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Everything posted by OO1

  1. by mounting it on a metal plate then attaching it on the panel so the connector don't have to go all the way through the panel. https://www.parts-express.com/dayton-audio-sbpp-si-binding-post-plate-silver-anodized--091-600 very clean - and neat result
  2. they are all the same - they use the same diaphragm - the old ones are alnico round magnets that some prefer to the square ferrite magnet - they say that these are smoother - the old round ones are very sought after by the purists and I will never give up these , they are the best for me - the alnico magnet can demagnetize with age - the ferrites do not - the ideal is to have a couple of sets handy -
  3. if your theater room can do both hifi and multi- channel , why not as long as it fits - you might enjoy it even more as you are already very confortable there
  4. The Duracrest Heritage fabric is a magnet for cats - some dogs too but for different reasons -
  5. maybe the jubs just arent for you -it happens or you are expecting too much from them as they are -
  6. exact same - results , except they go higher
  7. YES that is the easiest way to repair if you have the mud (ferrite or rectangular) magnets. For those with the older, round alnico magnets the loose diaphragm with leads that must be carefully soldered will have to be used. YES that is the easiest way to repair if you have the mud (ferrite or rectangular) magnets. For those with the older, round alnico magnets the loose diaphragm with leads that must be carefully soldered will have to be used. the plastic cup with the soldered diaphragm can be used on the Alnico round tweeter K77 and the Mud ferrite square magnet alike - -the only problem on the round alnico magnets is that the old screen may not come off from the horn - so you do not replace the new screen and you just re-use the old screen with the new gasket in the cup -
  8. I second everyone who mentions the waffle grille as a protection device - did you check to see if there was a surround kit available from Klipsch parts or other sources for the KD13 - it looks to me that was the issue - old rubber - why mess with a recone - at this stage - plus I would stress that a proper Klipsch Cone is needed here , not an aftermarket which may sound very different -
  9. I have to hide a second bottle from the wife - she beats me to it every time -My Darling is shy -
  10. must be the owners car -looks authentic - maybe a retired police officer -
  11. Altec VOT really maxed out in seventies as huge halls were the norm - by the mid eighties - they were gone , too big - too monstruous - the biggest sub man ever built was the A4 - -the staff used to sit in the cab to feel the bass -it would rattle the fillings out your teeth The horn path looks too short to be any good for use as a subwoofer, may be a decent bass bin but the older Altec drivers i have heard ran out of steam rather quickly and we had quite a few on the block ( Dad had the Altec Valencia's ) Altec VOT really maxed out in seventies as huge halls were the norm - by the mid eighties - they were gone , too big - too monstruous - the biggest sub man ever built was the A4 - -the staff used to sit in the cab to feel the bass -it would rattle the fillings out your teeth The horn path looks too short to be any good for use as a subwoofer, may be a decent bass bin but the older Altec drivers i have heard ran out of steam rather quickly and we had quite a few on the block ( Dad had the Altec Valencia's ) You are correct, they are bass bins. Good down to 40Hz, which is pretty amazing! BTW Randy, the A4 had a big brother. The A1. Almost 3 times the weight! I only know all this cause I googled it and found the original sales thing. Here is a link: http://www.greatplainsaudio.com/vintage_altec/VOTT%20Catalogue%201983_saleslit_ALL.pdf exactly the A1 cabs were used for night clubs as they were basically 2 factory ready built A4 Cabs bolted together with more internal bracing -which explain the higher weight - -the trick back then was to buy 2 A4 since they were cheaper and also easier to ship -handle and mount - we would close the frontal ports - and add thicker panels for rigidity and bolt them together - single A4 were not used at all -
  12. exactly , my point , yours is cheaper - thanks
  13. https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/125392-k69-on-402-or-510-and-why/
  14. did you ever try the K-402/k-1133
  15. the k604 tractrix horn mated to the k53 motor was your preference- coincidently , PWK saw the future with the Chorus 2 / Forte 2 -
  16. am I to understand that you really like the K61 horn with the k53 non-titanium and the k402 with the k69 equally -
  17. the scalas all pretty much have the same sound except the La scala Industrial which handle more power -good luck -there are a few places for purchasing capacitors in Montreal -
  18. more pictures can help us - first you must listen to the speakers and see if they suit you - depending on how old you are - you will either like them or hate them -since you have to do the repairs - the seller must account for this -all in all a 250$ rebate is in order to repair the cabs and upgrade the crossovers - -Scalas are for classical - jazz , , dance music is not their mission - -1979 Scala is the AA crossover , about 100$ to upgrade - not including labour - capacitors last 20 years on average -the rest of the compoents - can still be ok -but you would have to check them with an ohmmeter - - the woofer is a k33 - 4ohms - the midrange K55V 16ohms - the tweeter K77 Alnico -round diaphragm -8ohms - for 1000$ US or 1200$ CAN $ -you should expect a pair in good cosmetic shape and in working order -
  19. Altec VOT really maxed out in the 70's as huge halls were the norm - by the mid eighties - they were gone , too big - too monstruous - the biggest sub man ever built was the A4 - -the staff used to sit in the cab to feel the bass -it would rattle the fillings out of your teeth
  20. the replacement is a factory refurbished equivalent model - now that can mean a repaired factory unit - or can also be a brand new product -one can easy tell once the product arrives -
  21. 429$ on ebay -http://www.ebay.com/itm/2014-YAMAHA-2D-3D-WiFi-Multi-Zone-All-Region-Code-Free-DVD-Blu-Ray-Disc-Player-/331475919652?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2d812324
  22. I have an identical pair - K33E -K55V-K77 ALNICO - really nice and priced relatively low for the condition - someone grab these as they are mint -
  23. OO1

    what a bargain!

    Are they still for sale? I am getting the Jubs next week , they are very impressive , it was either getting k-Horns and spending money to upgrade them , or the Jubilees that are in a class of their own -
  24. quick question - why switch to tubes now - what were you using so far - if I am asking it's because I have Cornwalls myself and your questions are a mirror -
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