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Everything posted by pmsummer

  1. I really like the mirror-imaged stag heads.
  2. Looks nice, but your imaging might be improved if you pull the speakers further forward, so they can "see" each other. This appears to be important with nearly all pairs of stereo speakers. Thanks! You are quite right and I had forgotten (years of tow-in and then Ks do strange things to convention).
  3. One of my office systems. ELAC Miracord 10H Fisher 500B Frazier Monte Carlo D speakers Yamaha SACDP in the cabinet Gutted Curtis-Mathes TV console Lava lamp for better reception
  4. Very nice! Is that a customized Expedit shelf?
  5. The sweet spot is the chair that occupies the POV of the shot. Guests get the K-Horn-Headphone effect... which sound pretty good due to the room acoustics. So you are seated further back than the crosshairs between the speakers. Interesting. The exact crosshairs is works best for me. The apex is just about at the bottom edge of the picture. My chair/ears are about 3' beyond that. Were it not for the need of the love-seat, I might have moved up, but I don't find the CT-135 tweets (or the T-35 before) to have such a narrow dispersion in this room (always the caveat) that I can't be a little off axis without a experiencing any loss in sound quality. YMMV.
  6. The sweet spot is the chair that occupies the POV of the shot. Guests get the K-Horn-Headphone effect... which sound pretty good due to the room acoustics.
  7. Yes sir. Can't beat that Ikea Expedit stuff... as long as you have one conveniently located. And thanks.
  8. The table is an AR-XA... and yes, the 299-D has a center pre out. Good luck!
  9. Happy Birthday, and thanks a million! BTW: The answer to the Lennon-McCartney question "Will you still love me when I'm 64?" is "yes".
  10. If you are nearby snag it for me!Sorry, but I'm up by San Marcos.
  11. The Fry's in Webster (Houston 'burb) says they have one. Pick up only. I love mine, and just ordered a TEAC HD radio with audio out to compare chipsets.
  12. There's a small chance some Frazier Sevens might be there.
  13. I wonder what it would take to get Amtrak to drop off and pick up passengers in Hope on the 10th and the 12th? Texarkana is only 30 minutes away, BTW. Shuttles can be arranged. ;-)
  14. I have a pair of Frazier Sevens being held for me up in that area. Be fun to bring them to Hope anyway!
  15. IF the Pilgimage is in Hope again this year, would anyone coming from the Indy area have room to transport a pair of Forte-sized speakers to Hope (where I will take them off your hands and compensate you)? Figured it's worth a shot.
  16. I stayed at the Motel 6 (or was it a Days Inn?) in Hope for the last Pilgrimage. It's a former Holiday Inn in all it's '60s Mid-Century Modern glory... and pretty well kept. I noticed they have two banquet rooms, and that the Hope Rotary and Kiwanas met there. Be a perfect place for Pilgrimage HQ, with demos (and I bet it's FREE if enough rooms are booked).
  17. I cast my vote, but I'm not saying for which location.
  18. In the corners (as God and PWK intended), on the hardwood floor.
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