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Posts posted by oldtimer

  1. Bitece,

    Have you revealed what you are willing to spend? Maybe that would bring a renewed focus. In my system profile you will see that my TT is a Technics sl-d2, which is a 1979 direct drive semi-automatic. It has worked without any problems ever since, and is definitely the "experience" from the time. I recently upgraded the stylus on the AT cartridge to a bonded shibata type, and yes there is an improvement. The other "mod" I have made is putting leveling feet on it.

    In today's dollars it must have cost around 300 to 400 ($120 or so back then). Hardly serious audiophile, but like my 1970 vw beetle, it just keeps running.

    Recently, I talked with a guy who sold his Forte II's because "they just could not do reverb like he wanted to hear." He had to spend about five times what Forte's go for to find what he was looking for. He could live with that, and obviously was willing to spend it.

    The bottom line is: Look for one you will enjoy using and spend up to what you are willing to spend.

  2. While not perfect, they are probably better than what you have now. If you get them for a good price (I'm assuming you are asking because you have a line on a pair) go for it. If not, wait for quartets or more Forte's. You did not say if these are Forte's or Forte II's. Be as specific as you can about your room size, budget, current equipment, etc. and you will get better answers on this forum.

    As to whether they are better for sides or rears, what would be the alternative sides or rears for example?


    "I will have nothing to do with any ship that is not fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."

  3. I would like to record some lp's onto cd's using my computer. Please help me starting from ground zero since I am not a computer whiz and I have never done this before. Which program for recording do you suggest? Any tips, advice are greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  4. Yes, globalization is a fact. While I like Fish's sentiments, I also know that I have never been disappointed with HP products, which are usually made in Thailand. Designed and conceived by US engineers, but built somewhere else. I have a unique perspective being a union member as well as an MBA in finance. Also remember the Chinese culture was far more "civilized" than western europe for centuries.

    That being said, we are undergoing a transition period in globalization which favors some places over others. Eventually, maybe in our lifetimes, there will be nowhere else to go for capitalists seeking profit at the expense of humanity. Then it will truly be possible for workers of the world to unite and restore balance to the equation. Those of you who recognize the phrase "workers of the world unite" might see some irony and humor in the idea that only through the triumph of capitalism on a world scale will it be possible for labor to actually wield some muscle again.


    "Freedom isn't free, it costs folks like you and me. If you don't put in your buck'o'five who will?"

  5. First of all, I am one of those who really, really like licorice.....

    "It's like making love to Christie Brinkley, it ain't gonna happen."--Ed Shaunessy

    "OK why not, it's not your fault and I'm never going to fly this airline again anyway."---Jimmy Page

    "French horns, listen to how the tympanist phrases this, that's how you should do it."---John Giordano

    "I could make you into a monster."---can't remember who

  6. I used their refoam kit on a pair of Mission 700's with 8" woofers (the 210's).

    The original surrounds were "inverted" but they recommended installing the new foam the other way around. The dry fit was not as intuitively correct as the convex way. I went ahead and installed them their way and they came out great, like new sounding again. I refurbished these as a gift to my father in law as tv speakers.

    Combined with a quarter bottle of lemon oil applied over a few months and except for the dings in the veneer they were as new and for next to nothing in money spent.

    When I tested them using Paul Simon's "Graceland" I realized why I bought them in the first place as a poor college student. Of course, when I switched to my Forte II's during testing I also realized why I upgraded years later. Nothing like validating your opinions over the years; every now and then, it is nice to know that you have done something right.


    "I will have nothing to do with any ship that is not fast, for I intend to go in harm's way."

  7. It is a no brainer to get the fortes or forte II's, whatever they are over heresies for the same price. You are confusing used and new regarding these products. Age is not an issue, condition is. Your only other consideration might be space if it is cramped. For primary speakers in a ht set-up, the heresies will be preferred only if you are cramped for space and have a killer sub.


    We are the Aqua teens, make the homies stay at home and the girls all scream....

  8. My current guilty pleasure is "Torque." It is a classic throwback to the old biker movies with current sound and FX. I saw it first on the big screen (for free) and now own it on dvd (not free). What is yours?


    "I live my life one quarter of a mile at a time."

    "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard."

  9. OK, so you have earned them. This is like an option that you have a choice to exercise. Without getting graphic, I say to you that you should exercise this option. No matter what you eventually want to do you cannot go wrong. My opinion is that once you audition these in your home you will understand what we are all saying and figure it out for yourself.

    Economically speaking, the Forte II speakers represent one of the highest BPD (buzz per dollar) values that you will ever find past or present. I bought mine brand new for 1400 in 1989, and I still maintain that it is the best 1400 bucks I have ever spent in my life for sound reproduction. Your mileage may vary.

  10. Conversely, it's too bad you live in Toronto. I have time to drive during most months up to a day and a half to retreive items, but Toronto is a longer proposition. You never know, it could work out if and when....

    I do have my original boxes so renting a van and packing them up is not a problem.

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