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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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8 hours ago, MicroMara said:

Makes no sense JJ ...I tried it much more than twice allready ..it´s done, it´s over, I´m finished !

I tried for years to make things work with my wife.

It’s just not possible when only one of you is actually trying and the other is mentally ill.

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Yep we all have our limits to how far we can bend our very own rules so to speak. Good luck George.

My relationships... a couple on and off again for about a decade and one for seven solid years ended amicably compared to the rancid rancor still coming from my former brother.So I just decided that he must have got the bad stuff from our family tree.

Had another opportunity this week come to find there were carpenter bee issues in the dwelling. Heck if the previous owner would rather sell than fix it I am not going to go into it blindly. The search continues.

We had a lot of wind in the Piedmont a couple days ago and off and on real good rain from that system passing by close.

Over and out!

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Drat, nice one got an offer today so my appointment tomorrow was canceled. The other I went and saw and there were chickens 30 ft from the front door down the hill up the other side of the hill as far as I could see.Ugh uh. NY has lots of nice looking cabins, MI has more but not considering those.

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I won't go into what makes/breaks relationships...

 I was with an alcoholic sex addict for several years, before learning you can't live on adrenaline.


nothing going in here ... that you want to hear about


I'll keep it light


watching Back to the Future

the terrorists are chasing down the DeLorean ...in a VW bus.

that doesn't say much for the DeLorean's performance, does it?


When I moved to Kauai, I was living in the county seat ... a city...er... town. On Main Street. Traffic noise kept me up, right after the roosters started crowing.

I guess these are special chickens ... brought by the Polynesians... but ... they are everywhere on the island. If you get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and turn a light on ... that is enough to set them off.

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8AM and the coffee's good.  Gonna get crackin today before I get caught w/my pants down and things start cooling off and the weather turns to garbage.


I've got to re-arrange the garage.  That means everything comes out, leaf blower creates some dust blowing it out then staging everything for fall up front and close to the garage door.  The 6' lawn sweeper goes in last attached to my trusty 1964 Cub Cadet along w/my big blower in case it snows.  The 1-ton core areator, spreader and Honda finish rider have to fit somehow along with my Stihl gear.  Hate all the thunkin but trust me it's tight w/the car in there.  That's the game plan anyway. 


Might even venture up on the roof to replace 3 aluminum soffit panels that the neighbor kid knocked out last year kickin the football around in the back yard.  Then blow last years teaves outta the gutters while I'm up there.  The kid's dad said he'd go up and do it but that's not gonna happen or it would have been done already.  lolol


Factor in a couple pots of coffee and my lawn chair I THINK I can make it last all day.  Good time to fire up the KG4.5's and my yammer slammer and blow the dust outta them.  Might not even need the blower cause Imma gonna crank it!  :)


Ok after re-reading all of that crap just scratch that roof job.  My old butt ain't stupid.  I'll wait to see if he steps up.  Whats a couple dozen squirrels runnin in my attic this winter gonna do?  Blah, I'll put the heat on him.  See how easy that was?  1 down and a couple dozen more nickel dime jobs can now get done.  :)


Gotta have a work tune today too but I know just which one it is already!



:)  How's the second wifey Bill?  She dancin yet?

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that list of lawn care [and snow removal] stuff makes me glad I live in the desert... I didn't need to mow the property after our [non] rainy season. Grass didn't even grow enough to mow.


I could have gotten a lot done around here ... if it wasn't 100`+ all summer. Finally cooling down a little. Not today, though. Sub 90's predicted for Tucson next week.... and the mornings are cool



talked to my other wife Sunday. They finally set her collarbone....  she sounded good. Her hip???? That's still in the works. Seems like they need to science hips out before they do anything. The better fix it soon and discharge her ... or sedate her, if they want any peace.



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Mornin' All ...any


Good [?] news on 2nd wife. She didn't break her hip... just cracked. I think she will be discharged soon... as soon as they can get her outa there. You gotta know this ladies. From da Bronx...


Things should calm down, around here, next week. I don't do well when chaos is the normal...



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