We had La Scalla speakers installed behind our screens ...nine years ago..... in a small independent movie theatre in Houlton, Maine. We completely re-speakered and all new Dolby sound and everything else when we converted to digital cinema. There was nothing wrong with the speakers, they had been installed new, light use was the norm. They are black and serial # 8989454 and # 8989453. We have them listed on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Klipsch-La-Scala-Professional-Loudspeaker-/221967052001?ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:US:1123 but people are asking us questions we do not know. Any help would be appreciated. Which series are these? We have them listed for 1300.00 for the two speakers total. Is that a fair price? Thanks in advance.