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Found 17 results

  1. Hey All, How to repair this sub broken tinsel lead ? I cant reach the broken spot on the cone from the cage to try resolder so what other options do i have ?
  2. So i am thinking about getting the components and building custom enclosures but need to know some dimensions, especially the port. is the port just an opening in the front or does it have a baffle that goes part way back to the back of the sub? any help on any of the dimensions would be very appreciated. Thank you
  3. Hi everyone, I just purchased a Klipsch R-115SW subwoofer. I also have a SVS PB-13 ultra that I've kept right next to the Klipsch for testing. I ran some tests and the Klipsch sounded louder and more punchy, to my surprise. However, after a few tests I noticed the Klipsch was emanating a hum noise. After doing some experimenting here's what I know: 1) When the Klipsch is on and not connected to anything it does not hum 2) When the Klipsch is on and ANY audio connector is connected to it, it will hum, even if the audio connector is not connected to the receiver! 3) If I take the exact same audio connector and plug it into the SVS I have no hum from the SVS. The Klipsch's power plug only has 2 prongs and no ground level. The SVS cord has a ground level. It seems to me that the Klipsch's input ports are overly sensitive or defective. The hum is very loud at max volume and does get quieter as the sub's gain drops. However, the hum only vanishes once the sub's gain is 0. Please help, I really like this sub and I don't know how to fix it! Thanks, Prem
  4. Have (2) R115-SW's and get shocked if I touch the back plate bolts outlined in the pics. Not a static discharge, it's constant. Both units do the same thing. Tried power cords that work fine on other household devices, no change. Unplugged RCA, no change. Removed power cord, can see slow decrease on voltmeter (caps discharging?). RCA in, power cord in, unplugged power to Onkyo RZ810 and Emotiva XPA2, steady voltage with no slow decrease. What are the protruding bolts used for? A couple mm gap exists between the bolt head and the plate…like an accessory might hang from them? Thanks in advance for any help. Long time fan of Klipsch, finally purchased items, wish I would have done it 20 years ago. Go Purdue!
  5. From the album: Paladin's System Album

    Added a Sony 85" XBR85x900f to the Heresy Home Theatre. 4K, HDR10, Dolby Vision, oh my...! Oh, and no grills I won't say what brand of stands those are; they're made by people who buy other sound equipment...BUT I love the mid-century retro vibe they add to the already mid-century looking Heresy.
  6. From the album: Paladin's System Album

    Got the new R-115SW's in an up. Now that I have 5 H-III's, I have a full L/C/R/SL/SR 5 channel array of Heresy. If it's Heresy to build a home theatre out of Heresies (is that the plural?) well... I dood it anyway!
  7. From the album: Paladin's System Album

