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Everything posted by billybob

  1. A good idea to try as you are worth $ to them. Not convenient depending on location, but a good face to face can sometime do the trick.Another thing, if you go satellite they will probably lose you forever! They do not like it that they are not always the only game in town!
  2. A lot of subtle nuances to be found in this Renaissance music:http://www.blackmoresnight.com/ Had been wondering what Richie had been up to, when along came a PBS special, awhile back, raising funds around this music. Doesn't hurt that a hard core Deep Purple fan might find this interesting! Same could be said about Richie finding Candice Night a super-hottie![6] Old castle with a very little electric Blackmore thrown in the mix.
  3. That's it I feel....more on the youthful innocence side. Interesting,thanks!
  4. Sorry, was posting at same time! Since you mentioned the others in the picture, then this should be Brian Jones. Hair is almost unmistakable but the depiction of the face throws me somewhat. Would be interesting how the others are depicted!
  5. Unknown yet familiar, with a Brian Jones style of cut!
  6. Klipsch does have a solution builtin to accomodate! Please disregard my fixit! LOL! Maybe they got it sorted out!Thanks!
  7. Grandma got runover by a reindeer(sick) I'm getting nuttin for Christmas (cute but true) Arthur Fiedler & The Boston Pops Orchestra Mannheim Steamroller Roy Orbison - Pretty Paper
  8. Hello and Welcome! First thing comes to me is with metal to metal contact would be *Loctite For other applications a 2 part adhesive, or super glue. Loctite dries quickly enough! Not familiar with the mount, but this adhesive will work on more than screws(metal) and screws I would think are not backing off during the night. Hope this helps you to find the real solution. Others here will be along more familiar with your design. http://www.loctite.com/int_henkel/loctite_us/index.cfm? http://www.loctiteproducts.com/glue.asp#results
  9. ***Their best was back then direct from satellite. And if your system was 3dB above threshold you were all set at "Broadcast Quality." Ironically enough, that and American Movie Classics are the channels I miss most, as I love the older movies where a story was foremost nd they did not depend solely on CGI or specialFX. I mean, just the scene in The Big Sleep where Dorothy Malone 'drops' and renders the Acme Bookstore 'closed' has to be one of the most sensually suggestive, yet utterly innocent, scenes ever filmed... And the dialogue (and interplay) doesn't get better than Bringing Up Baby. But of course that is but a tip of the iceberg! And one wonders just what the heck is impeding the release of The African Queen on DVD...(I just hope its not a problem with the master)... But you are right. If you need color you have it in spades (eg The Adventures of Robin Hood), and black and white is used with incredible sense of purpose. There are a few other channels worth receiving (SciFi, History, A&E, Discovery, Military, etc.), but still... But...I gotta run, TMZ is coming on and I need to keep up with Britny...heck, someone has to keep up with where she is at, as she certainly can't! Can you imgine the depth and scope of the conversation between her and Jessica Simpson as they ponder the concept of tuna fish and sea chickens...not to mention my man R Kelly ... *Did those channels drop off of satellite (TMC,AMC)??? I know I am "The Man Wo Fell To Earth" but.....
  10. Friend downsized from the 65' Toshiba DLP...and now has a Sony 50' LCD...which accomodates his viewing area better. I'll see for myself on the 25th. Have been waiting for the first film to do justice to Tolkiens' Hobbit... since early 70's! Maybe now they will start the process. After the trilogy might as well do *Silmarillion, which I recently am discovering.
  11. That is right, *Jacksonbart going to get the Decorators (wish I were him).... You know, I guess it is a little early to be bending an elbow...ah what the heck! To * Jacksonbart[8]...& OB
  12. Got the Champale on ice...the Rothchild decanted...and Trump in the freezer, for the ladies... 3+ hours till high noon....
  13. Never eaten bear, but some old-timers I used to go hunting with said that bear paws were a treat because they were muscular. I have a recipe in an old cookbook for fixing them. *Some of them old cookbooks have some interesting recipes for sure like Hard Sauce. When I told my nephew I would take him barr hunting his eyes got big. Bar hunting now, I've done that!
  14. Told my friend that if DLP's have a lamp issue every 6,000 hours that, when dealing with Plasma, Lcd, & Dlp that tradeoffs would occur. The biggest problem is the 65 inch size versus room size.LOL!
  15. NooB section still good for this discovery! I was rehooking up wires from the DVD after cleaning over the weekend, and instead of hooking up to speaker inputs on a PanicSonic 2000, I accidentally hooked the L/R to the ceramic input of the phono on the stereo receiver, right beside the magnetic phono L/R input. I cut it on and BS sounded different,better with more lowend on the bass/drums and more punch, but had to turn up the volume all the way to begin to get to my listening level. Thought...hummmm what had I done. So now I go back and unhook the phono cables from the magnetic side and input my wires. Had left the volume up alot and when cut back on, it was clipping. So cut off quickly and rehooked back to ceramic input and left the phono wires from turntable unconnected. Viola... now my volume is up 3/4 at my listening level with my loudness boost lever off and hearing the real BS. Thought somethings were missing with the musuc but just attributed it to the panicsonic, Still going to do the duct thing (experiment) but if bass gets more intense, I may not can take it, as the mis-tuned on purpose with the x-overs must be the case,[H] as one hell of a punch!!!!! So much for not knowing what I"m doing. Don't know why but maybe bypassed a filter. This is the best they have sounded, with all the range of instrumentation in the 6+ years I've had the Chorus 1's. Now to see how the Cornwall 2 compare. May as well listen to Beck/Ola again to see what I missed (CD)!!! Accidental discovery.......Cooolllll!!!!
  16. Heineken Light(diet beer).....almost like the real one in taste, and can drink more, when can handle the taste.[+o(] Prefer the homebrew, but probebly couldn't keep up with the brewing, let alone standing up to do it! That's it I'll just sit!
  17. Speaking to the Chorus line, I understand that the Cornwall line are similar component wise. I have the Chorus 1 for awhile now, and am happy with the bass, but understand that the Chorus 2 goes a little lower. The 1 is ported and the 2 has a passive radiator. The "presence" mentioned is larger no doubt somewhat due to the size of the Cornwall vs. the Chorus. I am happy with the Chorus in filling the room with loud, large clear sound, and if you found a deal on them, I cannot see you going too wrong with price range around $500, or less used, good condition. Next could be a Klipch sub. if wanted/needed. HOWEVER, you may take my advice with a grain, cause Chorus are my 1st Klipsch experience. Others here have had Belle, Cornwall, etc. I want my next buy to be Cornwall,Heresy,etc. just to experience what others here know, that I want to find out. I am *** NEWBIE TO FORUM ALERT**
  18. I understand from the original poster to this topic that Mr. Holt is still around, so it's never to late.......and thanks for the info......*** Garyrc wrote: "Of course, tragically, some of the worst of the Boomers are now in very powerful positions." I would tend to agree with that statement!
  19. It's been 6+ years for me, and I can feel your pain. Don't know you no doubt have friends here, to maybe find some comfort in/with. Thanks for the sharing!
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