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Everything posted by MyOwn

  1. Play in Florida with BLS, The show was phenomenal, the audio in the auditorium seemed done right, High energy for sure. Clutch was the starting band, Man this band is fun to be with at a concert. Also twice here locally at a small crappy auditorium...Again both these shows sounded really really good. and the performance he and BLS puts on is professional.
  2. Wearing a mask...Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Going to stores or whatever. Just respect for the folks working there., or mingling your work environment...I believe the science.
  3. Common man...Don't go there.
  4. I was talking with a person that see's overnight reports. Since things have shut down, teenage suicide is up.... I think the schools will open up and shut back down again.
  5. Zakk 🍻 https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=6eK3sd7XcX0&list=RDAMVM6eK3sd7XcX0 https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ4kb1NIE3A&list=RDAMVMGQ4kb1NIE3A https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=H4tPSIyXyAQ&list=RDAMVMH4tPSIyXyAQ https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=nkk4mCFEyQM&list=RDAMVMnkk4mCFEyQM
  6. MyOwn

    Car Thread

    Has this been posted? My apologies if so.
  7. MyOwn

    What I Got Today!

    My son in law brought me two of these...πŸ™‚
  8. MyOwn

    What I Got Today!

    Not today.... Edit to add https://apricorn.com/
  9. Happy Saturday to all here @CC&C I have some David Bowie playing and a few drinks flowing. Recipe below. 1/2 a fresh lime squeezed into a tall frozen glass. 1 shot pineapple juice. 1 shot Bacardi rum. Ice to half full. Top with Squirt soda. Take a fork and push it down a few times
  10. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Kardashian’s net worth??? If folks quit watching and buying their BS it would go down.
  11. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    I remember the O.J. stuff, I still don't care about Kardashian. You got me, I can't defend why O.J mattered to me 🍻 Yeah he was a celebrity that got in trouble. Maybe watching celebrities getting into trouble is funny to me??
  12. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Can you point me in the direction of it started with the OJ SIMPSON and Kardashian Senior? Post I think it has been going on for a lot longer...Years ago there was no internet... https://familylinevideo.com/before-television/
  13. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Money is a *****, I believe we are where we are because of it. 🍻
  14. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Sure you can. Just as big if not bigger. It's about Money.
  15. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Money...That's It...
  16. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Keep to yourself...I think anyway.🍻
  17. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Neither, I check what it looks like and that is it πŸ˜„
  18. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    I do every time I take one LOL
  19. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    Yeah I get it, but I still don't get it...
  20. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    In deed it does.
  21. MyOwn

    Why is this news

    I guess the heart wants what it wants...Money Edit to add Money
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