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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Would a simple wooden stand for the new horn and driver, allow it to sit right on top of the LS cabinet? I think it would look pretty cool, if it's feasible...
  2. Speed

    Jubilees on eBay

    Who is ready for an upgrade?! 😁 Of course these won't have that new speaker smell, and McIntosh sold separately. https://www.ebay.com/itm/335314758967?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SmRy3-LkTUO&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=r2R6ukhLSuG&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. Heresy in 1985. An Army friend bought them in the PX so they were (I cheated here) not mine. He played the Twisted Sister concert from the aircraft hanger in San Bernardino, on a Laserdisc player. We all felt like we were at the concert, pretty awesome from such a small speaker. We all had bigger speakers in our Quonset Huts, but they didn't sound nearly as good.
  4. Speed

    What I Got Today!

    I replaced half the grass in my front yard with DG years ago, trying to cut down on watering the grass. I soon realized all I did was create a giant litter box for every cat in the freaking neighborhood! 😺=💩💩💩
  5. Wow! I'm so old, I can't remember the last time I drove after dark. 😁
  6. Speed

    What I Got Today!

    Absolutely. I only got 12 cases, so you will have to bring your own beer... 😁
  7. Speed

    What I Got Today!

    My yearly beer supply. The most flavor a beer could possibly have!
  8. I took some pictures of a lightning storm Thursday, these are facing northwest from my porch. Just cell phone pictures, surprised they came out so good. Bad news, they started 19 wild fires in the area and one is only 14 miles from my house. The smoke. Ick! Lol.
  9. Went on a four hour river float this past weekend. Some home owners along the river built these rock formations, as the water level is low this time of the year. I thought it was pretty cool...
  10. *Warning* A Gopher was harmed in this photo! A local blogger snapped a photo of a Hawk scoring a Gopher. Hopefully this is not offensive (if so watch Caddyshack) or I will remove it. I have Hawk's hunting daily on my property, and have experience with gopher's so I thought it was pretty cool..
  11. Synchronized Deer Dancing, new Olympic event possibly? Lol...
  12. I set a woodland rat in front of my camera to see what would find it, and a Red Shouldered Hawk took and flew away with the rat. I'm surprised a bird of prey would take it as it was already dead, must have been hungry...
  13. Yes, they are impressive. Sometimes he lands in a oak tree just outside my living room window, and waits for voles to move to feed on. It's so cool...
  14. Finally got a picture of the Hawk that visits my place, I placed some voles in front of the trail cam hoping he would land.
  15. Music-is a song by Madonna. When I played it with KLF 10's and LS1's with a KSW-15 subwoofer, the song was powerful and would shake the house down. If I play it on the UJ's (without a subwoofer) it sounds terrible, can't even listen to the song. It's rare, but there are some songs...
  16. Bought one in 85, and 87. I think they were $499 in the PX, I really wanted the M-80 but they were $799...
  17. That's why I love to buy quality products, they hold or Appreciate in value. That's when you know you got the "good stuff" 😁
  18. Ahh, the Heritage 1202 subwoofer. Checkbook says---It's possible.
  19. Elton 60 DVD, has a bonus disc called Live, Rare, and Unseen. It has some fantastic live tracks mostly from 1970 through the early 80's. 👍
  20. What's great about the development of the new Jubilee, is you can upgrade the HF driver for a couple grand if you have the UJ. If you have or build (one day) a great sub, you are right there with a little more low frequency control. I need that control with some of the recordings I listen to today...
  21. If the fawn had made contact with Mrs. Speed, our dog would have a little brother and I would be sleeping on the floor...Lol
  22. We were doing our daily 1.2 mile walk to the mailbox and back, when a young fawn ran right up to us. The little tike stopped about four feet in front of us, stayed for a bit and ran back hopefully to mommy...
  23. Speed

    What I Got Today!

    I live in Oregon where we don't pump our own gas, I ain't never seen a gas attendant like that!
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