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Posts posted by Scrappydue
Ok let me say the two most important speakers are the center and subwoofer those are the two you splurge on. However with being said if you don't buy the 7ii's you don't need the 64. The 62 is matched to the 82's and 62's. So get the rc-62 and don't look back. Now one the rf-82ii/rc-62ii combo an external amp is not necessary but will open them up a little more and give you some extra headroom. Now, on the subwoofer side of the house, to me this is where you should splurge since you are saving by getting the 82/62 combo over the 7/64 combo. I have svs and I love it. But I read great reviews on all the companies I mentioned. Do you want a sub geared more for music or movies? It's easier to steer you in a direction after we know that.
Vic are you looking for black or cherry?
I read through your post kind of fast. So if you can't go any bigger than the rc-62, to stay timbre matched you need to stay with the rf-82/62. I would go with the 82's myself. Might as well go as big as you can just gonna be able to fill the room easier. As for a sub in the new klipsch line I would ONLY go with the sw-115. But there are other internet companies out there to get more bang for your buck. Svs, epik, elemental designs, rythmik are to name the big ones. But you could probably get the rf-82ii,rc-62ii and the sw-115 for less than 2000. Last time I got quoted the 82's from acoustic sound design was 900. Seen the sw-115 go for 600.
Well first off welcome!! I cannot chime in on any of the wireless stuff. But I can say what you want all depends on your listening. I have never heard the rf-52 but I do know that the rf-62 are a pretty capable speaker. However with a space that size I am assuming you have all equipment on the short wall firing the length of the room. I would settle for no less than the rf-7ii for a space that big. And not sure if you know but klipsch can be had for much less than retail. The rf-7ii,rc-64ii, and rs-62ii can be had for 3600. So that is what I would shoot for. Or if that was out of range I would either go with the rf-82/rc62 or rf-62/rc-62 But I would not go any smaller in a room that range.
Handshake is the audio and video signal between source and processor. Like when you turn on your ps3 to watch a movie and video might not play but audio does so you have to turn the umc-1 off then back on and it would working.
I seen some 81's on audiogon for 450 plus shipping and mint rs-42 on here for 250 plus shipping
Why the change in veneer from the sub to the front three?
its because they over built the first ones then smartened up. you can find the first ones that i just got rid of on the bay for 1000 bucks still. i payed 300 for mine release day in japan which was earlier than here and people were selling them here for like 2000. and i sold it broken to a guy for 150 because he wanted the drive out of it to put in the second generation one to take advantage of all the first gen capabilities
did you do the cetner and surrounds too?? those are so awesome!! how bout you fly up and veneer all my stuff in something exotic! i'll give you a free place to stay! san diego is nice this time of year loltesting
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How much are you trying to spend? This is a touchy subjects for lots of people. I have been looking at the monster hts 3600 mk II for 230. APC h15 for 260, and the belkin Pf60 for 200. Those prices stay about the same except the belkin goes on sale quite a bit. If I remember correctly and it's been a while but last time I was doing a ton of research I was gonna go with the APC because of their warranty program seemed to be the best.
Only the firs generation ones played SACD. I miss mine. RIP countless hours played in Japan on that thing. Lots of military folks on here. USN, and almost through!! Prolly gonna miss my paycheck though lolthe PS3 will not out put SACD.
that is somewhat UNTRUE... SOME early four slot PS3 configurations will play/output sacd.
Mine did.
I would say you could put them in the 2 channel section or in home theater section. Either way I would read it. Those things are awesome!!!!
Congrats you now have a WAF too!!!Me and my WIFE.
Where do people find deals like this? Not gonna lie I spend a ridiculous amount of time on audiogon, eBay, statewide list, emotiva forum, and others looking for these deals that I ear about and I never seem to find as good of deals as others.
The originals were 299 for ye 40GB AND 499 for the 160GB. Wish they still had hard drives. I bought mine in Japan when I lived there. I love having the hard drive one. I am on vacation right now in Oregon at my inlaws and have all my digital movies and and my whole music collection here with me.@scrappy, where the heck did you buy apple tv for $500?
