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Everything posted by billybob

  1. There is a Forte/Quartet topic/thread that is a good read here as no doubt known. Yes, I need to keep them in mind! Sweet looking! Big Brother Chorus, Forte, Quartet.Not necessarily in that order!? http://www.klipsch.com/products/discontinued/details/quartet.aspx Around for 7 years, should be several out there competing with market. Must speak to something dictating value. Same period as for Forte 2 http://www.klipsch.com/products/discontinued/details/forte-ii.aspx
  2. After the conversation at the forum regarding these speakers, my next want is the Forte, as they will reveal what I am missing in the bottom end. Just happy as a clam with Chorus and looking to Forte now to fill out/compliment the other. Do think they would!?!
  3. Honey what is that oversized van doing in the driveway? Oh that, well you know that wall in the room we did not know how to decorate?[6]Surprise[<)]
  4. Who says you can't find something good for a $1.00 I'll be looking for a bargain!
  5. Typically, coaxial does not care what is being waveguided through it. It is the most cost effective way (presently) to do it...i.e. since/during WW2. Care should be taken to choose the right coax! RG-6 is the most common! RG-59 for sat/cable may not consistently work, as too lossy over distance.RG-11 too costly and overkill, unless going non-typical distance. A good RG-6 rated for digital, around 3Ghz swept(test) is sufficient without any eye-appreciable degradation, without line-amplification for typical 150+ feet. Cable/OTA broadcast signals are terrestrial via extraterrestrial or satellite. So having a satellite dish is the most efficient versus cable. Keep your OTA local feed from outside antenna to tuner as short as possible.
  6. http://up.commscope.com/eng/support_document/spec_sheets/network_coax/1199667_2066.html http://up.commscope.com/eng/support_document/spec_sheets/fiber/1199433_2063.html
  7. Maybe more can enjoy it with the DVD director's cut! My GF grabs the remote now at any mention of Das Boot! 1st time was OK, but she needs to watch it 5 or more times to hear all the details like: Realism In Depth Charges![~] Spellbinding best of class & beyond!
  8. Meanwhile, I may be seeing a more than usual selling (CL) of all types of TV's,(HD's)which may be more than the typical after Christmas sell-off. Between now and the end of the year I expect to do a flat screen wider format upgrade for a second watching space. Lots of SonyTrinitrons out there, some at give-a-way prices.
  9. Ahhh....yes, Guiness Stout! It'll make a stout rightupstanding fellow out of you! Drink your medicine!
  10. Enter Netflix,Blockbuster! Can see having a personal archive on CD but yes, owning anything but the most interesting for reviewing may be oldhat. Most certainly for some this is true. People do what they like, but after collecting VHS tapes to the ceiling, some(?) are turning to the fast disposable market, i. e.... rent, download, (with the option to save/delete)IPPV. Tools like the DVR for viewing convenience. Instant grat. (or close) is where the consumer is(general). So some indespensible hardware(DVR,DVD) with a flexi-format input/ output capability would be my personal simplistic choice. Too bad it's a bit too naive as well. Twould seem that the innovations may be just starting, with the consumer playing the catch-up game. I'm just now really getting hip to the CD, and it may be(soon)becoming obsolete before I finally arrive. "Faster Than The Speed Of Life."
  11. Informative & interesting.....concur with wanting some more. Thanks!
  12. "pyroacoustic amplification" or "Dragon" loudspeaker.... 20dB increase...Wow1 Acetylene & oxygen = Torch or... The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown! Fire!...FFFFFire!
  13. Wow, the Sumo wrestlers are more clear than the presenter's face! If this is the next wave of things to come....lookout! We're gonna need a bigger boat!
  14. Thelma Lou & Barn were record spinners, doing the Watutsi!
  15. 14 gauge...cool1 The second pic looks quality. Use some for my terminal strip on old receiver(s)! Should have clearance!
  16. I have 1, Super Session. Like Donovans' cut greatly! Heard live, when saw the Fudge!(67 or 68) Tim Bogert, Carmen Appice went on to form/create "Cactus" a kickass hard rock because of Beck's accident prevented the "Beck Bogert & Appice" venture sooner. Correct me if you remember different *OB. Wonder how many versions of "Keep me hangin on."
  17. $300 pair /div. by 2 = $150 single + speakers and electronics = ? [A] LOL! Guess I need a catalog!
  18. Hmmm....smoker beer(ale) without the smoke!?! Cheers! Going to try a Chill...chelada style!
  19. Did not you really mean to say: LFE inputs................V-3000's "subwoofer" audio output jack. ...?
  20. For sure all three made it with links intact! Thanks again! [Y] Not as savvy with excel, but can see a need for a quick reference as my Chorus 1's are all that am familiar with listening to. Plan on getting Heritage Klipsch at some point soon. Reference will help in acquiring/decisions. Good Job!
  21. PC, Office 2000 Pro. Just did upgrade from 6.0 to 7.0 Adobe.... no cigar! Zip file seemed OK, but might be my McAfee. Sometimes e-mail attach. come through empty. Files? *Sent you an e-mail!Thanks for assist!
  22. [Y] I like it, I like it! OOOppps! Can't open in either!
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