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Everything posted by mungkiman

  1. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/what-to-know-about-booster-shots-if-you-received-johnson-johnsons-covid-19-vaccine
  2. @RandyH What's a good price for a pair of Forte II speakers? Might be a decent introduction to Klipsch. https://en-gb.facebook.com/marketplace/item/565512138229772/?ref=category_feed&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking={"qid"%3A"-7633559036530325132"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"6251701798204252"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A6251701798204252%2C\"target_type\"%3A0%2C\"primary_position\"%3A19%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A7227121974122643456%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A504%2C\"value\"%3A6.6671387768717e-5%2C\"upsell_type\"%3Anull%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"}
  3. You're assuming that June is a man...
  4. It is only my opinion but I think you would want something larger than a pair of Heresy speakers for DJ duties. I agree with Marvel, even though La Scala speakers are large and can be awkward to move by yourself without a dolly or hand truck. As a plus, it would be really hard to kick in a La Scala woofer.
  5. "Somehow, you've changed."
  6. She was misinformed...
  7. Don't forget Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend's balls...
  8. OT: Anyone "enjoying" the Herman Cain Awards? https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/
  9. mungkiman


    Is this any better, or is it still too "banned topic" adjacent? I simply find it funny but don't want the thread locked.
  10. mungkiman


    [Deleted, way too political]
  11. Eight of nine total, apparently. I liked this forum better when it went to 11...
  12. You can choose whether or not you are exposed to the vaccine... How do you feel about monoclonal antibodies?
  13. The CDC already suggests a 3rd dose (not considered a booster) for moderately to severely immunocompromised individuals.
  14. How the hell are we supposed to figure out who might be irreverent around here?
  15. Full movie is available on Vimeo:
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