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New Klipsch Convert and Intro


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I guess you could say I've been pretty active on Craigslist lately. Saturday I scored a six month old Onkyo NR609 with a five year extended warrantee, two CF-2's and a KV3. Monday night I added a Sub 10 that looks brand new. I was a little nervous about the sub. I had read some posts about the amplifier, but it sounded great (to me, a novice). It is by far the best system I have owned. But after lurking for many hours on this forum, I can tell it won't stop here.

I basically wanted in introduce myself since I will have some questions on my journey. I'm happy to be a part of this group.

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For rear speakers, I was able to begin with the RS-3s ($120). Good starting point. What you'll find in the Klipsch reference line for surround is this: RS-X or RB-X. S stands for surround. B stands for bookshelf. Either of these can be used for surrounds. The "S"'s spread the sound out more, the "B"'s are more directional.

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