    Time to unbox a pair of R-115SW and a fifth H-III! Also a new Furman Elite-15 PFi is lurking back there too
  8. Hi, So i am currently waiting for my new 5.1 system to arrive ( 2x RP-280F, 2x RP-160M, RP-440C & R-115SW with Denon AVR X2600H), and i'm trying to gather some information regarding setup and settings in the meantime. If I already have a center channel, should i use it listening to music, or stick to 2.1? I know i should do what i think sounds best, but is there any advantages or disadvatages with using a center speaker with music? I have noticed the Denon receiver has some "quick select settings" buttons on the remote, but i haven't been able to find any specific details on it. Therefore i'm wondering if anyone has experience with Denon receivers and changing between settings. Say for example i'm watching a movie in 5.1 with my front speakers set to small, and i want to listen to some music in 2.1 with fronts (L/R) set to large, is there any way to save settings and switch easily between them?
  9. I am not on this forum as much as I used to be, but I thought I would offer these items here first. I am not looking to ship anything. For sale, local pick up only, cash only Klipsch R-115SW subwoofer, no box, $300 Klipsch Forte III Matte Black, original boxes, $2000 Klipsch RB-81 II Black, no box, small dent on bottom corner of one speaker, included small stands if you want, $200 It would be great if one person could pick all of this up. I am going to redo my system and buy new speakers. I am in an apartment a few miles North of Dayton, OH. I prefer a weekend pickup. I can provide new pictures for serious buyers. Thanks
  10. Hey everyone! So I just ordered a R-115sw and after doing some measurements it would probably work better for space issues if I had the R-112sw instead. If anyone has a R-112sw and wants to upgrade I would like to trade. If not, I'll do fine with the R-115sw and have to manage . Anyways, your used R-112sw + $250 for my brand new sealed R-115sw. I am located in Southern California. Thanks for reading!!
  11. https://slickdeals.net/f/9642916-klipsch-r-115sw-subwoofer-399-fry-s-1-8-1-14?p=94828208&comment=success#post94828208 credit to slick deals. Sale starts 1/8. Must have promo code. Just sign up with email.
  12. Hi guys! this my first post on this forum; I bought 5 days back a home theater 5.1 Setup with Klipsch reference premiere speakers (RP-280F, RP450CA, RP-250S & R-115SW) and A/V receiver is Pioneer Elite SC-LX901. I am glad that I purchased Klipsch speakers; they are amazing. I never heard such a natural sound like these speakers as well as the heavy bass of the sub-woofer. I bought Pioneer SC-LX901 so that I will upgrade my home theater after one your to Dolby Atmos 5.1.4 Setup. now my only concern is Do Pioneer SC-LX901 is best choice for these speakers since these speakers required 150W while the receiver is 140 W/ch (8 ohms, 20 Hz-20 kHz, THD 0.08 %, 2ch Driven FTC) Please Advice me !
  13. Hi all. Newbie to the klipsch family. I just purchased the above speaker setup and need some guidance on a decent AVR in terms of brand and wpc. I dont want to underpower them and looking for options for a solid avr that pairs well with klipsch without breaking the bank. Thanks in advance
  14. Ok. Have it narrowed down to these two avrs. I have a pair of RF-82iis, R-115SW, and RC-62ii. Need thought on deciding best avr. Reliabilty, power, sound. Will be adding surrounds amd eventually atmos. Thanks for the input
  15. Hello klipschers! im new to the game. For xmas, i got a pair of Rf-82ii and R-115SW. I will be adding center speak in near future. I dont have alot of spare cash but wanting a good avr to push them adequately and how they should. I just know the rating of 150w max is out of my budget for a receiver that can push that. Thanks for all the help. Cant wait to hear them
  16. Hello everyone, this is my first post ever. ( You can skip the next two parts, and read just the Question ) [Intro] My name is Vasilis, I am 26 years old, living in Greece, and I'm a fairly new Klipsch user, and basically a new user of Home Audio in general. Other than some average "pc speakers" I never had anything special. I really wanted to build my own Home Theater though, so after a lot of thought and digging up posts and reviews I concluded that Klipsch is for me, for several reasons. [Info] 5 Months ago I started building the system, and my first buy, were the Klipsch RP280Fs alongside the AVR. I was pretty stunned by the results I got, but obviously I could not stop there. I would like to expand the system, until I ultimately reach a 5.1 or 7.2 setup. As I am not rich though, and these speakers are really expensive here in Greece, I buy the parts one at a time, or two if they are a set like fronts or rears. [My Question] Yesterday I bought the Third part of my Home Theater Audio setup. The Klipsch R-115SW. I've tried it for several hours, and can honestly say it's impressive. I love the sound. And I don't think I ever heard bass that low in my life. That being said, I found out that the LED Indicator in the front side of the Subwoofer is not lighting up. The sub is connected to the AVR using one RCA cable connected to the L/LFE input, and I use the "Auto" power mode. I also tried setting it to ON. Still no LED. Other than the LED the unit seems to be working perfectly. At least I think so. Knobs for Amplification and Filter work, the Phase switch works, and the sub is clearly producing sound. Is this LED going to cause any problem ? Or does this indicate that I need to return it? Because if the problem is just that (the LED) I don't really care. I will not return a 35kg subwoofer just because the LED does not work. But just in case I wanted to ask you since someone in here might know a bit more than me. Thank you very much in advance. I am looking forward to your answers. I can post pictures or a video of the setup if you wish.
  17. Got my 7.2 system set up <huuuge grin>, and am experiencing an interesting behavior of my dual R-115SW with the signal being delivered via the wireless WA-2 subwoofer kits. Every now and then, when nothing is playing, I'll hear a strange and very low "burping" (perhaps 3 or 4 short bursts of low frequency blips in rapid succession and then nothing). I'm wondering if it's because of the frequency spectrum used by the WA-2's. 2.4GHz is pretty busy in my area. I enjoy the convenience of the wireless adapters for the subs. For now, I just turn off the subs when not in use. Anyone else have this experience?
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