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I have a pair of K402s for sale. I live in Belgium, Europe. So I guess it will probably be best to have them sold to someone in Europe, as to keep shipping costs to a minimum and avoid customs, TAV, ... The 402s come complete, inc. horns, stands, and 2 pair of drivers: 1) Klipsch K-69-A 2) Radian 950 Be PB, Beryllium diaphragms, 4" voice coil, 2" exit, Neodymium, 8 ohm I bought these drivers new on sep. 17. They were in use for +/- 120hrs, they are actually just broken in. Always used in our living room. Original packaging available, price is €3500 + shipping. Reason for selling = WAF 😭
Hello Everyone, An opportunity has presented itself and I'm going to take it. In order to fulfill my commitments however I need to generate some capital. My wife is a vet and we have been asked if we'd like to buy-in to a successful Vet Clinic with her colleagues. It pains me to post these up as i love them very much. I'll go into a bit of detail on how i collected and put the system together. My journey first started with a diy project utilizing a pair of 15" Radian 5215Be's coaxial drivers I purchased from Frank Fazzalari (Radian Dealer) from Coherent Audio. I put the drivers into some cabinets made by Bentwood (photo link below). I was happy with the outcome for awhile and it was my first time hearing 2 channel audio with the beryllium diaphragms. A few months pass and i see an ebay post for a single K-402 horn located in Florida. I wasn't able to get a pair as some other members on the forums snipe them first The single K-402 had an 5-6" crack on the top, I have not found an acoustical differences due to this crack. I will post additional photos when i get home tonight with up close HQ pics. The K-402 arrived on a pallet from Florida so my search began for another single. As you can imagine it is difficult to locate these, let alone by themselves for sale as a single. I was able to find one through Rescue Audio here in St. Louis and it was in perfect condition. While i was there i also purchase the KPT-904 LF cabinets that were also in great condition. So, at this point i had the horns and LF sorted. I wanted to incorporate the beryllium diaphragms with the K-402 horns as I've heard rave reviews from people on the forums. I contacted Trax Audio (Radian Dealer) in Utah about my plan to purchase a Radian 2" 760 PB and switch the diaphragms with the Radian 5215Be's. This would allow me to create a Radian 760BePB for the K-402's. I brought all the drivers to Bill Elrod at Winston Electronics in St. Louis, MO to switch the diaphragms for me, which he did a great job. I have 2 separate ways to handle the crossover. I have an active crossover, the Electro Voice DC-One which does a great job and is a 2 in 6 out active. I also purchased a Marchand XM44 crossover, which i prefer because i purchased a very nice external dac. The Marchand has balance and single ended connections and it can be configured up to a 4-way crossover by purchasing additional input boards from Marchand. They are currently crossed at 60hz and 600hz @ 48db slopes. I had Marchand install upgraded Burson V6 OP amps into the high frequency section as well. Both options can be customized to fit your needs for crossover. When i incorporated the Marchand XM44 into the system i utilized my pc for EQ. Obviously the Electro Voice DC-One can handle everything in one unit. I will separate these from the KPT-942's w/ Be diaphragms as I know people may want to go one way or the other. I also have amplifiers for sale. I have a Pass Labs Aleph 5 for the high frequencies and a Crown XLS 2500 for the low frequencies. They are both in great condition. An Inuke 6000 DSP is available, hand this connected to my subwoofers. These will be listed separate as well. That's the journey, I hope the story didn't get to convoluted and I'm happy to talk to anyone who is interested on the phone to answer any questions. I will deliver up to 100 miles from St. Charles, MO 63366 for free. Any further and I'll have to come up with a delivery charge to cover gas (Midwest delivery). Local pickup is fine. p.s. I have the original drivers that came on the 402s as well, I'll throw them in for free. I will not separate the 942 combo. Klipsch KPT-942 w/ Radian 760BePB Beryllium compression drivers: $3500.00 $3,100.00 KP-904 LF Section: $300.00 Marchand XM44-4AA Crossover: $2,100.00 Electro Voice DC-One Crossover: $350.00 Pass Labs Aleph 5 Amplifier: $1,500.00 Crown XLS 2500 Amplifier: $250.00 Inuke 6000 DSP Amplifier: $290.00 Bentwood Angel 15" corner cabinets: $1500.00 $1,200.00 Photo/Vid Links: KPT-942 Video KPT-942 Photos Bentwood Radian setup
I am thinking of upgrading the mids on my 3-way horn system to a Volti FC260 tractrix, but am undecided on the driver. Many phenomenal systems have been built using the BMS 4592ND-MID (around $650 each), so that is a top contender. Much of what I read, and a little of what I have physically auditioned, however swears by Beryllium... which seem significantly absent from posts. Admittedly that was with Classic Audio Systems that had not only Beryllium but also field coil drivers Beryllium plus field coil is out of my price range - and it's impossible to separate variables. Looking at new Beryllium, Radian drivers look amazing... except for the prices: 760NEOBePB at $850 each, or the 950BePB at $1100. True, that is a big increase, but in the long run... in for a penny in for a pound. Three years from now I will have forgotten about the extra money. So... anyone out there have insights or experience on this? I am probably willing to spend the dough, but would rather not unless truly a significant step up. I tri-amp so efficiency is not an issue, and I am satisfied with all other specs. Thanks.