Everything in my sig minus cables, stands, and power conditioner. Rf-63/rc-64 (1800) rb-61(220) rs-62(650) first svs (1900) second svs (1600) ps3 (300) Kuro (3000) onkyo 805 (1100) apple tv (500) hddvd (290) time capsule (500)
You can tell the things I paid retail for before I ever bought used or knew that certain things could be had for less than retail. So....drum roll......GRAND TOTAL OF 11,860 so far. And I still have a few other things to buy before my home theater will be complete....I hope
Well sounds like you got your next project planned. Plus if I had as much stuff as you (which I believe we have jut about all the same) in my living room my wife would freak out. LolNo projector for me. All my stuff is not in a dedicated theater room, its in the family room, so its got to be a tv the wife would freak out!!! Remember I just pulled off dual PB-13 Ultra's!! with the wife, She wont go for a screen in here too. Maybe if I do a theater room I could do that.
Here is my opinion on anything bigger than a 55 inch tv. New 70" led cost what, 3-4 thousand dollars, unless you get a killer deal or buy a crappy one. Both happen all the time. But if you wanted something that big why not actually start looking into projectors. You cam get a killer deal on projectors and screens for around 3000. And if you wanted only an 80 inch. Buy an 80 inch and scoot the projector closer. Image will be much sharper and way brighter that close. Just my two cents on big tv's.Also looking for size 70-80 inch. the plasma's i see always seem too dark and not very vivid in there colors. I dont think screen burn in is an issue anymore with plasma's? Not sure about the life expectancy of a plasma vs led?
LEDs are nice and efficient and they don't heat up but I personally cannot stand the 120,240hz. It is so terrible looking to me. Watch one next to a nice 600hz plasma. You will see a huge difference. I will own an led anywhere in my house except in my theater where the picture has to be perfect. And wherever the ps3 goes for gaming as well.
Well I think the guys with big signatures like to brag. I didn't even put my signature when I had my 82/52/42 setup until I got the rf63's lol. I thinks its a mine is bigger kind of thing. If you haven't hooked them up yet they will blow your mind. I just picked up my rs-62 yesterday and now am gonna have to find a new way to mount them because they are huge. And my mother in law through them in her trunk so they are no longer mint. One has a gouge in the corner. Gotta love mother in laws.
I have never heard a horn loaded subwoofer in a house only at concerts. But I am excited for you to get here so I can hear these bad boys.Babadono, always welcome! Will be making substantial system adjustments over Jul-Aug timeframe during my leave. Gonna add second sub and new amps, reconfigure room etc...then take it all apart and move to SD in Oct-Nov timeframe (will have a better room there no doubt).
Scrappy, by the time I'm in SD I'll be rocking dual Danley DTS-10s in my system, would be very interested to hear the comparison with dual SVS Ultras. Much fun to be had by all!
I feel like everything klipsch makes somehow ends up from the Midwest region east. Nothing awesome ever shows up out here in Cali. Guess surfing really is the most important thing to these guys. Bummer.
So as all of you can see I have a pretty ok theater already. That will be going in my theater room once I am out of the military. So with our obsession also comes a disgust with "normal" speakers. So basically I am wanting something for my living room as well. So the first time I seen a pair of rf-42ii I fell in love with their skinny sleek looks. And I was also impressed with their sound for their size. I ran quite a few kinds of music through them and they def need a sub. Not a problem. The one I am worried about is the matching center. I don't want guys to sound like midgets. I recently acquired a mint set of rf-62/rc/62. I demoed them at the guys house. He had no sub. So I know they were on large but not sure what his eq was at but holy cow! Tons of bass and sounded great. To be expected from a MUCH larger speaker than the 42's. Can anyone chime in that might have heard the 42 center channel. I don't want them to be any bigger than necessary as I have my other huge setup already.
RF 52 vs 62? Matching Amp? Starting the slippery slope :)
in Home Theater
Im sorry once again reading too fast. So as far as avr's go I run an older onkyo no 3-d but it a true 130x7 all channels driven. Newer receivers usually go downhill once you run all channels. I would say a lot of people hate onkyo because they sound terrible with music. And better for theater. So if that's your goal go with an onkyo. I think they sound great with music but I have not heard a lot of other stuff. So who am I to say any different. Or you could go with a receiver band you like and not worry about the power buy the one with the features you like and then add an external amp like the emotiva upa-500. It's 80 true watts x 5 and it will decimate most avr's since just about any solid state amp will have better power than an avr