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JohnA last won the day on February 4 2020

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Klipsch Fanatic

Klipsch Fanatic (6/9)



  1. Marine plywood if the brick wall is moist. MDF might be OK if its dry.
  2. Klipsch installs short angled risers rather than stands to preserve bass output and still throw the mids and treble toward your ears. Crites Speakers may still offer them for yours. As for a subwoofer, at least a 12", or even 2, for even bass output. The Klipsch subs are uniformly good at their price points. Soon, we will have some Heritage Horn Sub's!!!!!!!
  3. My Type AAs have a single, oval 13 uF squawker cap. I thought they all did. But I *have* seen some with 2 stacked caps of unknown value.
  4. It's for bi-wiring. Something I think is dubious, but fashionable.
  5. If your woofer lasted 45 years, why would you think it needed treating with anything?
  6. I love the classic look of the silver Yamaha's! I like the way my 701 sounds, too. Try to listen to Heresy IVs. I recommend them wholeheartedly. The sound seems to come from one point. It is hard to hear the location of any driver. Bass is solid to low G and E is not down so much that might think it was meant to be that way. Subwoofer is not needed for typical music. You can come hear mine if you like.
  7. Interesting. But I bought Heresy IVs because they sounded so much cleaner and more coherent than the Heresies I had. Heritage has always been expensive, but the new ones, that I've heard, are worth the extra cost over the older ones.
  8. Agree. Plus, that's the reason for the Reference and Reference Premier series. Heritage was never made for the masses, save, maybe, the Heresy.
  9. I don't know its value, but if a buy back happens, I'm in!
  10. JohnA

    Walnut Forte

    https://www.estatesales.net/marketplace/items/1576847 Atlanta area
  11. https://www.estatesales.net/marketplace/items/1575968 Atlanta
  12. If you price quality film and foil caps you'll find they are *much* more than $3 each. I will not recommend metalized film caps, except, maybe, in parallel with the woofer when replacing electrolytic caps. Still, you might find Solen film and foil caps available in the Great White North. Crossovers are a significant expense for speaker manufacturers. More expensive when we buy 3 or 4 at a time rather than 400.
  13. I can't come to hope for the next few months, so what are the details of the live stream?
  14. Why would you not use the Yamaha's pre-amp outs to drive the M-L subwoofer?
  15. They are great, very efficient outdoor speakers! the woofer is an EVM-12L or Eminence equivalent. It rises to about 102 dB/w/m in the midrange. The squawker and tweeter are fun at 104 dB/w/m with a crossover very similar to the Khorn/Belle Klipsch/La Scala Type AA of the era. If you use them inside where the high frequencies are reflected back to you, you will want to reduce the output above about 700 Hz. Since the woofer's response doesn't go much below 50 Hz, you may want a good subwoofer. Host a Barbecue and rock the neighborhood! On 5 watts.
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