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Posts posted by oldtimer

  1. The quartet should make an excellent center, especially when it is shielded, for those with the space for it. It shares the same tweeter as the academy (different than the forte II or the chorus II) and the same midrange as the forte and chorus II. Plus, it has a lower bass range than the academy. Ideally, i would match all five speakers the same, given space and center shielding or enough space between the center and the screen to avoid interference. For now, the academy is my best solution. At 275, the quartet as a center is a knockout bargain.

  2. The first time I read this post I let it slide, no one had responded, maybe it would die. A few hours later I decided to respond and found four replies. Beethoven may have become deaf, but even this old drummer is not.

    Musicians have probably been to more live performances as a listener than any other audiophile who exists. They know what music should sound like from just about any angle you would care to construct. Before I go on any longer, lets just repeat bclarke421, "hogwash."

  3. I have also read on this forum that the Cornwalls need a large enough room to be appreciated. If you have a room in the 12x15 range(even with vaulted ceiling) like mine then keep this in mind. With a 20x20 or more the Cornwall's should shine. I have never had the space to try the Forte II's in a larger room, but they would probably do pretty well up to something less than a small auditorium.

  4. The original Forte's have a 12" passive radiator in the back, the Forte II's have a 15" passive radiator. All three drivers are also different, with the most noticeable change being the afforementioned tractrix mid range. I have listened to my Forte II's at concert levels for extended periods without listener fatigue. I do think the comment regarding source sensitivity is valid, some things just sound better than others on them.

  5. I am refoaming the surrounds of a pair of 8" woofers. They are attached by solder with just enough play to get the woofers part of the way out. I am nowhere near good enough with solder to redo these connections in such tight conditions. Therefore I was thinking about cutting the wires and butt jointing (crimp) them back together when reassembling. Will this work ok or is it too heinous? They are not Klipsch so rest easy on that point. Thanks.

  6. You say you are listening to cd's? Try using a more realistic source such as vinyl or SACD. Cd's reproduce sound with a squared off wave while actual sound has a rounded wave. Always remember, GIGO, garbage in, garbage out.


    "spent my money, took my car, started tellin' her friends she's gonna be a star"

  7. Stop Making Sense by the Talking Heads has been praised by Roger Ebert as the best concert video he has seen. It is my personal favorite, I wish I owned it on dvd, only rented the tape so far.


    "spent my money, took my car, started tellin' her friends she's gonna be a star"

  8. I have Forte II's as fronts with an academy center. I have thought that a pair of academies would make great surrounds for the space challenged. After installing the academy at center, I have also realized that if there were no interference with the video, with space and set up allowing, there is clearly no substitute for another Forte II at center, and what the heck throw in another pair for surrounds. At today's prices for academies, this could be done for the same or even less dinero. Would you even need a sub? Maybe, but I think it would be the last unit to add.

  9. here's the deal mike. Bid as close as you can to the last second with your absolute highest price you are willing to pay. Your emails to the seller will not be answered, they just want the highest price. Shipping costs are always paid by the buyer. Be patient, perseverent, and ultimately lucky.

  10. Your price is fair. I looked at your ad several times, but I am just not in the market to augment my oiled oak Forte II's right now. Sure, I fantasize about having three pairs for an awesome 6.1 set up in my yet to be built dream house home theater. I just have other priorities right now. As for other's interest, you must realize that while current owners of these magic boxes know how great they are, those who have not experienced them don't, and have no way to audition them unless they have a friend who owns them. I bought mine new in 1989 and it is the best 1400 dollars I ever spent.

  11. Headphones would be perfect, but....it would be too awkward to be practical. My plan right now is to buy some heresies and figure out if they will work for size. I had no luck finding paradigm minis. the nht's were priced each and not by the pair. I also have a pair of mission 700's circa 1980 that need new woofer surrounds that should do the job if i can fix them and the heresies turn out to be too big, leaving me with a pair of heresies to use :).

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