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Posts posted by HDBRbuilder
Those are Heresy II speakers...dunno the year of MFG!...they shipped in black. Between late 1980's and late 1990's I would imagine
On 9/28/2019 at 7:36 AM, ricktate said:
Cory has some you can listen to he is in Kentucky area. Klipsch page on FB. He also did a review on them. I think all the prices are to high but it raises my old stuff up in price. There is a pair of Ks on craigs now he wants 12,000 lol he did have them at 18,000.lol. . Probably wont get that but he can try.
I bet sales are down since price hike so not sure if that was good idea. The parent company is losing money on everything but Klipsch so they trying to make more money.
Cornwall 4 I would wait till used ones pop up and then buy them if I was looking.
Price hikes are happening EVERYWHERE...thanks to just about EVERYWHERE raising its minimum wages or even creating minimum wages around the world...the past year or so, or haven't you been noticing it? Even in the Philippines it is happening way out in all of the provinces! Prices follow-suit wherever it happens too!...NORMALLY WELL BEFORE THE LAW ACTUALLY GOES INTO EFFECT! Two years ago, in Bohol province, the average wage for a housekeeper was about 60 USD a month...with the new minimum wage laws, it has risen to 100USD per month, now. Mostly due to the prices of things going up that are needed for basic survival. This is happening world-wide lately...so watch how it will affect us all! We've had relatively stable prices for a long time, but that is rapidly gonna change and has already started to do so! Thank God that I have been stashing money back the last couple of years anticipating this happening! I just hope that the inflation rate doesn't go zooming upwards out of control anytime soon!
Klipsch is fortunate that so many people see many of their products as a lifetime acquisition...built to last and perform well for decades! That is in their favor! SO I sincerely doubt they will have much problems in their price increases as long as the consumers continue to see the products as high quality and built to last a lifetime...it will be problematic item sales which will suffer the most, IMHO! Keep the quality up, and it tends to be a non-issue! After all, even back in the mid 1970's and into the mid 1980's when our economy sucked and other audio companies were going out of business, or getting bought-up by more stable corporations like Harmon International...which acquired both JBL and Altec during that time period!!...But, Klipsch was doing just fine, and even thriving...even with price increases happening every 6 months or so, at times! It is all about getting the most bang for the buck during difficult economic times!
Klipsch has almost always out-sourced their drivers for everything they ever designed and/or sold....except for a short span of years in two increments when they actually made their own drivers for some of what they designed! SO what is really new about this concept? Many consider a good part of PWK's genius was his ability to take existing drivers from outside vendors and utilize them in his speaker designs...SURE, he may have requested tighter quality control of what he bought in order to consistently meet the particular parameters required in his designs, but they were already being produced by vendors, such as Eminence, EV, University, ...the list goes on and on...he just designed the HORNS they were attached to for his mid-ranges...so it isn't like doing that is anything RECENT, is it? Some people expound that PWK COULD have opted for much better drivers, but how much better do they REALLY NEED TO BE, anyway? As long as they had great dependability and long-life under normal usage...and most importantly met his design needs, then what is the point of dissing them for not being "the best ones made" at any particular point in time, huh?? One of his goals was AFFORDABILITY for the consumer! Never forget that part of the equation, OK? I mean...who the hell else offered up a "decorator" series of most all of its speaker models for more than a decade and a half to save the consumer even more on acquiring great performance in a reasonably-priced design?? Think about it!
So, now let's look at the CURRENT Heritage line...which are all NOW identically-voiced...again Do you have any idea how much of an accomplishment that REALLY IS?! That means that you can mix and match among the current line with the CONFIDENCE of identical voicing! That is a pretty damned big deal to MY EARS!...and IMHO, it SHOULD BE TO YOURS, ALSO! I gotta hand it to Chief Bonehead on this one, for sure! But what is still missing from the heritage line-up? Not much, really!...except maybe...
