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Posts posted by ChuckAb3
Happy Sunday guys. Thanks for all the good wishes. Just gonna take it easy today and watch the game on the HT with Better Half Unit and Baxter. No one in the media thinks we can win, but stranger things have happened. Just ask Brady.
We'll see.
Have a great day and cheers.
Was that Bronco's SB win was some good medicine Chuck?
That game was great medicine for me and probably all of Denver, if not all of Colorado. The celebration will continue out here for at least the next few days.
Thanks for the comment JL. Chuck .. Baxter sends a sympathetic woof back to Jake. The Panthers are a fine team and will be back.
Monday cheers guys.
Admittedly I'm a 'homer' when it comes to the Broncos, but DAMN, our guys deserved this one!! Some of the big losers of the night are in the sports media who saturated us with stories about the supposed invincibility of Cam and the Panthers, despite our wins over GB, the Steelers and NE. included in that is Phil Simms who kept up the babbling into at least the 2d quarter.
Cheers guys.
Happy Sunday guys. Thanks for all the good wishes. Just gonna take it easy today and watch the game on the HT with Better Half Unit and Baxter. No one in the media thinks we can win, but stranger things have happened. Just ask Brady.
We'll see.
Have a great day and cheers.
Mornin' gang. Back from kidney surgery. Still hurting but should be ok. It involved shattering a 9 mm stone with a laser and putting a temporary stent between the kidney and bladder. Don't ask how they got in there.
Still have some follow up 'issues' to be addressed.
It's good to be back. Gonna pick up on my 'likes' from this point forward. billybob ...thanks for asking about me.
Cheers to all.
I've mentioned it here before but Squirrels have chewed through my trucks fuel line and all 3 wires to my cam position sensor. What a pain in the ***!
Chuck, how are you doing buddy? I had a lithotripsy procedure myself a few years back for a 10mm stone.
Hey JL. Doing ok ...just discomfort from the damn thing now. Hope the cure ain't worse. Will know more after tomorrow. Thanks for the concern.
Congrats and welcome.
If you are planning a 2 ch system and plan on keeping it that way (ie.., not transitioning to a HT rig), I'd suggest considering a separate pre- and power amp or a nice integrated amp as opposed to an AVR or other receiver. You will get a variety of opinions on this subject from many knowledgeable folks, but taking this approach has certainly enhanced the sound quality of our 2 ch system. The brands I've used in recent years are Parasound (separates) and Marantz (integrated). These have all been SS but the tube guys will have recommendations as well.
Best of luck.
Thanks for the encouragement and kind words, guys. Tomorrow's the day. Will let you know how the surgery went as soon as I'm able to.
I get to distract myself today with a faulty hose on the back of our washing machine today. Stupid thing can't make a tight enough connection and probably needs replacing.
Snowstorm has passed and the major roads and interstates are pretty clear.
Cheers to everyone.
Defense wins playoff games and Super Bowls. Go Broncos!!
Happy Tuesday folks. Looking at a major snowstorm here with 10 or 12 inches of new snow. Waiting on Better Half Unit ('BHU') to report that she has arrived at work safely. We have it somewhat easier than others ... highways are closed between just east of Denver and Kansas, and I suspect beyond.
Gonna stay in today and vegetate, at least till the roads are better. Just fyi, I may be out of pocket for a while later this week ...kidney stone surgery. Will be the first in a series of medical 'fixes' for me.
Have a good day all.
Why do you guys insist on telling me about your nice, balmy springlike weather?? Jeez.
Colorado just got its winter back with up to a foot of snow predicted in our area. On the other hand, it's a great time for you to escape all that nasty humidity and come out here for some world class skiing. Yup.
Have a great rest of your Sunday folks and cheers.
And she LOVE'S me..
MKP ... it's very clear why she feels that way. Beautiful relationhip ...just continue doing the next right thing.
Happy Birthday my friend and thanks for all you do to make the Forum a better place.
What a great forum this is .... from dog fights to root canals to colonoscopies. Where are the rest of you guys at this morning?
