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bracurrie last won the day on January 31 2014

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    Music City
  • Interests
    Family, small sailboat racing, music listening.
  • My System
    Mac Pro running Pure Music/Vinyl
    Apogee Quartet sound card
    Amps and Sound preamp and Casablancas mono block tube amps driving Yields and were made by forum member David Harris aka Gothover

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  1. Maybe I’ll just part them out. Brad
  2. The quiet phase of my efforts to sell these hasn't worked so I am now announcing that I have a pair of Yield Open Baffle Speakers made by Dave Harris with passive crossovers. The crossovers are Dave's design but the enclosures were damaged so I rebuilt them on wood platforms. I have repacked them in the wooden crates that the speakers came to me in. These are not efficient speakers but will work with 40 watts or more. I used Casablanca mono blocks by Amps and Sound or a Van Alstine Synergy 240 SS from time to time. The frequency response is not colored and you hear everything. Please make me an offer, I just want them to go to a good home.
  3. As I understand it, the Enclosure serves to capture the sound energy coming off the back of the driver. The Yield is very flat and has wonderful bass sound but cannot go very loud. The room and placement is also important to the how the Yield sounds. Enclosed speakers are more flexible. Who is Helmholtz?
  4. Dave Harris built a speaker system he named the Yield. Its an open baffle full ranger with two 15 inch open baffle drivers mounted behind an 6 inch hole. The results are amazing. I have owned the speakers for 12 years but now have to get rid of them,
  5. I have largely abandoned the Klipsch forums these last few years due to personal bandwidth issues so I feel like a newbie again. My subject is the excellent Yield speakers that I acquired from Justin Weber (justinsweber) in a trade for a pair of Jubilee knockoffs almost ten years ago. The depth of knowledge and experience on this forum enabled me to enjoy a terrific hobby that I hope to give some more time to soon. I learned of the Yields on this forum from posts by Dave Harris (gothover) and by chance I caught the opportunity to snag them from Justin while trading with him. They have been interesting but I am ready to move on. Does anyone know anyone else who has the Yields? Thanks Brad 615-406-7052
  6. It's about time we all understand that food critics and audio gear critics are much the same. Subjective taste is personal and a good reviewer need only give the important contextual elements within the review for it to be useful.
  7. I will speculate thus: Klipsch is a big company that struggles(as all companies do) to show sales and earnings growth. Heritage operations in Hope have added to sales and earnings growth with the improvements to the old classic products driven by the team in Hope led by RD. With the credibility gained by that success and probably some help with other non-Heritage designs RD probably had the 75th anniversary in mind quite some time ago. It's a well timed launch point for all the improvements contemplated for the Jubilee from the time RD and PWK worked together through the work the RD led Heritage team has done with the design. After watching the video interviews of RD I sense a "life's work" level of excitement from RD. And corporate probably couldn't be happier with the credibility of Heritage and the history of PWK supporting the all important financial performance of the Klipsch brand of products. Well played RD.
  8. As a previous owner of a set of Jubilee knockoffs I will be very interested in the new Jubilees. If they shore up the last half octave at the bottom this bass lover could get very excited. I had to run mine in the corners of the room to get my bass fix. Does anyone here remember the guy who had six jubillees in a media room setup with massive passive crossovers mounted on the wall? Been trying to find the old posts about his setup.
  9. Bob took my call some 12 years ago when I was refurbishing a pair of Forte IIs. I didn't know anything but he was so patient and helpful. Even after several calls where I am sure the same questions were answered again he was always gracious.
  10. Thanks to all who chimed in on this thread. I decided not to buy these as the estate was wise to what they would bring in Japan and I wasnt willing to spend that much on speakers. Brad
  11. A lot has happened since I posted this thread. My mother passed away in Memphis summer of 2016 and I got to hear the Hartsfield speakers. They were positioned in the corners of the room and had pretty good bass. I brought a jazz album I knew well to play and the mids were very pleasing to my ear. In any case the speakers are not a matched set. One is a '53 and one is a '57 but they appear identical with same crossovers and drivers. Now I have to decide whether to go down that rabbit hole of buying them as they are just now available. Brad
  12. It is with great dread that Coffee Day comes every year and I think I can do what I did in my 30s which is drink coffee all day with abandon. By 1 o'clock I was non functional with the shakes and unable to focus on anything complicated. So I then just wasted away the rest of the afternoon listening to jazz. So really it wasn't that bad a day after all. But I do so love coffee. Brad
  13. Would settle for Jack. Can't blame a guy for shooting high.
  14. Tried that. Went back to one box for better perceived results.
  15. The only criteria was they had to be Phillips head screws.
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