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Everything posted by Max2

  1. Max2

    Refusal to talk

    The current conditions are only accelerating these patterns. Less talk, more connect. My typing skills aren't good and my thumbs and fingers dont work well even I had a friend and his mother answered the phone as "Yes." I always thought that was kind of gruff even for the 70's
  2. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Tobacco didnt either in a few years time in the beginning. Tobacco in itself isnt that bad, but the additives sure are, just like household cleaners and many other chemicals we use everyday. They have to be sneaky about it man.
  3. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Theyre able to pull core sample from much deeper than ever with the mass melt
  4. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Heck. 30 years ago if we would have seen the UFO video's that were finally confirmed from the Big house, we would have freaked. But no, just a little taste here and there until we have to pull the curtain back and level with everyone.
  5. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    It could be the first step though. And like I mentioned, people are conditioned pretty easily as long as Hysteria is not brought. I maen look at the changes we have all gone through in just a few months. This plan could be very long, drawn out and more twists and turns on the horizon. Just purely speaking on what if terms
  6. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Im kind of all over the place today Jeff. Wasnt meaning to call your individual comments out.
  7. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Anyone worried about new virus's being extracted from 1mm year old Glaciers? We're doing it. What about soil samples brought back from Mars? I think that its on the agenda and dont worry, they sure dont want those critters to die before they make it back here. I really have my tin foil cap on today
  8. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    So there is no possible Covid 2.0 mutation that might occur? Where we would have to run out and find something for it even though we have very little for the currents? what if this is just the first step of many to follow. What if Vaccinations became mandatory? Doesn't that just open a whole new can of big bro looking out for our benefit? Straight jacket thinking would be if this was possible, we cant cause mass Hysteria for fear of a full World melt down. The decision makers sure dont want to hamper their lives. Lets just whiddle at the stick and bring out a bigger knife If and when its needed.
  9. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Of course. Just like a magic trick, there is almost always a misdirection. Lets really think outside the box. Possibly our Planet received a warning. Think about it. Warren Buffet says Air travel will never be at the level it was at 2019 ever again. Companies were pushed to realize they can function electronically. No more un-needed business getaways or company gatherings. Get in your homes, get on your phone, order your delivery groceries because we dont need an intrusive chip inserted in you, we have conditioned you to keep that smart phone at your hip. By the way, we can now see who you interact with and everyone that comes in your proximity via you phone and our new monitoring laws. Oh dont worry, If you leave your phone at home, our new face recog cameras will keep us within arms reach. But wait, theres more! We really want you to like yourself and to be who you're not. Here is that photo app Mom. YES! Face enhanced, makes you look 20 years younger for all your friends to oogle over! You are wonderful, you are not ugly, you are not you now, lets just fool everyone. We are being not only divided, but physically isolated from social interaction Its insane what it was like to go in to eat somewhere and see a family of four all sitting there staring at their phones. Does anyone think this is going to suddenly stop or increase ? Yeah right. We are all being plugged in and the once insane thoughts of us all being part machine, part human are here already
  10. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    We all have to admit its just a matter of time before our planets space and resources are going to be gone. We're asleep at the wheel right now. Why would we not possibly think this could be orchestrated between major world powers? Heaven forbid, they're just looking out for our best benefit right?
  11. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Forget the dry goods, electronics and Circus trinkets China provides us. Drugs coming back to the US are the number one priority here. BUT, possibly the biggest threat we have that myself and most other people cant wrap their brain around is Quantum Computing and AI. China is leading this area and with their lack of Ethics and public noted middle fingers to the world, its just a matter of time before before they play evil on a level that none of us can comprehend or even imagine.
  12. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    No matter what manufacturing starts up again in the U.S., I dont see how they will not follow the use of the same or similar materials that is currently being used in China. They will almost have to to be able to pay an American a decent wage and still stay afloat with a ho-hum profit. We have been in the disposable market now for at least 30 years. If you think that new American manu'd Whirlpool clothes washer will suddenly start lasting 30 years again like stuff did in the 50's and the 60s, its just wishful thinking. There is no more over engineering allowed....who makes money from that unless areas where it is truly required like Airlines. (No pun intended there) Corporations are much richer now from the cheap Chinese labor and all the US citizens have more money from it as well. You better believe that China worker loves his job and he knows there is a few million people standing behind him or her just waiting to take their place when her/she screws up. Do you know why so many US dentists get their gold inlays from China? Because they are spot on accurate unlike so many of the US labs work done here in the states.
  13. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Free DNA retrieval, courtesy of FEMA.
  14. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Its actually almost double that today. 36K thus far. This site is pretty good with actual data broke down You have to click on the stars and scroll to get individual state break down https://ncov2019.live/
  15. Either there is big viking funeral planned near the beach or Kim is having a big Bugaloo party blowout on a NK resort. OR he could just be playing with his Dinghy close to shore.
  16. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Give him a minute, he's up there plugging the front of the ship right now.
  17. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    I think everyone has been pretty cordial after being called out on crossing a very wide line that has been offered, given the current circumstance we're dealing with. We're lucky that we can complain and object with different points of views on this here.
  18. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Nah, we save that for Analog vs Digital and Active vs Passive !
  19. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Families fight. Its what keep us glued
  20. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Its like this Jeff. The man holding the end of a long 2"X4" floating your new next driveway probably doesnt make 30K a year. He works hard and I bet his wife does too. Maybe they're paying for health care, if they're lucky. Maybe they're taking care of a grandchild as well, they want and need to get to work. Maybe they will be using safer precautions than a lax, wealthy retiree that is still polluting his golf club locker room. Soemtimes people have to play the cards they're dealt.
  21. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Yes it is and its why you are able to add to your shutdown fund cushion reaping many years of buying extremely cheap goods from the hard working slaves that live there.
  22. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    I can remember back in the 70's when it was somewhat rude to ask of others political affiliation or to even express yours.
  23. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Im with you there Dean. I find it showing respect of the unknowns and the lives of others by wearing a mask. Some will be defiant and that is ok. The fringe is always on both sides of the table. But you have to admit, we have to put a cork in the leak at the other end of the damaged ship now.
  24. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    Come on Dean, I know you're a math man. Do some numbers, then put your mask on when in public, dont stand next to someone, wash your hands. Consider everything outside your home a threat. Deal with that accordingly and get on with your life man.
  25. Max2

    Covid19 redux

    If we dont get the ball rolling again soon, we wont have to worry about going out, we will be worrying about what are we going to feed our family. We will be worrying about where we can apply for a new job since we're 4 months behind (and counting) on every ounce of debt we have. We will be worrying about how long the power company is going to allow me to keep my electricity on even though we haven't paid them in 150 days We all will be exposed to this over year or so and from the numbers alone, the majority of us have already had it. Things could blow up again worse and it may happen this fall, but some of the population cant sit around and wither on the vine. I think its great that some want to stay at home everyday, all day. I think its awesome that so many of the retiree's are capable of doing this and their life hasn't changed so much. I have a good friend two houses down and this is his exact scenario. At the same time, we have to be able to carry on or at least try to. 220K people have died worldwide from Covid 647K Americans die every year from heart disease. YES, this is just the US number.
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