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Forum Structure

Jeff Matthews

Recommended Posts

Well, shoot! I missed the poll thread about moving posts to proper categories and didn't get to input. It's cool a decision was made to leave it alone. I think it's best that way.

As regards categories, I think changing them and adding more of them, without a real need, will be a futile task. As Chris (tigerwoodkhorns) stated, his habit (and mine, and probably most everyone's) is to check and post on their favorite 3 or 4 places. They are not likely to want to venture out into foreign territory to make an off-comment. They have friends and regulars right there, and they want these same people to see their off-topic posts as well. They don't want to tell them, "Guys, I posted something off-topic over there."

I mean, let's look at it this way.... Chad put his poll in the "General" forum. Did he put it way down in the "Forum Suggestions" forum? Nope! Wonder why? It's pretty dead over there.

Anyone who posts generally thinks whatever they have to say ought to be seen. That's why they tend to post where the traffic is.

From my perspective, the 2-channel and General Questions forums are where the action is. That's where I pretty much limit my activity. Garage Sale is very good for its purpose. I have looked around there, but only when the purpose is to browse with an eye toward buying used gear. The rest is pretty useless (for me), although I would imagine the HT forum is very good for its purpose.

If anything, I'd vote for less categories, and not more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Um....we did reduce the number of forum topics. By a lot

Yessum, and I think wise and well done.

I am enjoying the recent posts at the top. Didn't have that before. Plus, the fixes Chad has made like partial quotes and such are really outstanding.

While I'd still like to be able to list topics in descending order, the recent posts takes you directly to the latest, which is a help. I am almost used to having to click on the post time to get to the latest...though it is still a bit of an annoyance.

Now, my only concern is that Uncle Sam will get wind of Chad's remarkable ability to deal with hundreds of impossible to satisfy hornheads and draft him to fix that health care thing...


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Now, my only concern is that Uncle Sam will get wind of Chad's remarkable ability to deal with hundreds of impossible to satisfy hornheads and draft him to fix that health care thing...

Only if they throw a billion dollars at ME.

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Now, my only concern is that Uncle Sam will get wind of Chad's remarkable ability to deal with hundreds of impossible to satisfy hornheads and draft him to fix that health care thing...

Only if they throw a billion dollars at ME.

Hasn't that amount already been tossed in to the first failed web effort?

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I don't know, but $647MM is an inconceivable amount for a website. I can't dream up what a site so expensive is supposed to do. Cure cancer?

I doubt the developers got a huge chunk - but there is also a pretty big technology infrastructure that is required, plus paying for support. $647M worth? Doubt it. Even so, obviously those who were hired weren't the best, and there should have been an extensive testing period, which there wasn't one.

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