One thing would be nice, though...a dedicated center channel which is easy to position under a TV screen, without resorting to a Heresy between two Cornwalls, for example. Maybe something that has the identical voicing of the line in its highs/mids, but with a horizontal configuration, along with a small series of subwoofers to pick from to go with it...as solo units or in pairs....with the balancing network actually inside the powered subwoofer?...so that the mid/high unit would be balanced to either of the subs BY the subs? Can that even be accomplished?? Basically a three-speaker stereo array center channel thing, but combined with a sub or two, ...with recommendations for which sub would be best for the heritage models used as flankers?? Say...maybe the same sub for the LaScalas or Cornwalls, but adjustable for the bottom-end roll-off differences between the two models??...with another bass/sub unit for the Heresys doing the duty of flankers? Just a thought...Hint! Hint! Is anybody from the Bodcaw, AR area listening?? A two-piece center channel, man...you keep the HF section and change out the bass/sub portion as you move up through the Heritage line with your flankers! IS ANY OTHER speaker manufacturer even DOING THAT kind of thing?? An added bonus for the powered bass/sub unit would be an alternate amp feature so that one could bypass the unit's own amp section and power it with an outside amp of his choice. But one thing for sure is definitely needed for the powered units...and that is a long-lasting reliable High-quality built-in amp! I find it hard to believe that PWK never "had a vision" for its possibilities! I can just see it NOW...somebody out leisurely fishing and running it through his mind!😉
4 hours ago, wvu80 said:
From your description it's hard to tell what you're looking at. They could be black LS or black LSI, the La Scala Industrial, but I think the LSI was not produced in 1974. If they have the Type AA XO then refreshing the caps sounds about right for a residential LS.
LS in Good condition with Type AA XO's average $1208. In Poor condition $940. The LSI averages $932. All prices according to my Heritage Prices spreadsheet, I have well over 100 documented sales over a 3 year period.
You have a good point to the seller that you will have to replace the tweeter(s) so he should take some money off the asking price. Taking some dollars off so you can refresh the caps is also a legit request many Sellers will find valid. I'll refrain from pricing the tweeters because @DizRotus has a pair for sale and that's between you guys but I assure you he knows what he is talking about. I suggest you buy a matched pair then sell your single to recoup a little money, or keep the extra for a spare. As DizRotus said the older K-77's were delicate and could not tolerate much power, so they would blow easy.
I know you said you want to keep them "original" but there is GREAT value in buying from a trusted Seller. If you buy off Ebay or CL you really don't know what you're getting. @DizRotus is well known and trusted here. He is the guy I would buy from if it were me.Disclaimer: I used to own 1978 La Scala's.
TECHNICALLY, the LSI did not REALLY come about until they started throwing the K43 woofers into them...but ALSO TECHNICALLY, the LaScala was ALWAYS INTENDED as a stage speaker, even though most of them were actually being sold to buyers who were using them as "residential speakers". If these LS models were made in 1974, then that was about 3-4 years prior to the introduction of the K43 woofer into them...so they SHOULD Have K-33 woofers if they are loaded with the stock horns and drivers for 1974. I started working at Klipsch in July 1976...and the woofers in them all were K-33's...it was about a year or so after I started working there that the push for a higher-power-handling replacement woofer for the K-33's in the LaScalas bore fruition. I was watching as the Klipsch Industrial Series began its infancy...which, in itself, was kind of a VERY COOL thing to witness! Other than a very few testing proto-types of SOME of the "Industrial models" (early MWM production prototype was being tested across the street under that shed roof on the north end of the lab [now the museum!] and was running white noise daily when I arrived, and very first LB-76 boxes were built a few months after I got hired!). I got there just in time to witness the entire thing unfold!...the beginning of the earliest Heresy stage monitors, along with purpose-built stage monitors (slant-Heresys)...HIP's, and everything else...it all unfolded fairly quickly and started into production over about a 2-3 year period after I first arrived.
As for original "innards" in those 1974 LaScalas , it would be the AA network, Alnico K77, Alnico K55V on K400 horn, K-33 in the bass bin...and the thing to REALLY pay attention to is the woofer access door...it MIGHT have been in the TOP H/F section instead of removing the bottom panel of the bass bin section...in 1974! The easiest way to tell would be whether the cabinet top panel is screwed on or glued-and-nailed on....because it was a TOTAL PITA to replace the woofer through that woofer-access-door in the H/F section, without the cabinet top panel being REMOVABLE! If it is screwed on, then the woofer access door is in the H/F section most likely! A good pic of the rear of the H/F section showing what is inside of it would actually tell that story best, though!
18 minutes ago, jimjimbo said:
You can find it at a Guitar Center store, or order it on line from Parts Express.
Yes, it could potentially be related to the volume knob.
$350 should get you a full recap/restore.
Too bad that RadioShack bit the dust! I liked their control cleaner/lube for use after using de-oxit to remove all the crud in the pots and switches!
34 minutes ago, jimjimbo said:
Distort on both channels or only one? Your first action should be to use Deoxit on all controls. Spray the pots, then turn the knobs back and forth several times, then spray again.
If this doesn't help, then there are other internal issues. Let us know.
