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About billybob1

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  1. Starting to sound like keepers...
  2. From what can see, not bad at all...
  3. From Klipsch.com: https://www.klipsch.com/products/pro-180rpw-in-wall-speaker https://www.klipsch.com/products/pro-250rpw-in-wall-lcr-speaker Both are 90x90 coverage Other difference we can speak about as some specs just abit not identical. We can talk about... @ryanbmw
  4. I'll dive deeper if you are left hanging!
  5. Some other: https://twitteringmachines.com/klipsch-ojas-limited-edition-loudspeaker-am-i-dreaming/
  6. Thanks man! No sacred yet the Chorus is 7 x 4 inches just not even universal. So yes man, if results are a thing.
  7. Yassir, just one of them things...
  8. Yes man, try them up against the wall flat if not experienced those yet. Being front ported. By the way, experiment. Like you have with the ports. What material did you use and, how long the ports...?
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