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Everything posted by k2dx

  1. For a minute I thought I was in Romper Room. Time to sit in the corner, be quiet, and just listen to the music.....
  2. I'm sure that it would be helpful to many people if the issues were available either on line or on a cd.
  3. The diagram as I traced it gets messed up......... This message has been edited by k2dx on 05-27-2002 at 02:55 PM
  4. Yes, I believe it's called a 500/5000. The detailed pic is in an old posting, maybe two months ago, under "updating old speakers". Can't repost it here but will try to send it. No #'s on it other than the speaker # (614).
  5. Does anyone have the schematic of the xover for a '54 k-horn? I've been unable to find it in the archives, and in tracing this out I wonder if the connections and phasing are correct. The tweeter had been changed and I have obtained the correct 4401/mid t (12 ohms). Thanks.
  6. Thanks khorn58. Could you include a ruler to judge dimensions or a few measurements? I realize this isn't rocket science but I'm trying to be accurate. Don't want to make it larger than needed, that would block the squawker mouth. I have to choose between two horns, one is 6 inches wide and marked 4401. The other is 4 inches wide, no markings. One has to go back to the seller. Which is correct???? Are they both 4401's, different vintage? The 4 inch one has a third mounting point under the horn throat (two are on each side of the mouth). The larger one only has the two on either side of the mouth. Lucky there aren't additional holes made for the bracket. Thanks!!
  7. Thanks Dan. I have seen the site. There isn't enough detail to see the tweeter mounting bracket in the pictures they have. I am hoping to duplicate the original....
  8. Does anyone have Klipsch '54 k-horn literature? I need to see what the original mounting bracket looked like for the 4401 tweeter horn. (An EV tweeter had been installed). Will gladly reimburse for expense. Would be very willing to buy original literature!! Thanks, Fred
  9. A good way to remove the dust after scuffing a coat of paint would be a "tack cloth", available at a paint store. It's a folded "sticky" cloth you simply wipe lightly over the surface and the dust sticks to it. Brushing the dust off will still leave it in your work area to jump into the nice new finish. Always paint, by brush or spray, in the cleanest envoirnment.
  10. Check ePay for a nice pair of k-horns, in Cal, around '70, went for about 1400. Auction closed yesterday I think. Fred (Klipsch was spelled incorrectly, Kilpsch or similar in auction name)
  11. My '54 doen't have those three pieces......
  12. Got any pics you can post? If you rewire, be sure to observe polarity of the drivers and crossover, connecting + and - as you find them. This will preserve phasing of the drivers. Regards, Fred ('54 k-horn) This message has been edited by k2dx on 04-28-2002 at 09:56 PM
  13. I sure would like a logo. My '54 k-horn has no emblem.
  14. HDBR Builder, If I could repair the staple scratches (not shown in these pics) the original finish is very decent. The patina is not noticeable until you look closely. But the scratches on the small exposed strip of the LF top surface is. Could I use a touchup stick to stain the exposed raw veneer and 'fill' the scratches with shellac or lacquer (level them) ? The sticker gives the finish as "m-2-s" . Could this be m= mahogany, 2=two coats, s=shellac??? The old sales literature says laquer, I will double check again at hifilit.com site. How can one differentiate between lacquer and shellac? The model k7 indicates one inch shorter height with no collar under the HF unit. I certainly agree with your feelings about keeping it as close to original, but those scratches...I didn't uncover it for days after. I will take some photos of the scratches and get them scanned, if you would look at them and give me an opinion. I suppose trying to repair them can't hurt, if it fails then I will go ahead and refinish. Thanks for the reply.
  15. couldn't put these all in previous post. Also, some good info in old Klipsch literature is available at Hifilit.com .
  16. Here are some pictures of my '54 k-horn. This is the speaker I drove from NJ to St. Louis to bring home rather than trust shipping! 1900 miles. Guess I am obsessed. It looked so good on ePay and I actually didn't think I would get it. I set a self imposed limit and probably the planets were aligned properly because I got it. The only thing I find not original is the tweeter, it has been replaced with a k77 (8ohm). I have found the proper one, a 4401 horn with a 12 ohm 'mid t' driver through the audio asylum forum. I had help through this forum, THANKS GUYS!, as I needed some help with klipsch history. Thanks Edwardre! I am presently working on restoring and updating a '57 Heathkit W-5M Williamson amplifier to drive it in a mono setup. Actually the amp will be "stock" in appearance, under the hood will be modern audiophile caps and resistors, modifications, and the KT66's will be Chinese manufacture. The question I have is this: Can anyone, especially HDBR Builder, give me advice on how to refinish this fine old k-horn? The original lacquer is decent, with minor alligatoring. I added some scratches in removing the HF grille, the staples were under the grille cloth and not behind it like I thought. Didn't see them untill too late. Anyway,the veneer is pretty ok, the scratches went mostly through the lacquer (which will go anyway). What is this finish called? The "raw" edges of the plwood were painted with a lacquer paint, evidenced by "alligatoring" as well. It has become more of a green shade with time. I have been advised by one woodworker to use a product called "goo gone" to remove the old lacquer gently. He recommends using Minwax polyurethane to refinish with. I can spray it if my trusty old Binks #7 still works. I won't actually start the refinishing untill this summer, I want to get the other things all finished first. I have some new cane grille cloth on the way from Klipsch. Any guidance, advice, or information is most welcome. And a thanks to Trey Cannon at Klipsch, who isn't too busy to help with a 48 year old product! How many other companies will support a product of this age, as best they can???? Fred
  17. Good score! I wonder what is the impedance of the mid t tweeter driver?
  18. Here's some more info: There was a 12" University coax on ePay, the seller told me the mid t tweeter driver was marked 12 ohms! For what it's worth. I didn't bother with this one. Fred
  19. There's a pair of k33's on ePay now,no bids yet. Fred
  20. Thanks guys. I'll stay tuned. I have found a mid t driver, the seller says 12 ohms. Now I know that is the DC resistance of a 16 ohm driver, I also know where there are a pair of 4401 horns. I would think the schematic of the 500/5000 would call out the impedance of the driver. (If the schematic exists!) Is there such a thing as an owner's manual? Fred
  21. I am still looking for a "mid t" driver and 4401 tweeter horn to restore my '54 k-horn to it's original configuration. I haven't received an answer from customer support yet with an answer as to what impedance the original tweeter driver, a mid t, was. I believe it was 16 0hms, as the midrange driver is 16 ohms. The crossover is the original 500/5000. The tweeter was replaced with a newer 77, 8 ohms. The crossover should have the load impedance it was designed for to maintain the proper crossover frequency. Can anyone answer ???? (Any one have a correct 4401/mid t available?)
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