Along with pots/switches cleaning just check all of the fuses...and it has lots of them...the speaker fuses on its rear (might NOT be fuse there, but re-sets instead), but under the hood will be fuses, and also under the bottom plate...ensure the fuses are good, the ends are clean, and the fuse-holder contacts are clean, and always ensure all fuses are fast-blow ones along with being the correct rating. Also be sure that your speaker wire connectors are CLEAN and devoid of dead insects, etc....the "devoid of insects" thing also applies to under the hood...look everywhere for old insect/spider carcasses....you would be surprised at how well an old insect/spider carcass across soldered connections can short things out to at least some extent!
27 minutes ago, charbuggie said:
Hey I everyone. I have been liquidating alot of equipment to go with one setup. I have some great friends from this forum helping me. I will be ordering some jubes from Corey and I'm going to stay analogue in the system. Going to figure out a way to use an analogue active crossover on the front end and use a Manley massive passive to EQ. I'm sure I can get Marchand to build me an active crossover. Sure would love to find a pass labs XVR1 or one of the first watt crossovers but none to be found. Also been looking for the unobtainable TD4002 drivers... If someone knows where to find any of these please let me know. Also any comments on my project, please chime in.
Now the question I have is I have two mint MC60's and a citation II, i could use on the top end. Which one do I go with? Or I can sale both and get this booger. I have heard one and loved it.
By the way my preamp is a TRL the dude. Don't expect many to know much about it, but I really like it. The only thing that sucks about the preamp is all the inputs and outs are RCA. I sure would like to go XLR to whatever crossover I get and XLR to the massive passive and onto the amp, but the world is not perfect.
Now for the bass bins I have a crown stereo reference II which would do great on them or I have two classe DR-8s I could use.
I know it is crazy not going with a xilica but I have a great turntable and vinyl... I just can't make myself put digital in the vinyl path. Just call me nostalgic I guess.
If you want the top-end to show more colorations when rolling tubes, go with the MC60's.
BUT, if you want ultra-wide-band frequency response and little changes in coloration when rolling tubes, go with the Citation II...it was specifically designed to reduce the coloration impact of rolling differing tubes into it. IDEALLY, when using a Citation Ii amp it really SHOULD be used with the CItation I pre-amp, though! Stu Hegeman designed them both to mate perfectly together.
3 minutes ago, the5chord said:
would it make more sense to run out of the tape monitor outputs?YOU know what the inputs/outputs on your sub look like, NOT ME! How can I possibly answer that??
12 minutes ago, the5chord said:
they are poweredYour Heresys will love the 730!...even just the 430! If your sub inputs are designed to run with the left and right speaker outputs from the receiver, which in turn sends the signals from the sub itself TO THOSE HERESY MAINS, then you are good to go....but if it SOLELY relies on a sub-out signal, the 730 doesn't have that. Which means that you will need to use the speakers "B" 730 outputs instead, which will drop your output ohms from 8 to 4 since you would have to have both spear A and speaker B running from that receiver.. Make sense?
1 minute ago, the5chord said:
I don’t listen to the radio at all. Haven’t for 20 years. Using Heresy ii’s. I do like subs with the heresies so perhaps going vintage is not a good idea.
That all depends upon whether the sub is a powered-sub or not. Most of them nowadays ARE!
19 minutes ago, the5chord said:
Current have a 3380 but I am interested in picking up a 3490 or going vintage with the 730.
What would you folks suggest regarding these options?
What speakers are you planning to power, if you go with the H/K 730 twin-powered receiver? If you listen to stereo FM radio using a tuner, the 930 has the best tuner of the bunch!...along with 45wpc, instead of 35 wpc the 730 has...but all of the tuners are good in that series!
At the museum event this weekend, this is one of the "foreign rot-gut likkers" we used to toast to PWK:
12 hours ago, jimjimbo said:
I am still on the hunt for a pair of La Scalas, and in the interest of perhaps making it more palatable for someone that might be downsizing, moving or whatever, I can offer several items in trade, plus cash (or all cash).
Beautiful pair of birch HIPs
Pair of blonde birch H2s
Completely restored Mcintosh MC250 amp
Completely restored Mcintosh C32 preamp, with walnut case
Mcintosh MAC4100 receiver with walnut case
Please PM me with any interest, and I can send photos.
Whatcha planning to do with them?...when ya get them? I thought you already HAD those!
2 hours ago, the5chord said:
so which ones sound better? Cornwall v Heresy?
Two very different speakers...but now sharing identical voicing...makes the entire family readily obviously MEMBERS of that family! Both speakers were obviously improved, but to my ears the Heresy got the MOST improvement due to its current rear-porting-added.
I've always liked both speakers, but I've also OWNED Heresys ever since 1978....continually. They have always been a great value for what you get in a package that small and easily maneuverable! The Cornwall suffered in sales at times, and actually went out of production for a few years due to that. It seems back to stay, now, though....and that's a GOOD THING!
