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  1. mungkiman's post in Error This upload failed was marked as the answer   
    You are only allowed 100MB of attachments on the server, total. Click on Profile, then click on Edit My Profile, and then click on Manage Attachments. There will be a red bar at the top of that page indicating how much of that maximum you have used. If you're "over", you will have to delete previous attachments in order to post more. Hope this helps.
  2. mungkiman's post in Calling all Marines was marked as the answer   

  3. mungkiman's post in Cant embed video. I can only post the link was marked as the answer   
  4. mungkiman's post in Love the new forum but Search Function is difficult was marked as the answer   
    Got it. If you click on the little cog "gear?" looking icon to the right of the search bar, you can search under "titles only". Performing that type of search just now brought up only the post you were looking for.
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