atlas K-55-V with original K-77 tweeters. The correct network for these parts is the Type E. The Type E2 was for the K-24, 4 ohm woofer. The Type E2 used a 4mH low pass coil with a 33uF shunt cap. Polarity for the midrange and tweeter was reversed.
  2. This will sound like alarmist nonsense to most here, but loss of habitat is the primary cause of extinction in the animal kingdom, and we aren’t exempt. Expect a lot of climate related migration in the next decade.
  3. Autoformers are bulletproof unless the networks are in an excessively warm climate and the wax runs out of them. Some are rusty but perfectly fine. The 3636 is twice as big and removes most of the required working inductance in parallel with the driver (inductance creates 12dB/octave slope).
  4. The first week is always complete chaos until roads are somewhat cleared. Not unusual to control the air space either. This is for safety reasons. Governors from four states have publicly stated that FEMA has given them everything they’ve needed.
  5. Not if he’s building the box himself with original parts.
  6. People do that all the time but the two do not sum properly. Also, DE120 has in-network rising response that makes it pretty hot without correction. My answer was to work with @mboxler on a new network to deal with these issues. You can fix it with four parts. We are thinking of offering a daughter board.
  7. Klipsch has no control over your room, test equipment, or test setups. All Klipsch speakers are tested in an anechoic chamber. They use elaborate software, test equipment, and trained engineers.
  8. A better tweeter needs a network mod. I get NOS Motorola zeners off of eBay.
  9. That’s ferrofluid and is normal. Whatever is removed should be replaced.
  10. Yep. Probably started out as a loose wire from being bounced around in the car for three hours.
  11. https://reconingspeakers.com/products-page/klipsch-1061147-rp-280f-rp-280fa-8-woofer/ https://reconingspeakers.com/products-page/klipsch-reference-premiere-tweeter-1060814/
  12. Yes, I should have clarified. If someone buys a third party design that uses a different low filter, then those components are bypassed or removed. If building from scratch and they don’t exist - I wouldn’t bother with putting anything in there. You can get all of the parts on a single board.
  13. Why thank you Mike. I really didn’t want to have to try and explain that, lol.
  14. You write English very well. What country are you in? 1) What year are your Klipschorns? 2) What parts did you buy from Michael (Crites)? You do not need to split the network. All parts will fit on one board. This method is simpler and actually preferred.
  15. I’m no carpenter, but these guys can help with the woofers. https://reconingspeakers.com
  16. More detail would be helpful. Are you rebuilding an existing pair or a new pair? The schematic doesn’t have the DCR values of the coils, and even if you had them, you would not find exact matches, especially for the coils in the high pass section. You also need the T4A autotransformers. I stock all of these Klipsch parts. How experienced is your assembler? This is not an easy build.
  17. Contact Klipsch “support”. They will probably just send you a replacement speaker. https://support.klipsch.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024356652-How-To-Contact-Us-for-Support
  18. Looks like the D20GB is for the PD-5VH and the PD-5VT, while the D20IB is for the PD60A, PD60T, and PD60AT.
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