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Everything posted by OO1

  1. if you want the best sound , RF-7 III brand new networks are available from klipsch parts , -klipsch Part # 1064536
  2. the issues can be resolved by calling tech support , now mind you , the problems posted on the forum are always super amplified while they may only be user related issues , put it this way , a handful of complaints is nothing , there are 1000's of sales , all are backed by returns for refunds and a warranty
  3. Re-install the latest firmware if the issue is not resolved after the FW upgrade , contact klipsch tech support via email to open a ticket https://support.klipsch.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  4. 2 choices , the RC-7 was already mentioned , or the RP-504C
  5. is that a Rottweiler / Doberman , sure looks super intelligent
  6. W stands for Walnut , L stands for lacquer
  7. The prices are inflated in Germany , the RP-160M at €368 a pair were discounted under 200$ a pair brand new in the USA last year , instead try to locate a used pair of RP-600M
  8. please give us your results with the M-5000 when you get a chance
  9. a quality preamp does the contrary , technology marches on , high end preamps with Tone Controls are now mainstream
  10. the Dealer installed optional grilles with klipsch fabric and klipsch copper badges were stapled
  11. hit the ignore button , and make sure to read the klipsch Forum Guidelines , I was not talking to you ,do not reply to posts that are not directed to you https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/guidelines/ Be Courteous! Don't attack others. Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully ... without insult and personal attack.
  12. you must have been quite a young guy to serve in Nam , the war ended in 1975
  13. definitely . 1500$ is a steal , grab em before someone else does and I do mean run dont walk , cause the speakers I see are worth 3000$ , regardless of a bad tweeter or mids diaphragm .
  14. no , ideally you need a quality preamp with separate tone controls to allow you to EQ the sound , I would recommend the Mark Levinson LNP-2 , one of the best preamps ever designed by Mark Levinson himself .
  15. the Forte IV will do fine with the RC-64 center plus you already own other speakers with different timbres already and so far , this is un-noticeable ..the other solution would be to buy the RF-7 III instead of the Forte IV to have a perfectly matched timbre up front , the difference between both speakers is a tad more bass and a more detailed HF for the Forte IV .
  16. dont wait too long klipsch slashed the price for the 1200 and they're selling out like hotcakes , https://www.klipsch.com/products/cinema-1200-sound-bar-and-surround-system
  17. the Cornwall III are definitely a good deal if the speakers are in mint condition , otherwise pass , and dont wait too long because someone else may grab the deal before you do
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