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    Bergen County NJ
  • Interests
    All stuff audio...
  • My System
    ---Basement Theater---
    Technics SL-D30
    Yamaha RX-V995
    Carver TFM-35x
    University Classic (Main)
    University/EV Cabinet (Center)
    Infinity Reference Two (Rear)
    Klipsch Synergy Sub-12HG

    ---Living Room---
    Yamaha RX-V995
    Advent Prodigy Tower (Main)
    Infinity Video1 (Center)
    KLH 970A (Rear)
    Klipsch KSW-10

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  1. Anybody try the EV dl15x? Supposedly a good replacement for the c15w. I see lots floating around.
  2. planetred

    University Classic Plans LTV 1971

    University Classic plans LTV 1971
  3. cone thickness only .020" = .5mm Sorry for going off topic.
  4. so light yet so strong, kind of-
  5. This is the latest casualty. It broke between the upper and lower spiders when violently overdriven by a friend, accidentally. Wish there were more cones available for the c15w. I think I used up the last four a couple of years ago. If anyone comes across any please let me know.
  6. The c15w has a flat smooth voice. Nothing sounds quite like it. My friend and I tried an eminence in his classic, delta pro15a, but it had too much voice. Wish I could help you further.
  7. I remember seeing Nico's Classics and wondered how much it changed the resonance of the box. Very interesting take on the Classic though. https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/146927-the-rebirth-of-the-university-classics/
  8. Getting the "wishbone" just right is a little tricky. When you dry fit it in the box with the motor board on top, it all comes together. Good luck!
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