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Posts posted by Scrappydue

  1. 1 hour ago, teaman said:

    I look forward to your review Scrappy, after some burn in time of course. I have an acquaintance that was directed by a Klipsch guy at the CES show that actually steered him away from the Forte III's, which I found kind of odd. He settled instead on La Scala II's and Cornwall III's.

    Crappy guy to not trying o be pushing new product, but probably a good salesman considering instead of selling 3600$ worth of speakers he sold 12,000$ worth of speakers. 

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  2. The 160's are as big as it gets for bookshelves. So naturally that's what you should go with. Can I ask why you got the ca and not just the regular 450c? You know none of the bookshelves will match the finish right? The ca is veneer. Everything else is vinyl wrapped at much different looking. 

  3. 15 hours ago, Ceptorman said:

    Get the RC- 64ll.....thank me later.

    Sure if he decides to eventually upgrade all his other speakers too. Otherwise the 64ii wouldn't be worth the money. 62ii would be a better buy imo if your not gonna get the 7ii's down the road. 

  4. I'd say the 3's are gonna be a tad more laid back sounding. I certainly like the look of them better. I'm about the only one though I think. Everyone else likes the veneer front. I'd agree on black but I don't like cherry veneer on the front with copper woofers. The new ones are a nice contrast and the lean back and plinth is so much classier looking

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