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Found 10 results

  1. Hi.. I am trying to buy an amplifier that will suit my speakers but the speakers don’t have the wattage or ohms on them. Is there any way of working out that information using the Serial Number and or numbers printed on the backs of the speakers? Pics attached.
  2. Just me again, nice Klipsch folks, So in continuing to look for speakers locally, a set of Tangent T40 have popped up. A newer design than the Forte I looked at, and designed obviously much differently - two 8" bass drivers, a 12" passive radiators, and a larger horn crossed at 1.8kHz. 50 lbs each, so at least they have some heft. My experience with two ways with passive radiators is they almost mimic three-ways, albeit with the active woofers covering the 100Hz-2kHz range, and the passive radiator acting almost like it was crossed over below 100Hz. Has anyone had experience with this particular series, and how does it compare to a traditional 3-way? Of note, I found the mids of the Fortes overbearing, but they also covered a lot of the spectrum (up to 7kHz if memory serves correct), which is what likely caused me to find them harsh. Welcome anyone's opinions and thoughts on this particular model.
  3. Ok, so I'm scratching my head a bit about what to do. I'm loving my Heresy II's but i'm lusting for just a bit more bass. I don't necessarily require 20Hz deep bass (although I wouldn't mind it either) I'm considering either building a Tangent 400 size ported cabinet with some proper internal bracing and eventually upgrading the mid and tweeter diaphragms with titanium ones from Crites and Klipsch. or build a set of Crites 1.5T speakers or just wait until a pair of Forte II come along. What I'm wondering is, is whether the Tangent 400 cabinet is the ideal size for the K-24 woofer and whether the bass ports and woofer are on the ideal hight. I wonder, because I've read is that for the CWIII, they moved the woofer up a bit higher and that resulted in less of a dip in the spectrum. Does anyone have any experience building Tangent 400-like cabinets for the HII?
  4. I recently picked up a pair of Tangent T-5000's at a very good price and am quite pleased with them. I have see people refer to them having Heresy drivers in a larger box. But after a bit of research I have found they have k-75-k, k-53-k and k-28-k drivers of which the woofer is 4 ohms not 8. So wouldn't it be more accurate to say they are more like Forte I's in a larger (though cheaper built) box?
  5. I have a nice pair of K 6 K 8" woofers from a Klipsch Tangent T40 speaker. Perfect working order. Asking $99 for the pair. I will include shipping in Canada at that price. Thanks for looking.
  6. Hi all! This is my first thread here. It's been great being able to have access to all the information and expertise contained in the community. Thanks to all the members who I have learned from. I am the proud owner of three pairs of Klipsch speakers. Quartets, earlier Heresy ii and Tangent 500. The Quartets and Tangent 500s have upgraded crossover capacitors. The Quartets have Crites titanium tweeter diaphragms. The Tangent 500s have had their cabs extensively braced and dampened so that they are very quiet and well damped. The Heresy ii are stock. I find that the Heresy ii are my favourite. This is because the other two pairs both have an odd thickness to vocals, especially female vocals, that makes them sound as though there is an emphasis on the deeper notes of all vocals. It's a subtle, but noticeable emphasis on the lower midrange that sounds unnatural and is distracting. Crossover upgrades were done with higher quality caps of the same values, and they had this problem before and after the cap upgrades. I'm wondering if this is something that anyone else has noticed, and if there is anything that I can change in the crossover or elsewhere that might solve this issue. I use mostly my own DIY single ended tube amps to power the speakers. Any advice of recommendations would be appreciated.
  7. I'm primarily looking for 2-channel and don't crank the volume. Finesse, detail, clarity are what I'm looking for. Currently up for consideration are a pair of Forte II's for $450 vs. Tangent 5000's for $400. Which would you choose and why; what do you think are the strengths & weaknesses of each pair? Would you choose differently if these were for home theater instead of 2-channel?
  8. http://www.ebay.com/itm/152177403564?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 $550 cash obo
  9. A bunch of junk with some golden nuggets including EV 1824 drivers and horns in Sherbrooke Quebec http://www.kijiji.ca/v-electronique/sherbrooke-qc/a-vendre-tout-le-kit-pas-separement-pas-negociable/1141570861 Fisher 180 http://www.kijiji.ca/v-electronique/sherbrooke-qc/amplificateur-fisher-180/1141722458 Tangent 500 near Toronto http://www.kijiji.ca/v-speakers/city-of-toronto/klipsch-tower-speaker/1141325471 Remember these are Canadian Dollars! 35% discount on US dollar!
  10. I'm getting to a bit of year-end housecleaning and writing up my impressions of a number of speakers I was fortunate enough to sample over the course of the year. This was a great Klipsch year for me - I've had Cornwalls, Tangent 5000s, and Forte IIs in the house alongside my CF4s. They were, and still are, all amazing speakers. But only one pair got to stay while the others found new and willing homes. It was tough winnowing the herd but that's the only way I can keep up with this amazing hobby! I've written up my impressions with some pictures on my blog, www.silverfacestereo.com. I'd be happy to hear whether others have done similar comparisons and what they've concluded. I hope you enjoy my post! G
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