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Let's see your Klipsch speakers.

David Evans

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I think I need to build some of those quasi corner attachments.


Looks like you could use them, do a search in the technical, and updates I am sure there are some good threads on them. Look up false corners, and in closed backs. There are some that have built in closed backs, but thats because the cab is far gone and needs restoring, but its all up to you.

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Was playing around today and disconnected every source but the Apple TV...guess you could say I've gone fully digital! It really cleaned up my TV stand lol!

Is that a Marshall half stack there to the right, what amp are you using. I remember my buddies full stack in high school with a JCM1000(I think[^o)]) Man that thing was loud.

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Was playing around today and disconnected every source but the Apple TV...guess you could say I've gone fully digital! It really cleaned up my TV stand lol!

The setup looks good, especially against the color of your walls. Well done.

Thanks Boxx! Sure wish I had room for K horns!

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Was playing around today and disconnected every source but the Apple TV...guess you could say I've gone fully digital! It really cleaned up my TV stand lol!

Is that a Marshall half stack there to the right, what amp are you using. I remember my buddies full stack in high school with a JCM1000(I thinkHmm) Man that thing was loud.

Why yes it is thats a 1960a cab and the head is a Lead 100 mosfet which is solid state but sounds just like a JCM 800.

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Ahhh, seeing those big Jubilees in the living room puts a smile on my face.

I know that you will enjoy them.

My Wife said she's embarassed by them...lol. they are so so nice. Big sound, not loud, big...if you know what i mean...402 horns are so awesome.

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as promised, here are my Jubilee's.

Oh Duuuuuude !....Another Torontonian drooling with envy!....welcome to the forum from the east Beaches (Victoria park and Kingston rd area)
Here's old pic of set up. Tubes replaced with Mac gear and Sub replaced with rt-10d. New Amp as well Acurus A200Five


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Thx mate :)

A couple of years old those pic's.


Klipsch Forte II (with DIY x-overs)

Marantz 1550L receiver

Sony XA555ES cd player

Luxman PD-264 w/AT arm and Dynavector DV-10X5 pu

Squeezebox Classic and a Cambrigde Dacmagic

And she's using it for what it's worth. Life starts around 100db and so on...women [:P]


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