One of the main reasons the Cornwall began suffering in sales in the first place was its nearness in price to the raw birch plywood LaScala...prior to the jump in price when the LaScala II came out....due to its better cosmetic appeal than the old "raw plywood version"....and many enjoy fully-horn-loaded over partially-horn-loaded even if going that route gives some reduction in bottom-end performance when comparing the two.
Bottom line here is LET YOUR OWN EARS DECIDE!...what you like best between the two....Heresy IV with its advantages/detractions, or Cornwall IV with its advantages/detractions....or Cornwall vs. LaScala….they're all voiced the same now, though! Chief Bonehead did great on THAT!
On 10/21/2019 at 1:21 PM, JohnA said:
Well Andy, by now you know you need to be asking if the H IV guts will bolt into the HIi box so you can build a new back that add both volume and a tractrix port!!!!!!!! 😀
I was there this past weekend, too, John...NOW, we gotta build a new box that is about an inch taller...RIGHT?? So in reality it would not be an "up-grade kit", with just a modification of the rear panel for the addition of the tractrix rear port, now, would it? BUT, "somebody" happened to mention that there MAY be a possibility of an "upgrade kit" being made available….so, we shall see, right?😉 YEP, I may not have appeared to be listening, but I always am!😂
Please go here, question was already answered this week:
5 hours ago, Jive talkin said:
Birch wood Casey tru oil it’s sold as a gun stock refinishing oil .look it up you can use as few or many Coates as you want to get your desired finish.I refinished my 1985 fortes last winter and they turned out beautiful.For further protection you can use renaissance wax look it up used in museums on many things for protection.
or just use birchwood-casey's gun stock wax, instead....after all...ya'know??
43 minutes ago, DizRotus said:
I look forward to seeing the insides.
Me too!
1 hour ago, yamahaSHO said:
$30,000 is a bit (actually a lot) wishful.
That or Jubes and a center...and can also still get other new stuff! Sorry the jubes package WINS hands down!! Here's a thought...sell it to the caller who keeps buggin' me about my expired car warranty, OK! This can be his KARMA happening! Now how cool would THAT idea be??
1 minute ago, billybob said:
Like Hank lp also, of course.
Saw them in
YEP..."Hank WIlson's Back"...another great Leon album! And the album Leon and Willie Nelson did together, too!...along with its follow-on tour!! Great stuff!
1 hour ago, billybob said:
Sing songs from the lp all of time
Tightrope&..."sitting side the highway...in a broken van. .. thinking of you again. Guess I'll have to hitchike. "
and, of course..."She was the queen of the ROLLER DERBY!'''and many other greats by Leon...wonderful album! BTW, the very first concert I ever went to IN ARKANSAS, was the Leon Russell Show right after Carney had been released! FANTASTIC SHOW, too! I had visited California cousins a couple of years earlier, though...Winterland...Fillmore West....lots of fun! Saw/heard some really great folks/bands there...mid-summer of '68...early summer of "69...both sides of my Sophomore year in High school!
Bye the way folks, my current wife of over a decade has NEVER EVEN HEARD KLIPSCH SPEAKERS...YET! She's heard large horn speakers....built locally, based upon pics in magazines....some are very close to being MWM's....in appearance, anyway! And she loves them, too! Karaoke is a mass-hysteria thing and has been for decades...throughout the Philippines. I can just hear her now, when she hears my Klipsch...."I love it, dear, now I can sing as loud as I want to, because I won't have to hear my own voice with these!" Ya see?...her favorite excuse whenever somebody hands her the mic when karaoke-ing and tells her it is her turn...is...at least until she has consumed enough alcohol, anyway...is "Oh, no thank you, I love the song, but the song doesn't love me!" And everybody laughs and somebody else gets her turn! All Filipinos love three things in life: music/singing, dancing of all kinds, and FOOD! In that order! SHE GONNA HAVE SOME FUNNNNNNN!
29 minutes ago, billybob said:
My experience with women and burn out is but ... short.
I have been married twice, so I get to work off of an AVERAGE....using only my first wife, I would have to say things are about the same as electronics' burn-in times...BUT, with my current wife figured into the average, it has so far been a pretty-long time, lucky me, huh?
When audio stuff is involved there is almost always a burn-in time involved....but with wives, it seems that the burn-OUT time takes lots longer....so far....LOL!
Harmon Kardon 3380 v 3490 v 730
in Solid State
Once again...if we CANNOT SEE what the connection possibilities are with sub, we can't help you...so pics. please, or at least the brand and model?