Seriously, I've raised and trained a German Shepherd and would never pair 2 of the same sex. My female was constantly getting 'into it' with her own mother who belonged to our neighbors to see who ruled the roost. On the other hand, USNRET, those are good looking pups (and assuming a good, reputable breeder) I'd probably take one of them and maybe give some thought to pairing it with a female if I was up for the chaos of 2 puppies at the same time.
Have a great weekend everyone and cheers, as always.
Highly recommended. Informative, entertaining and very touching at the same time.
that's sucks...never experienced that; but, have heard it's brutal. Hang tough.
Thanks, Steve. I will. Stupid thing is apparently large and in a bad spot so easier solutions are not feasible. I'll be ok.
Mornin' all. Lots of news from you guys from travel to medical stuff. I can add a kidney stone to the mix. Gonna take some surgery soon to fix it. Yuck.
Chuck .. been there and done that on the dental issues. No fun at all but prevents worse problems down the road. Hang in there.
dtel and Mark ... have fun on your travels and keep us updated!!
Cheers folks.
A day-late Happy B-Day to you!!
Mornin' guys. Had a fine Sunday, especially with great Broncos/Peyton win. Denver was rockin' after that one.
Duder - looking good in the new duds.
Ceptorman ...appreciate your comments on Payton in the other thread. I get sick of the media negativity, including that in yesterday's pre-game analysis/predictions by CBS's "experts'.
Coffee drinkers .. Tragedy averted ...Better Half Unit procured a new coffee maker to replace the one that croaked. The only questions are where in the back yard to bury the departed coffee maker and who will conduct the service.
Have a great day everyone. Back later.
Hey guys and gals ... just wanted to check in and say yo before the AFC Championship (go Broncos!).
All you guys in the East ...hunker down and ride it out.
Cheers to all.
Welcome. Good group here. Post often!!
No negative experiences here, Marty, other than a number of folks who invite offers and then act offended when you make an offer. The only piece of gear I've purchased was an Oppo BDP-95 and it arrived as described in perfect condition. I've also purchased a fair amount of vinyl on that site with good results, especially compared to some of the crap I've seen from Ebay sellers.
Probably pays to research your seller before pulling the trigger.
Happy Saturday folks. Hate to report sad news .....our coffee maker croaked this morning. Fortunately we have a back-up. Gotta hit the road and get a new one. Better Half Unit is determining what brand and color I need to get and she will report her findings soon.
Looks like we have a reversal of fortunes with the East coast. Temps in the 50's and sunshine. The news reports from the East sorta remind me of our blizzard in '03 or '04, except we had much more snow. i recall drifts up to the top of our 6' privacy fence. Denver was effectively shut down for a couple of days which is rare. You East coasters will do just fine ... just stay put and declare a holiday!
Have a good weekend everyone. Cheers to all.
Mornin' all.
Hang in there all you East coasters. This too (the snow storm) will pass. We get blasted like that every couple of years and are usually up and running in 12 to 24 hours. For us, the worst of it is side streets and subdivisions, not main thoroughfares since we have the equipment to manage snow. Hope there's at least an element of 'drama' in the forecasts so it's more manageable for you.
Back in a bit .... Happy Friday.
You are getting some good direction here and I don't want to add much. It's just my personal preference to go in the direction of good sound quality with plenty of power. The result for me was purchasing Marantz separates (rather than an avr) on close-out deals (last year's models). Marantz and Klipsch go well together so the sound is very good and a definite improvement from our old Denon avr. The power amp puts out 140 wpc separately driven and is quite sufficient. A really good avr would likely get you there too.
Best of luck.
Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails
in Lounge
Hey gang, happy Tuesday. Denver is essentially 'closed' today for Super Bowl parades and up to 1M people jamming downtown, at least according to local media. Think I'll celebrate in spirit and supervise the guy installing new floor in the laundry room ... a sign of old age, perhaps??
Recovery seems to be going ok ...back at the B-3 learning some new-to-me old tunes.
Enjoy the day and many cheers.