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Cables, Coffee, Cycles, and Cocktails


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My buddy who is the lead singer that put our band together, was a professional DJ and event organizer when he was younger so he knows how to throw a pretty good party.

Today I’m smoking a couple of butts on the Big Green Egg while I’ve got the KP-250s cranked up outside.




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2 hours ago, Invidiosulus said:

They will get there.

Keep the 250's cranked and relax.  Everything's better when serenaded by Klipsch ANYthing!  :)


Lil rain off and on a couple times today for a tease.  Kid next door had his shotgun out celebrating today for about an hour.  Ripped off about 6 rounds in a half hour for his annual "test the weapon" series.  Then back in the closet til NYE for another 3-4 rounds.  Like he'd clean it after?  Yea, you remember him, the guy who got his 10-year-old the real bow and arrow last summer.  lol


Couple players stopped by for a couple hours to invite me out to a big party going down tonight "out in the country."  Heard about last year's and thought about it for a nano second.  The band got crazy, ran outta fireworks (3k budget) and everything else about 3AM.  Then the drive home?  Just say NO old man.  :)


Here I sit, cranked once again, serenading the hood.  They'll miss me when I'm gone.  Just not very much.  😂


Now he's back out w/the shotgun.  FML!  😂  Duckburg, ya just can't make this schiit up.  There goes another round.  The funny part?  He's an electrical engineer.  Lawdy!  😂




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9 hours ago, Dave1291 said:

Couple players stopped by for a couple hours to invite me out to a big party going down tonight "out in the country."  Heard about last year's and thought about it for a nano second.  The band got crazy, ran outta fireworks (3k budget) and everything else about 3AM.  Then the drive home?  Just say NO old man.  :)

YES! Wife and I didn't even open the front door yesterday... we did laundry, watched some TV. I worked on scanning some certificates/diplomas my wife got so she can have "copies" on her office wall. That way she won't lose the originals if anyone at work takes issue with them. Yes, she has a couple subordinates that might do that.

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Believe I was told a "little" lie the other day. 


Internet went out again Friday afternoon.

Typing on the laptop (my Pixel)  is infuriating. Especially that bull86it  ai trying to dictate my accent; it's Southern tempered with a decade of Blue Blooded Bostonian/Sicilian I was immersed in for the 90s. Great Food, misbehaving x. 


Tethering now and win11 is a hog in that aspect! 

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I love my puter security company who caused me to almost have the big one over the weekend.  So nice of them to inform me of a change on how to access my pw vault.  I thought someone was trying to reel me in so touched nada until I straigntened it allllll out today.  All better but man these ppl are nuts.   lol  2 hours wasted.  

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We drove over to Madison Alabama on Saturday, to visit some friends we hadn't seen for six years.  The Filipina wife's sister also came over from Chelsea, south of Birmingham.  They've known each other from highschool/college age in the Philippines.


While thadies were talking in the other room, the husband and I watched Bohemian Rhapsody.  He has some Klipsch towers, sub and surrounds. It sounded awful 😖.  I didn't want to get into seeing if we could straighten it out some.


I thought the movie was great though and want to watch it again at home.

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10 hours ago, Marvel said:

I thought the movie was great though and want to watch it again at home.

Sometimes ya just have to smile and deal.  Yet on the inside you're like "seriously."  😂


Might have a lil rain coming thru Duckburg.  I decided this year to actually water the hanging baskets on the patio to see if they're really grow.  Out there snippin toasted petunia buds every couple days and things are looking good.  Well, at least better than past years.  


Kinda funny the other day i stopped at a guy's house just to check in.  We go out back on his patio and I look over to see 32 pot plants each 5' high in an old cement covered 5 gallon plastic bucket.  The buckets made sense cause he's a mason but the pot?  I said ya crazy and he said, "under law I can grow 8 per person."  I said yea but those will get ripped off by someone.  So he tells me he's gonna shoot 'em and points to a No Tresspassing sigh he put on a stick.  I didn't laff too hard.


So then he challenged me.  His buds against my buds.  That's what happens when ur talkin to someone's wife about how ya got ripped off on your hanging baskets.  He wins cause I could carae less about his buds.  


Funny though.  Gonna post a no tresspassing sign and shoot ya.  Yea, yea I know but this is Duckburg.  Blah!  Gonna go snip some of mah buds and have me sum coffee before the temps go up.  Coffee's ready!!  Put yer feet up today!

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13 hours ago, Marvel said:

We drove over to Madison Alabama on Saturday, to visit some friends we hadn't seen for six years.  The Filipina wife's sister also came over from Chelsea, south of Birmingham.  They've known each other from highschool/college age in the Philippines.


While thadies were talking in the other room, the husband and I watched Bohemian Rhapsody.  He has some Klipsch towers, sub and surrounds. It sounded awful 😖.  I didn't want to get into seeing if we could straighten it out some.


I thought the movie was great though and want to watch it again at home.

Great music but bad sounding soundtrack I think.  Might not just be his setup.  Sometimes we have to listen past the krud.

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On 7/9/2024 at 11:13 AM, muel said:

Great music but bad sounding soundtrack I think.

I just listened to the whole Live Aid section on YT and it was excellent. It may partly his source, streamed from a not so good online site.

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Hey everyone...sorry been really busy. Both Mom and Dad got Covid so I have been running back and forth from NY to Florida. They are both fine now thank God. In any case I have a real big favor to ask of everyone.  I am trying desperately to find a copy of this for my Mother. She'll be up to visit with Dad next month. If anyone has a line on this please let me know. She had this set as a little girl and used to play it for me when I was no more than about 5 or 6. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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ISP did kick back to me the $ for the time that they did not provide service.


Problem is we had another weekend. :huh:  I mean the internet went out again.

Believe after three consecutive events it can be called a streak!

So I put in for two more days... out of the past 21 days 7 were without the www.



oy yoi yoooiii


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