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SW-115 becomes reality.


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While it may have been harsh It certainly wasn't my intention to trash his system, more trash Klipsch and there recent sub offerings. I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap. Too each their own. Like I said the money would have been better spent elsewhere. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

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pretty much no info here to explain that - maybe you said why in previous posts? to me the $700 - $1000 range has so many subs it is very confusing and really no 1 fits all sub. very similar to the $30- $40k new car price range

both of those subs seem to fall into this range and have some VERY stiff competition so if you are comparing the MSRP price for the Klipsch to some of the ID brands then I agree the Klipsch will fall short. the ID brands simply pump more money into the good stuff when it calls to sub design.

but there are ways of stating your opinion that are helpful and that is what we are looking for. Not just some random statement and if you look in the signatures of the people here you will see very LITTLE Klipsch sub following so slow your roll before your name us all as "followers"

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While it may have been harsh It certainly wasn't my intention to trash his system, more trash Klipsch and there recent sub offerings. I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap. Too each their own. Like I said the money would have been better spent elsewhere. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

Ok then, what sub do you have?.

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Sounds like someone needs a ban hammer dropped?

Didn't yo momma tell you if you don't have anything good to say then STFU?

If you don't like Klipsch they why are you here?

While it may have been harsh It certainly wasn't my intention to trash his system, more trash Klipsch and there recent sub offerings. I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap. Too each their own. Like I said the money would have been better spent elsewhere. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

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I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap.

The fact is you bought a entry level sub and expected something that doesn't exist, you only have yourself to blame for that bad purchase, you need to research and look at specs before making a purchase, and then if your not sure what your looking at maybe you should ask on this very useful forum, others have asked and I've steered people away from the 12" for the reason of it isn't a great buy and won't be a superstar in the ht

If you would have looked that sub is rated worse than the rw12d that came before it and that was selling for 300 shipped very often, I wouldn't buy a vehicle without knowing how many miles are in the tank why would you buy audio equipment lacking the same concept?

The 15" is rated much better than the 12 for a marginal cost increase making it a much smarter buy but still wont be a end all be all sub for many people but should preform just fine for a good number of others, theres tons of subs in this pricerange

I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

Sorry guy, I'm pretty sure most of us aren't blind followers and statements like that are foolish, no reason to hate a company because you made a poor purchase choice without proper knowledge of a product, you maybe on the wrong forum if you dislike klipsch this much

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While it may have been harsh It certainly wasn't my intention to trash his system, more trash Klipsch and there recent sub offerings. I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap. Too each their own. Like I said the money would have been better spent elsewhere. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

Ok then, what sub do you have?.

He has the SVS PB12 NSD.

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While it may have been harsh It certainly wasn't my intention to trash his system, more trash Klipsch and there recent sub offerings. I'v eowned the 12 version and it was a cheap piece of crap. Too each their own. Like I said the money would have been better spent elsewhere. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings just to please the rest of the blind Klipsch followers.

There's a difference between sugar coating your feelings and trashing someone elses choice in gear. Please list each and every piece of equipment you have and I'll show you how it feels to be on the receiving end.

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He has the SVS PB12 NSD.

Both are practically the same price, literally the same size, weight, and amp power, the klipsch holds the 15" vs 12" so one would assume they will be quite literally be neck and neck without see'ing identical measuring conditions

I've owned 2 svs subs before and I have no idea why someone would think the pb12 was so special to put down someone for the sw115


  • Dims: 20.9" (H) x 17.3" (W) x 22"(D)
  • Weight: 66 pounds
  • STA-400D Sledge with 400 watts RMS continuous power (800 watts peak dynamic power)
  • 18-150 Hz +/- 3 dB

Klipsch sw-115

19.75" (50.2cm) H x 17.5" (44.5cm) W x 26" (66cm) D

69lbs (31.3kg)

400 watts continuous @ <2% THD /
Dynamic Power*: 800 watts

18Hz-150Hz ± 3dB

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  • Dims: 20.9" (H) x 17.3" (W) x 22"(D)
  • Weight: 66 pounds
  • STA-400D Sledge with 400 watts RMS continuous power (800 watts peak dynamic power)
  • 18-150 Hz +/- 3 dB

Klipsch sw-115

19.75" (50.2cm) H x 17.5" (44.5cm) W x 26" (66cm) D

69lbs (31.3kg)

400 watts continuous @ <2% THD /
Dynamic Power*: 800 watts

18Hz-150Hz ± 3dB

^Exactly my point for purchasing this unit, and also to support the factory... so far so good on the 115 for $700.

it's more than I hoped for in my application. Surely I can see where Klipsch was saving money on this sub... the finish and perhaps in one or two aspect of the electronics, but it does function... and functions nicely. It's no way built as well as my new 64ii, any knucklehead can see that, but I can live with what compromise Klipsch has done with this unit.

Until you've tried it or tested it on your own... I suggest you hold off judgement MikeAK

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While I do not agree with Mike's "journalistic" style, I do think that there are better choices (then Klipsch) when choosing a subwoofer especially when used in a home theatre application.

If you are on a budget and want to get a really good subwoofer for your money in your home theatre and also share it with your music, in my opinion, something like an Epic Empire is definitely a better choice than the Klipsch SW-115. I am quite sure that many avid Klipsch owners would agree with me on this.

Now that Klipsch SW-115 is a behemoth!

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I thought we weren't gonna be bashing peoples systems? We are all SO LUCKY to be able to be in any position to have any of these home theater toys, yet I think that we sometimes forget that, so much so we have people nay saying other peoples systems. I think its good to be honest, but I also believe you should be judicious when laying down the truth hammer.

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If you are on a budget and want to get a really good subwoofer for your money in your home theatre and also share it with your music, in my opinion, something like an Epic Empire is definitely a better choice than the Klipsch SW-115. I am quite sure that many avid Klipsch owners would agree with me on this.

You are correct but again no one has come forward until now to give the forum a comprehensive review of the SW-115 and still no A-B comparisons. I hope this sub offers up good bang for buck performance and reliability so Klipsch can get away from the negative stigma about their subs.


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I just tried to make a video with a glass of water sitting on top, but my video resolution was horrible and it didn't show any diaphragm movement despite the long throws.

water barely moves in an extreme movie scene, so at least the cabinet seems pretty stable.

I pumped up the xover to 80hz from 50hz and it seems to be putting out more useful sound... and I tried small speakers to force the unit, but I prefer large settings for now.

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Hey Schu, is the sub LPF set at 120, and the 80 Hz x-o is that in the avr or on the sub.

I think I have the unit pretty much dialed in for MOST of the duty. it seems the LPF and indeed the sub works best at or near 120... and I do have the x over at 80z for now. it's SEAMLESS with the cornwalls in musical terms and the sound is natural and integrated... it's not standing out as a source and timbre seems good. I tried the LPF back and fourth and it just rolls on so smoothly at any point you use it, so I prefer close to 120.

one thing for sure, this sub is strong... it can easily overwhelm my system, I prefer it to be natural and smooth... I have found that position makes a BIG difference with this unit but for now, I am leaving it in the spot it is at basically for aesthetic reasons.

certainly $600 is a smoking price... I dont see how that is possible, but good on you mate, you WILL NOT be disappointed.

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