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Posts posted by k2dx

  1. AS I recall it, the field coil served two purposes, as a smoothing choke in a B+ power supply and eliminated the need for a permanent magnet in the speaker. To use an amp designed for a field coil speaker you would need to use a smoothing choke in the B+ supply and a permanent magnet speaker with a voice coil matching the output transformer. The B+ supply *may* work out with a resistor in place of the choke....

    • Like 1
  2. Contact American Express and see if you were insured by them as well. Mastercard insures any purchases you make using their card, as well as extending a warranty on an item by 50%, for up to one year. Pretty handy on a major appliance.

    • Like 1
  3. I recall seeing the kHorn listed as one of the suitable speakers on the Transcendant site. The amps

    are fine seeing 8 ohms but the power does increase with 16. At least that is what I recall. Check his website. There's much info there, and helpful people (in addition to the proprietor) on the forum.

    BTW, vintage kHorns are stated to be 16 ohms....different drivers/crossovers though....

    Post your results please...

    • Like 1
  4. Amost missed this thread! I will check in for the record. My former calls were:

    WN2BZB, WA2JFF, KB2BF. The station is disassembled due to home renovation/addition,

    so I am on HF mobile presently. My main interest has shifted to AM again (along with

    DX). I've been collecting some vintage (as in hollow state) gear as well and a Gates BC1t broadcast transmitter.

    Perhaps someshould organize a Klipsch net? I would think 40 meters, Saturday or Sunday

    would be the best bet?

    Maybe a different thread with an Amateur Radio title would be good. I recall seeing other callsigns in the member roster and it's likely some don't read this forum.

    73, Fred k2dx

  5. Jon,

    Sometimes the speaker protective relays can require contact cleaning, especially if inactive for extended periods. The relay is in a clear cover. Caig De-Oxit is a good thing to protect the contacts....

    I know your Marantz is gone but if anyone else encounters a lack of audio on one or both channels....sometimes clicking the unit on/off waiting for the relay to energize

    is a quick test.

  6. IMHO, the '70's Marantz SS receivers are really special. I have a 2325 packed away in my vault. It weighs about 50 lbs and is rated at 125 WPC. It can produce bass with slam. But it's still clean at very low (klipsch) average levels. And in a dark room the appearance is hard to beat. The heavy flywheel gyro tuning feels great. These Marantz receivers are waiting to be rediscovered. You couldn't go wrong with a clean


  7. Maron,

    I got it from an elderly gent in North Jersey, and it really didn't look like much, it had been wallpapered

    and painted. The woofer is a later Klipsch, with a square magnet. The xover is apparently a late 500/5000

    as it has one iron core inductor, early ones had all air core inductors. I believe that there was an 'update'

    at some point when the woofer and xover were changed.

    There are some differences from my '54 Klipsch bass bin.

    The squawker has the ribs in the throat and a SA-HF University driver. k-5. Dated '48 #103.

    I would like to put the original woofer back in (if I can locate one), plans are to veneeer it for appearance. The wallpaper is tacky!

    I can take some pics this week (it's in storage). As it looks now I fondly call it the craphorn!


  8. Cap'n Bob,Maron,

    The date of the bass bin isn't marked, the elderly previous owner said '52 or '53 (but he could be mistaken). The number is Brociner Klipsch K-3-B #145.

    The squawker is Klipsch K-5 #103 dated '48. University SA-HF driver.

    If you find any info regarding these I really would like to see it!

    Does this numbering mean this khorn is actually #45? I've been unable to find anything about Brociner Laboratories, NYC. I did see a Brociner amplifier on ePay about a year ago.


  9. If you could find the Brociner auction, could you please post it?

    I have (presently in storage) a Brociner bass bin (labeled licensed by Klipsch) with a '52 or '53 date. The squawker is labeled Klipsch and dated '47.

    The 500/5000 xover seems later as one inductor is an iron core. The woofer is later Klipsch (square magnet).

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