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  1. hey , yes , i own the as701 - was considering the as3200 because it had some good reviews while being paired with Klipsch speakers. But after opening this thread i actually think getting a good speaker/amp match will be harder than i tought i guess i will get a few weeks out of the curent setup until i see how the speakers do , then i take in the Sansui's from my brother (he has a very good opinion of them - he used them with diferent german Canton speakers ) for another week or so. Meantime i am still reading alot of reviews , some people say the Yamaha is to "cold" sounding and i should go towards some people that are warmer (Maranz , Luxman etc) , while some are very approving of the AS3200. I found them here at the store , but i dont know if i can return them , if i dont like them , was thinking of testing the as3200 and the Rotel Michi x3 , but well , will see what i can do thanks !
  2. So many decisions , i also read that Rotel Michi X3 or X5 is a solid variant , but didnt see alot of them in the forum discussions
  3. and what would you recomend in that case ? just found out yesterday that my brother has in his closet two pristine old Sansui amps , a Sansui au-9500 and a Sansui au-11000 , which he bought a while ago for unknown reasons to me because they just sit there unused . After some quick google searches i found out that those where some pretty top of the line amps back in their time. Anyone tried to pair some Fortes with that kind of old amps ? Thanks
  4. Yes MicroMara, exactly those speakers ,they are very marketed over here , recomended everywhere , thats why i got them , one of the biggest shops in the country recomended them to me togheter with the as701. But unfortunately , just like you said , they look good , but thats all
  5. it sounds ok-ish , i guess , the speakers and the amp are new also ,Fortes have like 2-3 hours on them. I cannot and dont have anything to compare them with Had just a short session with them then had to leave home until february. Atm i am in Mauritius and have alot of time to spam the internet for amps , but all that market is pretty confusing
  6. Hello and thanks to everyone for the answers. My journey into this HiFi world just started , im a complete noob . I had a impulsive buy two months ago on the Yamaha as701 and a Wharfendale Linton speaker combo. After 2 weeks with the Wharfendale speakers i returned then because i didnt like the sound of them. Got the Klipsch Forte IV recently , but they guys at the store told me the curent amp - the Yamaha as701 is pretty weak for those speakers. After some reading on internet - i saw/read that the Klipsch pairs pretty good with the Yamaha as3200 , thats why i was thinking about it. Im the guy that likes to buy once and after that forget about it , not to upgrade every 1-2 years with some other speakers , amps or other thinks. If you guys think that another integrated amp would be better than the as3200 , then please go ahead and suggest one Im mostly into rock/hip hop , everything besides classic music. Thanks ! Vladimir from Romania
  7. Hello dear Klipschers , Just joined this forum after long search on the web. Recently purchased a showroom pair of Forte IV . My amp at home is a Yamaha as701 . After buying the speakers the amp upgrade urge hit me straight away. I read that the Yamahas and Klipsch get along pretty well so i was thinking of getting the Yamaha as3200 or maybe the as2200. I can get the as3200 here in Europe at cca 4400euro new. Would that be a solid combo or will i get a better integrated amp at that price range that works well with the Fortes ? Thanks ! Vladi
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