Deang Posted March 19, 2002 Share Posted March 19, 2002 I'm selling my Bryston 3B-ST. The unit is 7 months old and mint. It is rated at 120 wpc and can be bridged. It is not the end all in solid state -- but close. It would take a fat wallet or tubes to best it. Retail is $1890 - I will let it go for $975 email me at ------------------ dean This message has been edited by deang on 03-19-2002 at 01:23 PM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEAR Posted March 19, 2002 Share Posted March 19, 2002 For anyone looking for a great solid state power amp this is a great deal.Bryston does not need any intro,one of the very best amps made.And for $975 is a bargain. TheEAR(s) Now theears This message has been edited by TheEAR on 03-19-2002 at 07:15 PM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mobile homeless Posted March 19, 2002 Share Posted March 19, 2002 Hey Ears, notice what took its place? heh... kh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mike stehr Posted March 19, 2002 Share Posted March 19, 2002 Oh, that'll fire him up! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firejim Posted March 20, 2002 Share Posted March 20, 2002 Pardon me guy's,but what did you replace the 3bst with,I used to have a 3bst with Cornwall,s,and it is a great amp,but at times a bit better imaging (front to back) would have been nice when listening to music sources.Just my opinion. ------------------ -- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NOSValves Posted March 20, 2002 Share Posted March 20, 2002 In one word TUBES !!!!!!!!! ------------------ HH Scott Tube FM Tuner LT-110B HH Scott Tube Amp 222C HH Scott Turn Table P-87 Sony DE-975 AV Receiver Sony NS-900P DVD Sony CD 5 DISC C315 Syenrgy SF-2 mains KSC-C1 Center Channel KSW-15 Sub SS-1 Surrounds Promedia 5.1 for the PC Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEAR Posted March 20, 2002 Share Posted March 20, 2002 Mobile Home, What took its place...I tell you what.A softy,glowy and colored tube amp.In other words a nice sounding amp with colorations 99.99% of tubephiles call "bloom" and "air around instruments" tube magic. Yeah I like this air,this is why I use a Audio Research LS25 tube preamp.I agree tube preamps are THE best preamps you get.I choose a great tube preamp over any great solid state preamp ANY DAY. But as far as power amps go my Krell and Celeste MOON amps are as accurate as they come.And a great tube preamp matched to a great solid state power amp brings musical perfection to my ears and the ears of many audiophiles. The ONLY tube power amp I would consider to replace my FPB600 is the godlike sounding BAT VK-150SE monoblocks.Yeah these tube amps are THE amps I would get if I had $15000(US funds)to spend right now. I remember a few years ago I almost lived at the high end dealer comparing amps and I was awestruck by the BAT tube gear.Clean,punchy bass with a midrange that is surreal.And the same tube magic air around the performers. For any audiophile with money not to consider and audition a BAT amp or preamp is a major crime.Mobile I hope you did or will audition BAT,its a trip to musical heaven. Ah I still like my solid state amps. TheEAR(s) Now theears Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firejim Posted March 21, 2002 Share Posted March 21, 2002 TheEAR...I have been reading alot of your posts,and others.I understand that you have the RF7 line and other fine components.I am considering the RF7's to replace my water damaged Cornwall's.This is a topic for a new post almost,but I was not happy with my Theta Casanova and Bryston 3BST/5BST combo for strictly 2 channel music,surround 5.1 was awsome.I am now considering an Anthem AVM-20 pre/processor,and the Aragon line of amps(waiting for my dealer to get them in shortly)or possibly the Pass Labs X5(quite costly though).In addition to this,I got hooked on a small Integrated Antique Sound Lab 3.5 watt amp.I have yet to listen to the RF7's through the tube amp,but was EXTREMELY impressed with the RF7's imaging through a Pioneer Elite reciever.I definitely am going with the RF7's and tubes of some sort. I was wondering how to connect a tube Integrated amp(A/B switch) into a pre/processor set up,or whether I would get the same results(imaging wise) with a tube pre amp with a bypass switch option,(for running the pre/processor through) and just my solid state power amps running off the tube preamp? ------------------ -- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mobile homeless Posted March 21, 2002 Share Posted March 21, 2002 A soft, glowy, colored, tube amp.... EAr, this sounds like the party line impression on tube amp sound and not someone actually familiar with tube amps, especially modern tube amps. You sure dont see lines like that too much any more. It surely tells me how much you have listened to them. I love the connotations of that sentence and the impression it leaves the casual bystander. By the way, it sounds like you are an OTL kinda guy. Check out the Tenor Audio amps which are made right up your way...literally. kh ------------------ Phono Linn LP-12 Vahalla / Linn Basic Plus / Sumiko Blue Point CD Player Rega Planet Preamp Cary Audio SLP-70 w/Phono Modified Amplifier Welborne Labs 2A3 Moondog Monoblocks Cable DIYCable Superlative / Twisted Cross Connect Speaker 1977 Klipsch Cornwall I w/Alnico & Type B Crossover system one online / alternate components / Asylum Listing f>s> This message has been edited by mobile homeless on 03-21-2002 at 04:43 AM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheEAR Posted March 21, 2002 Share Posted March 21, 2002 Jim, I would go for the Pass X5 amplifier and get a tube preamp like the AudioResearch LS25.While not inexpensive like the Antique monoblocks at $99 apiece these two are a match made in heaven.Audition them if you can. I never used any audiophile grade A/B switches so I cant recomend any.Sorry I will elaborate on conection options when I get back home from work(LOL at work now and using a workstation to post). Mobile, I was being sarcastic with my glowy tubey colorations. I know what tubes bring to music,its just I like my technophile gear too,like Krell and Co. Most OTL amps are so dam costly.Sounds fantastic but costs an arm and a leg.Remember Mobile I had to sell my leg fto get the Krell,I need at least one arm and one leg. Dont take minor sarcasm too seriously. TheEAR(s) Now theears Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mobile homeless Posted March 21, 2002 Share Posted March 21, 2002 Yeah, I guess you got me there. And, ironically enough, I am always complaining about others detecting humor! I have to admit, you sounded pretty serious, heh... If you have a chance, you really should give the Tenor OTL amps a listen. Yes, they are pricey but the sound is right up your alley as they are extremely quick, detailed, with tremendous resolution and extension. The inventor of the RL Acoustiques Lamhorn and co-owner of Tenor Audio lives right there in Quebec. Either of those would be a great audition and might give you a different perspective on tubes and single source horns. kh ------------------ Phono Linn LP-12 Vahalla / Linn Basic Plus / Sumiko Blue Point CD Player Rega Planet Preamp Cary Audio SLP-70 w/Phono Modified Amplifier Welborne Labs 2A3 Moondog Monoblocks Cable DIYCable Superlative / Twisted Cross Connect Speaker 1977 Klipsch Cornwall I w/Alnico & Type B Crossover system one online / alternate components / Asylum Listing f>s> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
anarchist Posted March 21, 2002 Share Posted March 21, 2002 A soft, glowy, colored, tube amp... Let me rush right out there and get one of them, by God. Guess I will hook it up to some audiophile quality Service Merchandise speakers. That should be the ticket. ------------------ Fronts - KG4's Center - C6 Surrounds - S6's Sub - KSW200 Powered by - YAM995 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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