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Everything posted by MyOwn

  1. Very Punk....To bad the car color wasn't black.....Goth Punk
  2. Also under attack... https://www.ssa.gov/
  3. It is happening... So what happens when the wolf feels like it is prey? Crazy world we are ling in RTM... Money Sucks
  4. I too have lived the city government life, Past 20 years here. Being part of a City government for this long, I have watched "and it is happening", Pensions are going away...
  5. ^^^Money Man...It's all about the money....on both sides... Thought for all here...Lets get rid of sides... Money power will go away... Edit to add this... Just my thoughts, getting rid of sides I think is attainable...Money is *****...???
  6. No it isn't. What is real, folks are fighting among each other for what is believed to be a better life...
  7. Perfect explanation! The past few years has been embarrassing. Facebook??? LOL
  8. ^^^ So may questions I have. Not for here... I'm soooooooooo 'Enjoying not being at work right now"...No coffee RTM, Give me another beer 🍻
  9. https://transcendentsound.com/slider.html
  10. MyOwn

    Beer Drinkers

    ^^^^^ No loss of sparkle drinking beers at Oktoberfest Big wooden barrels pouring beers into Big glasses...No loss of sparkle and using the seasons temperature.
  11. MyOwn

    Beer Drinkers

    No flipping way man...That's like saying a beer from a can tastes better than in a glass.
  12. This is news on the Crappy Coffee Machine at my work place....🍻 I put .60 cents in it this morning and got a .60 cents cup of plain coffee...Plain, just the way I like it. About an hour later I put another .60 cents for another cup of this Fine "LOL" Stuff. The darn thing said try another selection and started spitting out small coffee cups. I pulled as many as I could from the darn thing and gave up. The motor that engages to dispense cups just kept running... So this started at 4:00 am this morning, the motor was still running at 8:00 am.
  13. I do my connect / re-connect blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back....🍻 I went digital, I just move the hard drive to the new location.
  14. Have fun @JohnJ I always enjoy connecting / re-connecting audio. I take my time, while enjoying the hopeful outcome "it plays", drinking a few. LOL.... If it works correctly after the connecting / re-connecting and having a few drinks, I rock out.
  15. MyOwn

    Beer Drinkers

    My brother in law "who by the way lives in High Point" always drank Black Label in the can. Come to think of it he would also buy the cheapest bourbon he could find and mix it with almost frozen Schweppes ginger ale.
  16. MyOwn

    Beer Drinkers

    Bottled beer poured into a frozen glass.
  17. Noam Chomsky...Good stuff... https://www.democracynow.org/2020/7/30/noam_chomsky_coronavirus_trump_response
  18. I've got nothing to add except It's Friday and the crappy coffee machine kept ripping me off all week. .75 cents for a large and .60 cents for a small plain coffee. I'd put .75 cents in and get a small sometimes plain, sometimes with creamer coffee and no change
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