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New houses... bah!


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The wife and I are shopping for a new home, one that will A) accommodate her aged parents, and B) be at least 200 miles closer to the grand babies, and C) be affordable on the forced retirement/occaissional consulting income I am expecting.

So we're going on day-long tours with realtors, while I try to explain to the nice realtor lady that I need corners for my Klipschorns. Newer homes don't seem to have been built with Klipschorns in mind.


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Sounds like it's time to find a new Realtor!!! LOL

Old home's don't always have two corners either! [8o|] Thank goodness for the La Scala!

Good luck on house shopping, it seems to be a good time to buy a home. There are many many homes for sale out here in the west.


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I have a friend in the "construction" industry. He's a general contractor.... So a couple years ago, I asked him virtually the same question. The context had to do with room corners, funny alcove windows, odd angled walls, etc. He told me..... that's what the architects are into, and that the old "boxes" were not aesthetically pleasing to the SWMBO's who generally are heavily involved in selection of a new built house. The designs are more expensive, thus more profit. When we went shopping for a "permanent" home back in 1997, it took us forever to find one that met all the specs we had decided on. My "spec" was at least one room must have K'horn corners. When we finally found what we wanted (land for a couple horses which was what I promised my wife when we first met, real nice neighborhood, 3/2, big garage(s)), only the bedrooms had free standing corners. It was not until January 2008 when we fully enclosed the back "Florida room" that actually had a room, other than a bedroom, to "play" with as far as speakers (k'horns) went. My original k'horns from 1979 had been "stuck" in the MBR with the pair that I had found for my wife, but basically not doing anything except looking massive sitting there. They finally went to my son's room in 2008 when he was old enough to enjoy them, and the MBR now actually looks very nice and my wife enjoys it. The third pair which required complete restoration/ rebuild sat forever in the garage workshop because there was simply no place to put them inside that would actually work! Once the "man cave" was built..... everything fell into place.

Maybe Greg928gts can comment on the newer designs which seem to have fewer "free standing" corners than the older homes.

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I feel your pain. When we bought a bigger house over 4 years ago, I eliminated a whole bunch because I couldn't accomodate a large HT room with wide corners in the basements. Even where I am now, I had to replace onesupport pole in the center of the room withtwo in the sides to get the room I wanted.

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