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Full Range

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Everything posted by Full Range

  1. A couple of photos of the ALK Crossovers First the pimped out universals - ( not my work but the previous owner ) And below the AP12 split system .
  2. Taking some snaps of the system I have changed and matched on both amps the volume / select knobs
  3. Congrats I currently own and use two ALK crossovers 1) The Universal - a little pimped out 2) The AP12-600 + AP15-6000 Crossover Networks ( gental slope ) I like the fact that one can use the attenuators ( both mid range and tweeter ) to fine tune the driver output for best outcome
  4. I like how this photo of a toy turned out Simple but sharp
  5. I can see the difference in the 2 sizes What are the actual measurements for fitting into the box casing I am seriously contemplating getting the larger size if it's available in kit form, as an upgrade to the 400 Should also compliment the designer and maker of this horn type as it gives me so much listening pleasure
  6. In the crossovers I currently use The capacitors are a combination of Sonicap & Jensen Superior However I just ordered 2 of the new Duelund cast hand made 10r10W resistors to give them a try
  7. Jupiter Capacitors also make wax in paper and are highly thought of in audio circles You will need to see if they make value you require http://jupitercondenser.com/Audio-Series-Capacitors/audio-series-capacitors.html
  8. These are the drivers that are paired with the 400 Eliptrac horn on my separate La Scalas http://www.greatplainsaudio.com/downloads/399series.pdf .
  9. Exposure time is important in night photography In these shots I tried to get emphasis on the glass and the inner light assisting
  10. On a similar note I purchased an SD card - one of those fast SDXC -128 gb Computer would not read the card no matter what I did or tried I eventually found a fix on the Windows site - all that was needed ? A driver or a recognition patch From then on all worked fine
  11. Thanks for the tip Mallette it will help other members with R2Rs However in my case it's to far to travel - a one way trip is 8344 miles from where I live
  12. They are member Sootshe's I purchased them from him because they won't fit in his new house Currently tweaking them now to suit my equipment and room
  13. It's taken a while to get it complete with original brand specific parts My Sony TC 765 Reel2Reel Here is a shot of my Sony with a glimpse of the new La Scalas Although the photo shows the NAB adapter is from a Revox I do have the genuine Sony ones as well
  14. Thanks for the input, I just recieved the Schiit tubed Valhalla amp today and so far i like it. Ill take a look at the dac even though i wont know what the heck im looking at Almost all CD players have a DAC ( a handful don't - these units are classed as transports ) Some are better than others, it all depends on how it's put together and the Chip installed that does the converting DAC stands for Digital to Analogue Convertor However if you want to play from a different input e.g. Computer or Stream over WiFi then you need a DAC with the appropriate input connections e.g. USB, Optical, SPDF ect
  15. A TeraDak NOS Chameleon, will give you the best bang for your dollar as it's a superb sounding DAC A DAC needs to be connected to an amplifier - any amplifier that suits your ears
  16. Some photos I thought you might enjoy Camera Canon EOS 70D A Bellflower This is a Pudding with a whole orange inside - Made by famous English chef Heston Blumenthal We had it on Christmas Day Some LED lights in. Bowl
  17. I think I will get the Hi Res download versions of both offerings http://www.highdeftapetransfers.com/product.php?pid=7189 It's easy to record to tape if set up right
  18. Question ! 1) How many compilation CDs are available to date 2) Will there be an offering in Reel2Reel master quality tape ( as I have and use Reel2Reel regularly ) 3) As there has been an 80% growth of vinyl record sales in 2013 has there been consideration given to a vinyl release ( yes I also have a turntable set up as well ) Cheers
  19. Thanks Dave Much appreciated
  20. Would the Eliptrac 400 model need this bracing if one has used a Great Plains 399 8A mid drivers ? FR
  21. Thanks for the welcome DtelI just got a new DSLR camera - a Canon EOS70D These are some of my first test shots
  22. I have connected my iPad in a similar way but used Apple TV for my streamer Apple TV is connected to my external DAC via the optical cable and the iPad controls it's functions Works great In the near future I plan to transfer all my digital music to a NAS server and access it via wifi FR
  23. Hi all New to the forum and my first post will be a photo Anyone like Reel2Reel FR
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