I have three pairs of RP-140SA speakers in my 7.1.2 set up and I am having trouble with the crossover setting for the RP-140SA. According to the spec sheet, the frequency response for the speaker, "conforms to Dolby Atmos Specification." Apparently this is some secret thing because I can't find it anywhere, at least for home theaters. My pre/pro does the auto-eq routine but like most, it varies and sometimes the RP-140SA crossovers are calculated at 40Hz (yeah right!) and sometimes they are 120Hz + or - 40Hz.
I don't know why it's some secretive thing, but it would be nice to know what the bottom range is so I don't over-drive them. Does anyone know what the low end of the frequency response is? I'm sorry to sound like this, but I just find it frustrating that this basic number isn't published on Klipsch's or Dolby's site.