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  1. Hi, I need to build some boxes to put in-wall speakers. This way I can put the speakers in the brick wall. I thought about MDF material, is that ok? I was wondering what size these boxes should have compared to the speakers I have to install in them? Also, how thick should the MDF be? The speakers in question are Klipsch, model PRO-25-RW-LCR (x2) and model PRO-16-RW (x2). Thanks
  2. Hi, I'm renovating my new house and I'd like to make a home theater system in the living room, I have to make a 5.1.4. I also have to take into account aesthetics (and my wife) and so I want to opt for in-wall speakers. Again for aesthetics, the central one will be the R-30C (it's low in height and looks better aesthetically and it won't make my TV end up too high). The questions I'm asking you for advice on are, for the in-wall speakers: 1) can I combine different series between the in-wall speakers? 2) So one of these three solutions: Solution 1: 2x PRO-25-RW-LCR 2x PRO-16-RW Solution 2: 2x PRO-25-RW-LCR 2x CS-16W Solution 3: 2x DS-250W-LCR 2x CS-16W Obviously from the most expensive to the cheapest. I was thinking of the middle way, the first option is too expensive. What do you suggest? Thank you
  3. I'm renovating my new house and I'd like to make a home theater system in the living room, I have to make a 5.1.4. I also have to take into account aesthetics (and my wife) and so I want to opt for in-wall speakers. Again for aesthetics, the central one will be the R-30C (it's low in height and looks better aesthetically and it won't make my TV end up too high). The questions I'm asking you for advice on are, for the in-wall speakers: 1) can I combine different series between the in-wall speakers? 2) So one of these three solutions: Solution 1: 2x PRO-25-RW-LCR 2x PRO-16-RW Solution 2: 2x PRO-25-RW-LCR 2x CS-16W Solution 3: 2x DS-250W-LCR 2x CS-16W Obviously from the most expensive to the cheapest. I was thinking of the middle way, the first option is too expensive. What do you suggest? Thank you
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