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  1. They do. Among other options. Just answering the question about how they sounded with original drivers and ported before I swapped woofers. Follow the ‘recipe’ and you’ll be happy
  2. Oh.. Ported with the k22 they sound horrible.. Boomy, flabby bass. Even ported with the k28 they’re not great. Roy’s network in the IV obviously addressed it
  3. Plots don’t lie.. They extend much lower, have stronger mid bass, and sound much more balanced. No more shouty, angry little box…
  4. Dayton pa255-8 Less efficient and 8ohm, but he liked how it sounded
  5. The “multi tap inductor” inductor is the autoformer that klipsch uses to attenuate the drivers…. T2A in your case. Each tap is a different level of attenuation. You’ll need to rethink the entire network if you replace it as it attenuates both the mid and tweeter in an E network. You’ll get better responses on the other forum. Mods are not welcome here any more.
  6. Scratch my E2 suggestion… it was designed for the k53 mid. With that k55m and k77m, you may want to research modifying the E network with the AK3 tweeter network design. If I remember right that was the best match for those drivers. @mboxler has some graphs on the other forum. He’d be the one to ask
  7. For home use, I’d convert to the type E or E2 used in the heresy I. You’re probably going to find that woofer boomy in a ported box tho.. Could always cover the port and see which you prefer. I’d suggest finding a replacement pair of k42 if you can or a pair of Eminence delta pro 12a if not (possibly the same driver). Celestion tf1225 also works VERY well in that ported box…. Head over to AK and ask and read up..
  8. Both speakers are performing identical and you’ve replaced caps on both of them? Double checked your work on the networks?
  9. Two years and they are still for sale? May want to revisit the price…
  10. Just what components are installed in these forte? One k28 woofer and one original k25? forte iv crossovers and tweeters? No kidding you haven’t installed the iv mid drivers… they won’t fit the existing bolt on mid horns…. You need k604 or k703(m) mid horns… and k281 woofers…
  11. It’s in the title. $250 each and east texas (which is still a big *** area…) While the paint job is ghetto, the eye bolts are using the factory threaded inserts to fly the speakers. Can easily be replaced with a large diameter hex bolt that matches all the other fly points to give a finished look. I did this on my pair
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296788209275?_skw=klipsch&itmmeta=01JBN10KD2PR4XT5VP9K69X09A&hash=item4519f4ae7b:g:SpcAAOSwMslnJNm7&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKlQkiSYK1GuBzYb2wqISFRTBxBdU8hb6b7dfkudXTBLHRizPtM0elvWzFR%2FFxpY0KsmAK4z8tI20jGM0rem6TUFNHpvfMUhuic95e%2Bu3hfiidLI74XxFZ%2Fc1ane4FfRrKckuZCS7%2FdZj%2B9ClOkfF3CK4W%2FeojDf3nii%2FKez0xUc333Q63fwfvlrR7K%2BieMGUpNvRYIoNXbpIQzQ47i7YEE8oW%2BceaWO%2FGqKqw%2FSBh%2B%2BeA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR9C2gqHdZA
  13. Repair it yourself or send it off to be repaired. Forte I uses the same kd-13 if you’re looking for a used replacement
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