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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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Ok I am a little surprised and happy. I got tired of the 6 bikes under the side patio, they were the kids and grandkids so I asked all of them if they wanted them and they did not.

So I made a sign that said free bikes and went and put in on the side road which is about 500' away, we live on a corner. I did this yesterday, by last night 4 bikes were gone, the smaller ones for kids. Today the wife drove past the side and someone was loading up the last two bikes which for adults,  so she picked up the sign.


6 less bikes in the way around here, I'm happy. I was hoping if someone needed a bike for a kid it would take little to get them working fine. A little air in the tires and some oil on the chains and they would be fine, or disassemble and repaint to make them look new. 


Just glad there gone, should have done this a year ago. 

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2 hours ago, dtel said:

Ok I am a little surprised and happy. I got tired of the 6 bikes under the side patio, they were the kids and grandkids so I asked all of them if they wanted them and they did not.

So I made a sign that said free bikes and went and put in on the side road which is about 500' away, we live on a corner. I did this yesterday, by last night 4 bikes were gone, the smaller ones for kids. Today the wife drove past the side and someone was loading up the last two bikes which for adults,  so she picked up the sign.


6 less bikes in the way around here, I'm happy. I was hoping if someone needed a bike for a kid it would take little to get them working fine. A little air in the tires and some oil on the chains and they would be fine, or disassemble and repaint to make them look new. 


Just glad there gone, should have done this a year ago. 

You probably just made someone's Christmas....well done.

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That would be nice, but even someone wanting a bike to ride would be good enough, well them leaving here was good enough.


Of the 6 two were adults and the last to to go, so some kids got a bike. :emotion-21:

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Bikes are near worthless here. Dirt roads. Lots of rocks and unless you have solid rubber tyres, flats are a way of life.  And cattle guards. Those must be real bad. I see signs warning of them on dirt roads.  AZ at its finest. ADOT puts signs on dirt roads so you know the road isn't or ever was, paved.

 We have several bikes. ... I'm thinking of trying to make something useful of them.... wind turbine or a lightweight boat trailer, a  lawn sculpture...  something???


the world's gone to hell. WillieNelson quitting smoking pot. Not saying he's giving mj up.... vape and edibles are still on his menu.  Just doesn't seem right, though.

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@WillyBob hey brother, what’s the population of that place you live?  Not being nosy (well, i guess I really am) have you been there long?  I left Los Angeles and moved to Bend, Oregon (which had a population of over 90K as of last year) and i couldn’t hang there. Yeah there were a lot of people around but it was a lot of people in the middle of nowhere. The nearest city of note was a three and half hour drive. I guess when one grows up in the city it becomes a part of them.  have you always enjoyed isolation? 

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if you include  "metropolitan" Arivaca,  about 1500.  Roughly 500 in "town".  Nearest city is Tucson. GreenValley/Sahuarita don't count.


isolated? Not really. Strong sense of community. I have lived in larger towns. And got along fine. I prefer the freedoms afforded here.

I have been out here since 2000.... in the immediate area for 50years. This has been my backyard for a while.

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close, Mike

 South of GreenValley, elevation goes up, the cactus disappear. It's subtle. 1000ft  higher than Tucson. US Ag call us "Semi-arid grassland". A little higher and you get passed mesquite and into oak and juniper.


the want for Christmas carols led me into a project. I dug my old Casio keyboard out of the shed. So I could play some...

  Cleaned it up. Kicked the wasps out of all of the wells for screws. If I'd been thinking, I bet those larvae would have made good fish bait. Like a cross between "spikes" and waxworms...

Then, to find a power supply.Found something close. Correct voltage anyway. Had to reverse polarity and modify the plug a little.

Alrighty... we have it lit up. No sound. Display shows the machine is registering notes. Oh... volume is at 00.  Bump it up... still nothing. Check the mixer... channel is on. Moved the slide pot for volumes again. Scratchy noise.Deoxit to the rescue


now, I don't feel like playing.


nah nah

I banged around for a half hour or so. Just jamming to the rhythm section.



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8 hours ago, WillyBob said:

Strong sense of community. I have lived in larger towns.

i get that and it's probably a good thing. i’ve always preferred being in a large city where i can get lost in the crowd anytime that i wanted. 

but, having a close knit group of friends sounds like a positive in one’s life. 

i definitely wouldn’t advise anyone go my route in life ... i know a LOT of people, but few do i know very close. 

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4 hours ago, WillyBob said:

No sound. Display shows the machine is registering notes. Oh... volume is at 00.  Bump it up... still nothing. Check the mixer... channel is on. Moved the slide pot for volumes again. Scratchy noise.Deoxit to the rescue

one day, i grabbed a guitar turned on the amp and started to play ... no sound. I went over that amp several times ... nothing. The volume knob on the guitar ... nothing. I was at the point of admitting that i needed a new amp, although this VOX amp hasn’t been used much.  Then i realized that i’d plugged the cord into the amp, but not into the guitar.  So, plugging it in solved the problem.  I should be some sort of professor. 

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29 minutes ago, babadono said:

@BigStewMan Sorry i ain't been following your every movement. Not in Bend anymore? Where y'at?

i get run outta town a lot ... errrr, i mean i move a lot.   I’m close to Portland now.  Kinda ready to move on already, but moving is too much of a hassle so i’ll stick around another year at least. 

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18 minutes ago, BigStewMan said:

i get run outta town a lot ... errrr, i mean i move a lot.   I’m close to Portland now.  Kinda ready to move on already, but moving is too much of a hassle so i’ll stick around another year at least. 

} Your reputation precedes you — 

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1 hour ago, BigStewMan said:

i get run outta town a lot ... errrr, i mean i move a lot.   I’m close to Portland now.  Kinda ready to move on already, but moving is too much of a hassle so i’ll stick around another year at least. 

That's why I live in the country, so they can't run me out of town. 

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1 hour ago, BigStewMan said:

one day, i grabbed a guitar turned on the amp and started to play ... no sound. I went over that amp several times ... nothing. The volume knob on the guitar ... nothing. I was at the point of admitting that i needed a new amp, although this VOX amp hasn’t been used much.  Then i realized that i’d plugged the cord into the amp, but not into the guitar.  So, plugging it in solved the problem.  I should be some sort of professor. 

Haha....I've done that before. I recently bought a Marshall 40 watt tube guitar amp. I always wanted a Vox AC30 (classic British sound) I came across a deal on the Marshall. It does sound good.

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