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Posts posted by oldtimer
You're trippin back now
To places you been to
You wonder what you're gonna find
You know ya been wrong
But it won't be long
Before you leave it all far behind Lonely feelin
Deep inside
Find a corner
Where I can hide
Silent footsteps
Crowdin' me
Sudden Darkness
But I can see
Both of these are from the same song?
Ok, both of these posts are from the same song?
Maybe it is time for a hint?
understand the rules, i'm just guessing, and guessing wrongly.
"its just me mom, I'm only guessing..."
Babylon sister?
Or maybe Your time is gonna come...zep?
Almost sounds like Never going back to my old school...steely dan, but i am terrible at lyrics.
I know the past one was sister golden hair. I just had to say what I think of it.
Yeah. Sister golden hair. Lame classic. Sorry, just had to say it. Almost as bad as Forever in Blue Jeans.
Gotcha, plus it was already done I now realize after perusing the first 3 pages. I just posted because I know the lyrics that were before it. Having seen your post about already knowing it i skipped ahead. My bad....
How about:
"Shining flying purple wolfhounds show me where you are..."
"As much as I may think myself a man, my youthfull braddigio of maleness has long since departed and I try as hard as I can to be considerd simply as a person. There is nothing in the aspect of a man that you will not find in a woman and sophomoric humor aside (my speciality) we stand tall in our own personal regard only in relationship to those around us. Human are a selfish lot, individually. If left only to ourselves we would be a lazy, shiftless immoral slugs indeed. We only shine in how we deal with and help each other, we only excel with help from others, we only learn because someone taught us to listen. We can gut it out because someone showed us the way, self-pity is drowned when we look outward and around us. I could go on but I think you can take the point."
Well put. A famous writer (can't remember whom) once said that you never truly grow up until your father dies. On the other hand, Peter Fonda recently stated that he wants to be an eight year old forever. The truly retarded are the ones who are "selfish...lazy, shiftless immoral slugs." Basically, just live up to the responsibilities you take on, and have the wisdom to know how much you can handle.
"but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke, the same cigarettes as me..."
I went with one simply because it was so ground breaking(not to mention full of great tunes). Without the first selling as well as it did, there may have never been any more, and Zep would be just a distant memory, like Cream(lol). Now I am seeing kids my son's age and younger wearing Led Zeppelin t-shirts, just like back in the seventies. You don't see Beatles t-shirts(maybe for licensing reasons)or even many Hendrix or Doors....Plus, the cover art, while not all that original, is graphically so cool.
"Been dazed and confused for so long....."
Monk's Dream is great and Criss Cross was recorded soon after. Get both, it is almost like a double album set.
Now, Jeff, I'm starting to understand HOW you are able to play so loud. If I did that the neighbors would be at my door with torches and pitchforks inside three minutes. Lawyers get away with more because they know the law and most others do not.
Imagine standing in fog near a cliff. You know the cliff is somewhere near, but you don't know exactly where the edge starts. So what do you do? You stay away from it. A lawyer is like someone who can see through the fog and knows exaclty where the edge of the cliff is all the time. That means a lawyer can go right over and stand right by the edge without falling.
Some lawyers' behavior and personalities can appear risky , rude, inappropriate, offensive, and dangerously aggressive to non-lawyers because of this difference in knowing just what the limits are of the law (as it pertains to social interactions, business transactions, interpersonal relationships, etc.).
Jeff, if you will post your mailing address I will send you my SPL meter post haste. Then someday soon we can plan for me to come by and meet you. Like, what do I need with a SPL meter for my SETs? As far as I can compute my LaScalas have yet to see a one watt peak.
Regarding lawyers it is an inside job. By and large they are the ones who make the laws, and do so in such a way as to baffle most outsiders(those without the union card i.e. law degree). Now imagine standing near a cliff, and there is a lawyer lurking nearby. You either have to hire it or you might as well jump off anyway. (insert smiley winky face here)
My self I don't need sheilding with a lcd tv. I think you only need it with crt tv's.
I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that shielding is necessary unless you have DLP. Or, of course, front projection to a movie screen.
could shock you both ......[
Ooooh, wait .....3 drummers together .....???
It's called a percussion ensemble at that point, and I'm sure the wags in here have other designations in mind....
"We've got to ride tonight, my little homey Kenny died tonight..."
Now that's a horn with cleavage!
You have asked an impossible question, since the category includes quite a bit of music with some very different styles etc.
My suggestion would be to visit your local library and check out various CDs that they have. Try and get as much variety as possible (small combo, larger emsembles, vocals) and be sure to get selections from the the different eras.
This will get you started. It is an enjoyable journey.
Good Luck,
This is probably the best answer overall, but in the spirit of suggestions:
Time out---Dave Brubeck
Thelonious Monk with John Coltrane at Carnegie Hall
Return to Forever---Chick Corea
Any Count Basie big band
Any Dizzy Gillespie/Charlie Parker
Dang! Already out of room and no Miles Davis....
My Crwnells rock too.
Nice score on the CORNWALLS! They were named CORNWALLS because they can be placed in either a corner or against a wall. Maybe that'll help you remember.[
What other equipment do you own?
Thanks for the info. I always had this negative impression that PWK was a closet anglophile. I will sleep better tonight.
I'd love cornerhorns but I have no corners and am not planning on ever moving from my beach cabin. I think I'll just stay with my 7's and put in a nice gas fireplace instead. Thanks for all the advice.
mmmmmmmmmmmm....... gas...................
Having served on the IOWA and having lost 47 shipmates, I tend to get particular with the details of what happened that day.
All I can say is..."Dude!"
And thank you for serving our country.
The LaScalas and the rf-7's are two completely different animals. For 2 channel the choice is what you like, one versus the other. If you want to go HT then stay with the rf-7's and add compatible products around them. This is simply a buzz per dollar (bpd) calculation.
It is a beautiful machine! Tell us all about it! Does it run completely steady, have no groove noise, no possibility of feedback, returns at the end of the side, and all the stuff that dreams are made of? Wow! I love rosewood. I used to have a rosewood keyed marimba, and my concert snare sticks were rosewood too. You are making me realize I should spring for that new car, and maybe a recent edition sunfire pre/pro and amp, get the alfa back up and running with a new top installed (already have the top) and just enjoy life while I can.
Stoicism and self denial gets old after a while when everyone else is enjoying hedonism on your dime.
Those gummed reinforcements really took me back. Remember when information was recorded on two and three ring notebook paper? I had a professor who read from the same set of notes for his lectures for over 50 years. Those pages were so yellow! He retired soon after having me in his class because I mainly just showed up for the test, after all the information was in circulation around campus for years. He gave me a letter down of a grade just because I had the audacity to tell him as much.
"Worst student ever. Not only that, but a drummer too."
Name that Tune - No Cheating Using Computer Word Searches
in General Klipsch Info
This thread is showing me what I always knew. That is I spend all my time listening to the drums, bass, guitar, and the overall melody but never bothered with lyrics.