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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. I agree with your statement that most speakers are not truly full band and using a subwoofer makes good sense to handle the bass work. Some people buy their speakers with the thought of how much bass the speaker can output. Only in a dedicated 2 channel setup, the speakers bass output is a keyfactor. Most of us with HT have a sub, so it makes sense to leave the heavy bass work to the power sub. With proper sub/room integration, music should also sound excellent. Surrounds usually don't get much info below 80Hz when watching BD, DVD or TV. Even when listening to extended stereo or multichannel music, having the surround X-0 below 80 yeilds very little gain in the listening experience IMHO.

  2. The 80 Hz X-0 is ok when running a good sub like that Epik, lol. Some people like to have their mains putting out bass, but why if you have a nice sub? If running speakers set to Large the varible, varible X-0 may be a nice feature. If your woofer are not 8in. or larger like with the RF 7, 83, or heritage line, I don't see much benefit to the lower X-0, except for the sub being monoaural.

  3. The speaker RMS is not that important since nobody with Klipsch in their home will run the speakers at 150 watts or what ever it is for a long time. Most of the time 20-30 would be high. My surrounds are 50-200 watts peak and I have an amp on the front height with no fear of the RMS watts and can cover the peaks without a problem. I do not know if it is sound reasoning, but the amp on the front height speaker is meant to protect the least able speaker from clipping and provide the best damping that I can provide theorectically, lol. I have driven my speaker at 100 watts for a short amount of time, way, way, to loud to take for long. The surround just never get that type of wattage except in HT.

  4. Outlaw 7700 is a 7 channel amp at 200 watts/channel for one third less money. If space is a problem an avr with pre- out to drive the front stage with a 3 channel amp. I doubt if the sourround and surround back will need or see much over 100 watts. The used market is great for getting amps, but it seems you are going with new. I am sure others will chime in and help spend your money, lol.[:#] I use amps on my mains and front height with the avr taking care of the rest.

  5. I agree that these problems can occur with any amp. I have just seen the frustration that other forum members have had with the Emotiva amps. You pay good money for a new toy and then have to deal with hiss, hums and the likes. There are a great number of members that have Emotiva amps without any problems. Good luck with locating the problem[:)].

  6. I seen this post earlier and was not going to touch it until others responded, but seeing no other post, I would suggest swapping the 42 and 62 and see if the problem persist. This should at least define the problem to the speaker or the center channel. Just a thought.

  7. Even without the 1080p or the avr that does not support BD, I would think with the cost way down on BD players, getting a BD player would give you what you are looking for and handle all the current formats. I use my BD player for CD's, DVD, and, streaming. The DAC is usually of higher quality in a BD player and you can up-convert DVD's. I use several Samsung BD players in my HT setups. Just a thought.

  8. I can't speak on the Marantz, but Pioneer SC Elite avr's are a great match for Klipsch and have everything you are looking for. The 35-57 would do just fine. I use my SC 35 as a pre-amp for my Yamaha M 70's and could not be happier. They have the 12 volt triggers, 3D and networking option. I have a Samsung 3D 51 in hooked up to the system and the pic quality is excellent. Consider the used market for one of these to keep the price right for it to be used as a pre-amp. It will be nice to have also if you ever have trouble with one of your amps, lol. I am sure other will also suggest some other great avr's. Good luck.

  9. I know Emotiva is a popular product on this forum, but it is also the amp most talked about for problems related to hiss, hum and ground loop problems. I don't see those problems with other amps used by forum members for the most part.

  10. The specs for the speakers are a guideline. You may get + or - those numbers in your home. With the roll-off I don't think you will have an audio hole. Your autocalibration program sets the x-o to your speakers respone in your home. Enjoy!

  11. I agree that you are summing the signal. I think the y-connector is especially useful when the sub is set to auto in older subs, to help trigger it to come on. I brought mine from BB for $3.29. I look at at this as one of my cheapest audio investment and there is no real risk.[:)] Also using the y-connector may eliminate some RF/EM effect form leaving one of the sub inputs open. I did say may, lol.

  12. The funny thing about trying to pick out a system for the home is, you really don't know how it will sound until you get it home and setup for a while. I like the 52 system because it is easier to grow. A sub can alway be added later. I wonder if he get's the 42 system will he want more, good sound does that to ya![8-|]

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