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Let's see your Klipsch speakers.

David Evans

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You have to realize, there are some members here who spend hours on end helping; contributing; and posting......

Many have 7+ years posting at this place.......

I am not quite at that level; but help when I can and I truly love this place.

99.9% of the forum members are great. (That includes you JB)......

I have been lucky enough to meet some; and aspire to meet others..... (Dennie; Running; Skonoba;Youth; RNuggets; yeah; I am talking about you guys)......

I just want to be clear; we are all friends here; despite a debate (except on rare occurances).........

Respect is paramount.......

Not trying to single you out....... mabe I am just getting older.... IDK.....
But no need to bust balls unless absolutely necessary.......

Are you any good on the bass yet? (I still suck, cuz I do not practice enough).....

I will start a thread in the General section....... Might be surprised how many here are musically inclined with instruments.

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Ironsave, I am confused by the above.

I have not been posting
here for 35 years, this is true, but I think I should be allowed to
"ball bust" without hyperbolic end-of-the-world, how-dare-you
reactions. Is this a museum?

Chill, bro! I love everyone, too.

And just so I do not offend anyone's sensibilities further, here's a Cornwall shot:

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Its all good right?

Great place to hang out with music lovers.

Also cool to see some of the gear you all play.......I once posted a pic of what I was listening to and someone saw my Guild in the background and knew exactly what model it was which I though was very cool.

...ok, now back on track. [Y]

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I don't really think that the thread got off topic earlier there
were pictures of members speakers and comments made about them.

I think that your HT looks great and especially love your behind the screen, La
Scala's and subs. I completely understand the principle of the height
speakers, even if I have no experience with them myself. I for one am definitely interested in hearing how much effect the height speakers add.

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Ironsave, I am confused by the above.

I have not been posting here for 35 years, this is true, but I think I should be allowed to "ball bust" without hyperbolic end-of-the-world, how-dare-you reactions. Is this a museum?

Chill, bro! I love everyone, too.

And just so I do not offend anyone's sensibilities further, here's a Cornwall shot:

Nice Corn shot......

Perhaps I am too defensive of my peers.......

Youth is a helluva guy; and when I (perceive) see him getting ripped because he asks to get back on topic;

I thought it was out of line.... that's all.....

Too much unneccesary ripping going on here (and everywhere) lately.....

I do love you guys..... Hope you get where I was coming from...... [:#]

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this thread seems to be drifting off topic

Oh no! Call the Internets police! Roll-eyes

I just saw someone complain about the thread becoming off track

Hmmmm.....didn't realize that stating a fact was considered complaining.

Wow....my first time jumping over to the 2ch thread and the second post I make, the drama ensues. [:P]

I appologize for merely stating a fact. I came to the thread looking at everyone's photos, posted a few of mine, and then noticed not as many photos so I made a comment. I wasn't trying to blast anyone, heck, I'm as guilty as anyone around here about going off on rabbit trails. I was merely attempting to pull it back on track. [:D]

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I was merely attempting to pull it back on track. Big Smile

Good job Youthman [Y]

Keep on Rockin'

Ironsave - Get a grip on yourself man...

$45 Cornwalls - they ended up having Peavy drivers in them. He had those replaced and they are now rockin through his Chinese tubes...


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(Sill waiting for an apology to you though).....

Nah...no appologies necessary. It's all good.

We all love each other right?

I have nothing but love for the folks in the forums. [;)]

Sweet score on the Corns Matt. Wow, that's hard to beat.

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Sweet score on the Corns Matt. Wow, that's hard to beat.

Garage sale last year. The lady had no idea what had been collecting dust in her basement. When she told me $45, I nearly lost my breath and could not get the money out of my wallet fast enough. I sold them to my friend for the same, he loves them...

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