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I am sitting here in the semi dark, watching 2 4K, 42 inch screens, playing a video game on my computer while the audio is being fed through my 2 ch tube Pre-amp to my tube amp then to my Khorns while also being fed through a tube integrated and into my Quartets. I wonder what the other 99% play on?
Another one in the same general area. Only the second one I have seen in a long time around here
Yeah; I caught the Klipsch bug, big time, and it's barely been two years! When I first started this addiction, I had my heart set on a pair of Forte's. Along the way, I got sidetracked by the history and reputation of the Heritage Series, so my first Klipsch's were Heresy II's. I really overpaid for them, but once I get my mind on a path, it's stuck, so I didn't flinch when the first decent pair came up for sale. Only after I bought them did I pay attention to the forum and see that they had a reputation of being a little "light" in the bass, and of course the forum was right. But the bass was tight, and they were beasts when I turned up the volume. That got me thinking about the twinky speakers I have in the basement (Bose 161's) and their anemic bass. I quested for and found a Klipsch kg subwoofer. Worked like a charm. Now I started thinking about buying another one for my Heresy's, but the kg subwoofer is rare as hen's teeth. Who knows how long I'd have to wait until one came available? The more I thought about it, Forte's would be too large for my living space but lo' and behold, Forte's have a little brother in the Quartet. The idea of owning a pair festered in my brain. Until tonight. Long story short, I paid $250 for a pair of Quartets locally. Some water damage to the veneer on the tops, and some of the drivers' screws show signs of rust but otherwise they're fine enough for used speakers and for what I paid. But honestly, listening to them now, they're TOO MUCH. These things dig deep into the bass but it's certainly not "false bass"; I had to drop the 36, 60, and 120Hz equalizer settings to -6dB and they're still crushing it. These things are just crazy. I live in a condo and as far as I quizzed my neighbors, they never heard my Heresy's. The Quartets however...I might just be "pissing off the neighbors" as the T-shirt says. I'm already thinking of flipping this purchase and downsizing. Any suggestions? Hold out for a kg subwoofer? Kg4's?